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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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after the BORING fall part 2 BORING season, we have the beginning of a halfway decent lineup for winter part 1

>Übel Blatt

>germanic tones
OP pic and maybe a standout of the season?
a bit fast of a first ep, but hope it develops well.
not entirely sure why but it reminded me of Claymore

>apothecary s2

S1 was good for the most part, so more of that

>solo levelling s2

a well made continuation of the generik power fantasy 'WHAT IF I GOT VIDEO GAME CHEAT POWERS'
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will check out. p meh first eps so far aside from ubel blatt


dr stone is back and its still annoying as shit


then why watch it


that show so fuckin gay. couldn't force myself to watch beyond the 2nd season
the MC is how i imagine redittors think of themselves

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#previous threads

current status:
>UN:Nearly 70 percent of deaths in Gaza are women and children. Overall, 44 percent of the victims were children
>Israeli football fans clash with protesters in Amsterdam
>Qatar agrees to kick Hamas leaders out of Doha following US request
>Former IRGC Quds Force deputy Mohammadreza Gholamreza says Iran should focus on US targets to avenge the killing of top IRGC man Qassem Soleimani
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>first phase
like muh marvel movies?


I’d say the semites.


the hummus semites


short term? kikes
long term? sandniggers
yids gained some land in syria but also lost manpower and have basically zero victim cards to play anymore that will appeal to anyone but retard ameriboomers meaning their support among future generations of amerigoyim is prolly fucked and considering how abysmal jew reproduction rates are that manpower they lost isn't as easily replenished
meanwhile palis lost a fuckload of civvies soldiers and equipment but gained a notable amount victim status internationally amd they reproduce faster than niggers so in a little over a decade they'll be mostly replenished and ready to jihad again, tho that'll also partially depend on if they can rebuild their supply lines
unless amerigay unmuttifies itself FAST that strong shoulder piss hell has been leaning on this whole time will be weakened to the point of borderline uselessness or outright non-existent if the zoomies and alphas are anywhere as anti-zionist as those polls from awhile back suggest


i read yesterday or ereyesterday that hummus has kept at about a 0% shift in members because people are joining just as fast as theyre getting killed. gettin ur civvy pop bombed to fuck and back is a great recruitment tool i guess esp when the civvys have nowhere else to go. hard to not wanna fight back after a little more than a year of ur family and friends getting bombed relentlessly.

 No.1672824[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

make a dacar thread
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no, not anymore that i'm aware of
severe weather conditions would absolutely pause the marathon these days


>not anymore
so they did at one point? guess it would be ridiculously dangerous to do that tho, like you can't see shit in those storms and then uh oh say hello to that gully you only noticed after you drove into it
>first vid
wew that pilot's rally playing it fast and loose there he was only like ten feet away from decapitating those guys




where is the cyber truk?


the driver is busy writing gay fapfics and playing with stocks at the starting line i think he forgot he was racing

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 No.1672674[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


never 4get the day evil trump supporters walked into a public building in an attempt to overthrow our democracy -GHOST from Maryland

imagine certifying your own loss lmao
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what was stopping them before? its not like there haven't been glowniggers embedded in lebanon for decades


who? IDF? the last two times they tried to invade lebanon they got fucking smoked. prolly a little hesitant to repeat that. theyre also currently under ceasefire w hezzbollah.
the thing thats changed is that hezzbollah used to be able to easily get plenty of weapons from daddy iran since assad was letting them move stuff in freely. now thats all fucked


no the sunni from chimping in lebanon. what was stopping them?


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sometimes this site makes me laugh


well HTS have been kinda busy
they just accidentallyed all of syria last month. since then its mostly just been them trying to pretend theyre a govt by keeping the peace
i know they already want to. the avg jihadi can think of nothing else other than murder. when theres no other available enemy, they can always fall back on ol reliable
>grrrr shia dog grrrr
theres also all the other minorities that arent shia, like coptics, and the various shia offshoots lik druze and alawi, who also prolly dont wanna live under a sunni niggerocracy

but in terms of a vector for fucking up lebanon, lebanon is one of the last places where shia have an established military presence outside iran. so all they really need to do is send in the tactical imams to syria and get the sunni majority all riled up to go kill some shia dogs
they rly are the perfect useful idiots, arent they?

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Criket in Adelaide. Australia vs India. 2nd Test.
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>hi elon
>i born in southern punjab where we hate dirty paki
>i decide become professional java developer as it is best language
>i once encounter program using for and while loops, i do the needful and replace with thousands of single variable for extra speed and portability
>please do the hiring



winner winner
this is true tbh
i dont remember how many credits i had at grad like 120-130?? but only about half of them had any engineering relevance, and the general ed stuff was 50% literal marxism of the frankfurt school variety, and so piss easy bottom denominator that i didn't study for a single one and got As on nearly all of them
also like you said, there was a requirement to take a minimum number of
>social justice
>ethnic studies
>environmental """""science"""""
category courses. i dont remember the exact number but i think it was in the range of 20 credits
i can go through my transcripts and name the courses if you wish– i remember i took Asian American studies thinking at least there would be asians
there werent
except a couples HAPAs who whined about being confused at all times lel
also professor ended up being some whinging filipino hipster who was in an open relationship with his girlfriend/mother of his child and he would go into tirades about his trump supporting border patrol brother LMAO


He is making that shit up it in the moment. The only question that he asks to the HR emplooyes that hire people is "Is he a non-white outside of the USA?" for that sweet sweet non-american employee discount.


this is fucking retarded

this is "put that sigma song on" over it bait for low iq dumbies who click on videos "ONE SECRET ALL BILLIONAIRES HAVE IN COMMON" and think they are the next bill gates

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 No.1673652[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Los Angeles Chargers (11-6) vs. Houston Texans (10-7)
>3:30 PM CT
<LAC -2.5 TOTAL 42

Pittsburgh Steelers (10-7) vs. Baltimore Ravens (12-5)
>7:00 PM CT
<BAL -9.5 TOTAL 44


Denver Broncos (10-7) vs. Buffalo Bills (13-4)
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if you surrender to the sphills what is the point in memeing


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>minnesota is the only 14 win team to lose in the first round
>the only 13 win team to lose in the first round? also minnesota
lel biqueens making history


minnysoda has one of the highest winning percentages ever but always chokes in the playoffs


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pls maek 'dakar rally wadina' with that ai thing of youre thanks thx

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hatsu basho starts today, budys!
still don't know if i can get any source for the videos
so stay tuned i till update you budys
generally can reach me here or not: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

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starting about in a half an hour budys!


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cam an budys
starting any minutes


also it seems we can start closer to noon EST, than 1pm.
we started bang on noon EST today.


i need to find a job where i can watch the whole stram instead of just half an hour for lunch if i'm lucky


you sure do

 No.1620681[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

pls no delet duddder
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this is not the nigger brain rot thread, budy


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Why is it so good spros?


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stop postin yur nigger music >were not listenin to it


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its the power of 2hu autism


i periodically get this stuck in my head ever since you posted it. didn't find out they released it in like 2020 until yesterday though it's crazy how this band still releases bangers after around 5 decades of being around

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WARNING: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/ 2222222 GET Expected Within The Next Hour!


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 No.1620733[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


kakasex in spee and fedocel in librejp

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im really sorry ive basically been absent these past few weeks. its been really busy and ive barely even been at a computer in the past month
Thank you to the other mods that have been cleaning shit up when they've had time.
this doesn't seem too far off, remember almost every 'countermeasure' ive put in place has slowed him down for a bit but he figures out a way around them.
ive never clicked the links, for obvious reasons, so i cant tell you if it is commercial spam or what, but some of the names of them do look like they're stores of some kind. ive run other sites in recent years though, not ibs but usually little shitty wordpress sites and they also get a TON of spam in the comment fields. there are a lot of wordpress storefront sites that have hidden comment fields and i bet theyre all filled with spam. mine always were despite not being visible
i still think its politically motivated to SOME degree, though
it sucks you dont wanna
i looked into something similar to this, but it was pretty resource intensive. i hadnt thought to use spamassassin, thats a good idea ill have to check it out.


from the thread at >>1669605
another resource for you


duddr the pedo is back


dud do the needful NOW


poopedo jumped the filters again on librejp

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helo budys i am india now
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indians rarely eat meat but commit some of the most vicious sexual assaults and rapes in the world


god morneng


Visit all the dozens of religious temples, churches, mosques etc and pray for the glory of sportschan.

Go watch a criket game
Go play gully criket in the streets with children
Have a 10 rupee cup of chai
Eat the street food
Attend a random wedding for free food
Go dancing like in bollywood flicks
Bribe someone to get what you what
Give a beggar 10 rupees and watch a horde of them show up and hound you for money
Piss on the road, shit in the streets
If you see a cow on the road then praise it


what about doing a curry creampie?


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no spartman ever told me how to improve my wage slave always tired life in 5 steps


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hatsu basho starts today, budys!
still don't know if i can get any source for the videos
so stay tuned i till update you budys
generally can reach me here or not: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner



fuk yu fagor get bak to werk in crikbat factori den maybee i payr yu 50 rupees

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 No.1650310[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


.>we are on the eve of the fall season now after a generally mediocre season AGAIN
upcoming notables
>Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon S5?
as a recap and possible spoiler left off last season with him basically entering a relationship after bonding with the elf through shared hardship
they better not fucking back off on that it was actually really refreshing
>BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! S2
a K-on knock off with decent ratings? i really liked bochi the rock, maybe i'll try this
>Demon Lord 2099
a 'demon lord returns' and cyberpunk synthesis. basically 'boomer demonlord reincarnates in gen alpha cybertopia' which is a premise i might like because i like fish out of water tropes
>re zero S3
i hated the second half of the first one so much i didn't even bother watching s2

a smattering of isekai or video gaym fantasy that are probably garbage but will update if theres a standout
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dont eat the street food


ofc not lmao why would you just pick up turds off the street and bite them?


just wait until 2030 bitch basterd bitch


fuck last season was so fucking slow the thread is still up
gonna lock this thread so the next seasons stuff can get front and center

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Thursday, Jan. 9
%No. 5 Notre Dame 27, No. 4 Penn State 24 (College Football Playoff semifinal — Orangeb Owl)

Friday, Jan. 10
No. 3 Texas vs. No. 6 Ohio State (College Football Playoff semifinal — Cottonb Owl) | 7:30 p.m. | ESPN


STRAMS - sportsurge.net
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texas choking hard making idiot plays
death to ohio


also ohio shit coach runs lik a gril


>texas lost
lel they rly choked that one away for no reason other than being rarted
yay for a championship that no one in the world cares about


it's what the NCAA always wanted.


had we just used the 4 team playoff none of this would have happened
all 4 top rated seeds also lose right away
shit playoffs
shit championship game
death to ohio and cucklith scum
hope ISIS wins

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now you have


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>look what i found
must have been nice when attending a hockey game was like going to the opera


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i seent em

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