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/h/ - Hobby Autism


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for pics and description
78 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ya once you get in the sticks in VA they really don't give a fuck
was driving up around richmond and there was a hugeass dixie flag hanging from a tree on some guy's property right by the highway, wonder how many seething lefties that created


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>pic one
Finished row mon punch hole is where coordinates 0.0 out at technically 0.007 S and 0.018 W
>other pix
Stuff from my walk about. Working an angle at the shake shop. Will update this coming week


i think i know the house you're talking about they're not even that far outside of richmond. it's the one you can see from 295 right? i wonder how much that flag cost because it's gotta be at least 30 feet long


whats in the jar?


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this was over a year ago and i haven't been up there since. it was either between richmond and williamsburg or heading west once you went around richmond. if you spend enough time on google maps or watch one of those road trip youtubers where it's just dashcam footage you could probably find it

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I like making gifs
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got a nice eye for it, what software?


Cuckime is NOT allowed


make not cuckime gifs then


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this is a good and honorable hobby


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sir step out of the vehicle

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 No.1972[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

no theory writeups this time around, just talk about what i'm doing to stay healthy
working my strength back up after a few year layoff
skeleton mode this time, 6' ~148-153
just doing deads, weighted dips, and rows at the moment
not being super consistent, 1-3 times a week
linear progression. already starting to plateau. being irregular with the deads actually helps with that, since my fatigue is outpacing my fitness gains
at 275 for 5 reps. if i can grind to 3 plate i'll start doing real periodization
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I will now begin my blog

I have been doing a lot of oly weightlifting and it's very fun bros

Program goes like this, basically
Day 1
Snatch Pull
Front Squat

Day 2
Push Press
Overhead Squat

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I am starting the Alexander Bromley 70s powerlifter program, I'm on day 3. It's fun so far


Also starting to do more cardio because I'm a fat fuck and need more cardio


do trail running with hills you will lose fat so fucking fast and its way more fun than street running


quit eating like a fat bastard, 90% of dieting is what you eat and not how fast you run

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runs only on win7/xp. manual is in german but you can figure the most stuff out because there are many examples. there is no real export except to an .exe file so you have to screen record the video. i added the audio to the video file but you can add it to osdm and capture both. i thought about making a thread for this on /h. it's really fun to play around with this thing

>newer version v2.23.402


Also infos and other resources:

More resources
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so that's how he's doing it… naruhodo


lol thats too good!


lel thats amazing


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>once a man is dead he's no longer your enemy


vary nice

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General thread for updating my latest project developments and any related autism
i think i actually did lose all my FAL updates in the wipe
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>might as well do the sanding once
Yeah man that dust is a bitch once you get sanding. Imo that’s the best idea. Be sure to cover anything left in the garage with plastic or something really well to keep the dust off/out of everything. Lookin good so far keep plugging away


i've actually grinded the entire garage down once already with diamond wheel and shopvac setup
like 4 or 5 entire shopvac fills of mastic/carpet adhesive, shit was nasty and even catch 99% of it it STILL got fookin everywhere
i did >>2499 over the weekend but the top n bond has a bit of aggregate in it, so it didn't get any of the pinholes
i can slurry coat it and the polymer blend is actually so good that even with wayyyy too much water it still way fucking stronger than my current concrete even with only 12 hours of curing


40% of my refinish sanded to 80 grit so far, can probably get it to 80% tomorrow
the surface was a lot less consistent than i thought, so the dark filler is wayy more prominent than i was expecting
not great but not terrible either. is buttery smooth, tho.
STILL can't get the pinholes, but i think i'm just going to leave it. only so much one can do, and i dont feel like purchasing a special slurry product


80% sanded. i'll have 10-15% done tomorrow, then that last 5% is goin through and touching up areas i sanded too far, or didn't sand enough and evening it all out


You talking in the conc? You can always get some conc sealer and run over it after you’re done. It’s better than leaving it exposed. You could always get mapai self leveling concrete and a gauge rake and over lay the floor. that involves moving every thang outta there and maybe spending more $ than you’d like but it leaves a brand new surface

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These pics are some of my last posts from before the board got wiped. I'll post some pics in the morning too, the tomatos and cucumber grew quite a bit in the last few days im really surprised about how much the cuc grew
>pics 1 & 2
Pulled my garlic and hung it to dry. I'll use the bigger bulbs to replant in the winter garden this year.
>pic 3
Dill seed drying out. Once they dry completely ill plant 10 seeds to get an idea of the germination rate which might not be accurate anyways its fucking triple digits here and probably won't not be until the end of october
>pics 4 & 5
Peyote and barrel cacti flowering.
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CO2 emission and carbon footprint doncha know???
Because state wants it. Have to be bagged and/or put it into bins, then the garbage company takes it away. It is used in composting yards and biomass power plants (so they burn it instead).

>charcoal briquettes
No. Open fire with wood.
>starting fluid.
Who uses that even?


>Who uses that even?


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water it? wilts. dont water it? wilts.
lets work though this deborah, just communicate your needs. may be from watering that grass next to it

lilac got a gnarly root weevil infestation too. powdered the little bastards, prob order nematodes if that doesnt work unless you guys know any tricks


Might be nitrogen deficiency or calcium. If you don’t want to buy it bagged you can use egg shells or fish skellytons. Shrimp shells are gud for soil too


will do, appreciate it

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I was told to make a thread about the mr2 so here it is. Right now I'm in the process of converting it to use a MegaSquirt ECU because the factory one is probably busted and isn't easy to replace. Had to add a couple of sensors in and one of them goes onto the timing gear so I spent all weekend getting the old timing belt and oil pump off, but it's coming along.
Next weekend I plan to get that back together. Didn't get a lot of pictures unfortunately
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ac is for soft queers anyway, build yer vril
what can't you do on gravel? ramps'll hold and there's pans and magnetic livestrong wristbands now for errant nutting


key word here is uneven i have to go to a neighbors driveway to change my oil lel
also its nice to have a garage so you can set up a chain fall or to roll one of those fuckhuge roller jacks around. neither of which i can afford anyway, i'm just a poor internet nigger fantasizing


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>hat wiring and those look like a ton of it. that the last thing you have to do?
thats the last major thing at least before i put tires on it and do some suspension work to make it drive nice again. its gonna be really nice after all this time…
working on making this bracket and harness to run the ls coils
>ac is for soft queers anyway, build yer vril
nah fuck that, ac is necessary anywhere in the south. im selling my legacy because it has an evaporator leak. its 100 degrees out every day and i really dont feel like fixing that… i have replaced every other ac component and they just kept breaking one after the next. im too old to have no AC in florida… even the mr2 is going to have ac
bro just come by im working on clearing out all the trash from the previous owner in my garage you can change your oil here


oh ya forgot about roof stuff. poor nigger too, my carports too janky to even think of a w beam up there
thats sum tasty looking spaghetti, damn nice work. what're you doing to the suspension?
never bother recharging my ac and it gets 100 here. good thing bc the SVX is the last year for em on r-12. high desert though so the sungravy hits different, swampass blows


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i was wrong about a/c sorry
went to recharge and found this on an r12 sticker, anyone know wtf?
thought it was converted but it doesnt fit the 134a, just some quick coupling?

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Drove to see some family in Indiana. Had a pig roast.
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happy belated 4th of july budy
whta little feller over there?


what are those handles made from? lookin like antlers or wood or idk what
also do you remove the charred stuff before eating?


>do you remove the charred stuff before eating
no? not him but are you supposed to do that? i always just eat it all it has a nice flavor to it if the cook didnt fuck it up


that's the bark, best part of smokin. gotta try it
not 4th bro


>little feller
Cast iron winged piggu
They are made from elk antlers
>charred stuff
That’s the bark, it’s where the majority of the flavor is. You don’t ever remove that

t. 4thbro

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Post interesting books - fiction or nonfiction. Explain what makes them worth reading.
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Used to have a copy of pic related, trying to track down the guy I loaned it to because of its increase in value. Bought it for 50 bux in 2010 or something like that


thanks for posting this, didn't know davis even wrote any books tbh
be sure to post ur fave highlights


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sorry im a vary slow reader retarded and dont have as much time as id like to read books

also sry for all the pages but it was alotta words, dook, and i read em and thought they were interesting enough to share. if it keeps being this frequent im gonna stop takin pics unless is raly gud cuz this is to much lel.
>read 10-20 pages
>o shit this is guud
>*takes pics of half the fuckin pages*
<*new reply*

anyway this is davis talkin in the usgay senate session in dec. 1860 after sc's senators already said derica and meant it


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>so called "Republican"

i thought for the first time answering vary succinct and straightforward while reading this, simply that the response of the North justified the South in seceding. it seems so obvious now that ive thought it i wonder why i havent before and if ive just missed it when other people have said that same thing before. seems lik something that would have maybe even been a popular stance to state during or after the war.


this looks pretty interesting. is the symbolic stuff largely things like something spoken or an action taken that is symbolic or actual visual symbols like the handicapped parking logo or whatever
idk who ross is nor what his crucian intent is all about but sometimes i see a spartman mention him in some act of big brainitude that is frankly a grade or two above my reading level

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Buckingham and Oval Office people are forced to act as hearts that time the entire system. The solar winds demand all the hearts keep the same time. Those places will drain your mind and body into a stupor. You have to release cardiac stress faster than anyone and most just fall to a state of an animal. That is why President Henry Eden was real on Maldek. Human primal power is a circus of a ritual. It is a dunce cap. You can't make me go in there. You can't force me into power. It makes no sense.


They believe my material belongs to the world only because it restrains forgetting of the past.


Why would I ever belong to the world that dear?



The nuclear power and footballs chain you to the Earth. It has brought most administrations to a cardiac sleep. This world is not meant to last this way. The leaders will all become animals as the princes.
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Nice schitzo rant. R8ed CR/azy

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