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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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and keep in mind, copilot is literally sitting there with the flight controls directly in front of him
he couldve taken full control of the airplane at any moment


truly the worst korea


women mostly


we must never question the wisdom of our elders. that's why I say nothing when CR demands to inspect my donut for "classified reasons"


oldfag here kys kiddo, that's an order

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Cardinals (60-58) vs. Reds (57-61)
>5:40 PM CT
<STL -135 CIN +115

Cubs (59-60) vs. Guardians (69-49)
>5:40 PM CT
<CHC -123 CLE +104

Astros (62-55) vs. Rays (59-58)
>5:50 PM CT
<HOU -127 TB +107
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go sports



go braves!
surprised he didn't fuck his wrist with that catch


dotz has a HOG

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ITT: post yfw yu lik criket
>mfw i lik criket

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The idea that the CIA serves as the "narrative of last resort" suggests that in situations where the federal government or other institutions are unable to maintain control or coherence, the CIA could step in to provide the final, authoritative narrative, particularly in matters of national security and intelligence. This concept reflects the agency's role as a key player in gathering and interpreting information, as well as its capacity to act independently in extreme circumstances.

In practice, the CIA's role as the "narrative of last resort" would likely manifest in scenarios where conventional governmental functions are severely compromised or where immediate, decisive action is required to address threats that other branches of government are unable to manage effectively. The agency's access to critical intelligence, its ability to operate covertly, and its mandate to protect national security position it as an entity that could shape the understanding and response to crises when other mechanisms are failing.

However, viewing the CIA as the ultimate arbiter of truth or the final narrative in such situations comes with significant implications. While the agency might be able to provide continuity and stability in the face of governmental collapse or severe dysfunction, this concentration of narrative control also raises concerns about accountability, transparency, and the potential for abuse of power.

The CIA is traditionally designed to operate behind the scenes, providing information and support to elected officials who then make policy decisions. When it becomes the "narrative of last resort," it implies a shift from a supporting role to a more central, perhaps even dominant, position in determining the course of events. This shift could lead to a scenario where the agency's interpretation of events becomes the prevailing narrative, potentially sidelining other perspectives or democratic processes.

Moreover, the idea of the CIA as the final narrative suggests a scenario where traditional checks and balances have broken down. In a healthy democratic system, multiple institutions—such as the Executive Branch, Congress, the judiciary, and the free press—contribute to the formation of national narratives, each providing different viewpoints and ensuring that no single entity holds unchecked power. The notion of the CIA as the "narrative of last resort" reflects a situation where these institutions may no longer be funPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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i lik funz


i like sports


cool schizo text 10/10


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what will the political and economic implications of this look like over the next years to come?how many generations will be impacted by lastnight? over 79% bunghole fans called suicide hotline after week 1 preseason raping they took from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers .
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bordy is hiring erik prince to reconquista oh*o


she's looking more and more like a shemale is that just how she's aging or did she start doing amphetamines?


meth is hot
get that girl spun and on my dick damnit


britney for SURE has some nasty STD's

i would bet with 100% accuracy she has multiple STD's


who dis whorb i will pay 10k

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I for one cant WAIT to welcome all the new visitors this year. I will do my Sissy Jackson Mahomes twerk dance and take them all in ANALLY.

We are truly the FAG CAPITAL of the world and all you other losers wish you could out fag us.
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raepr yu with beeg iron rod




rookie numbers
kansas city got nothing on berlin or stockholm


i want to visit toronto ks


but does berlin or stockholm take them in anally ?

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Rangers (54-61) vs. Yankees (68-48)
>12:05 PM CT
<TEX +140 NYY -167

Athletics (48-69) vs. Blue Jays (54-62)
>2:07 PM CT
<OAK +117 TOR -137

Tigers (55-62) vs. Giants (60-58)
>3:05 PM CT
<DET +206 SF -250
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glad you like it


fuck i hate him
and if he rly thinks cameltoe is gonna giv more aidbux to isntreal he put his eggs in the wrong basket


zionists dont really care who gets in
they control the dialectic and they get their aid regardless



bibi is totally brat


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wanna see a magic trick?


how much for this whorb?


ok really how does she do it at the end


she vaporized it with her filthy anglo-aragonian hands

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Angels (51-66) vs. Nationals (54-64)
>10:35 AM CT
<LAA +126 WSH -149

Rangers (55-62) vs. Yankees (69-49)
>12:35 PM CT
<TEX +123 NYY -146

Astros (61-55) vs. Red Sox (61-54)
>12:35 PM CT
<HOU -139 BOS +118
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would the worst brat be bratwurst?


go 'stros


i feel a very dark narrative forming






yankees jfc
how do you let an 8-3 lead get down to first and third 7 to 8 in the ninth

my bussy is still sweating

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 No.1640093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


We have eternity, GHOST
You may have eternity. I have only now
But this is eternity

This thread dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighers of Afghanistan
557 posts and 136 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Trump's plane was sabotaged on its way to Montana rally, but sabotaged poorly so they diverted safely
>Alabama to hold back 2,000 third graders for being illiterate
>Pundits angry that MyPillow guy continues to fund MAGA
>British OnlyFans model Rain Monroe, 21, gets TRUMP tattooed on her forehead
>Harris promises to do interviews… By the end of August
>North Dakota state senator pleads guilty to sex trafficking little boys
>ActBlue getting sued by Texas for money laundering through senior citizens
>Pennsylvania police revealed to have warned SS about the roof the Tuesday before the event
>Majority of Americans now think Euthanasia should be legalized, stock trading among legislature should be banned, and America should not intervene in Israel
>Trump claims Harris has agreed to three debates
>Homeowners being mass-dropped from insurance after insurance companies incorporate AI drones to force compliance
>Taylor Swift concerts canceled in Austria


>>Homeowners being mass-dropped from insurance after insurance companies incorporate AI drones to force compliance
compliance with what?


nvm i looked it up, insurance kikes are using aerial surveillance to look at roofs and other shit to provide excuses to end your coverage
fuck em i don't even need insurance where i'm at. i'd drive without insurance if i could too, been driving for almost 20 years at this point and not a single wreck outside of hitting a deer which they refused to fuckin pay for anyway. it's just kikes all the way down with insurance, total fuckin scam


imo he wants to prove something to someone, and really he just needs to search with in to rid himself of that ego and arrogance that allows him to ramble endlessly about how cool psychedelic drugs are. I mean yes you’ve got that right, mind altering chemicals are amazing, however it takes a strong mind to not wind up being an egofag over doing dmt a few times I’ve done it hundreds of times tbh ohhh lookit me gibs me cool cred :D lolno that’s not how it’s supposed to work. You take w/e it is and have a really interesting, possibly majikal experience with your friends or a loved one and think about things differently and apply it to your daily life all the while seeing walls, trees, grass, the sky, how they are supposed to be seen. That’s just my opinion, I may be right or wrong. The answer lies in the canyon at sundown

t. psychedelic pro


idk how he gets such an ego after doing them i always feel the opposite afterwards, as in not preachy at all. i'm also not particularly full of myself to begin with either i guess it's just his personality type, you can't really do much to change that past a certain age

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Rare photo of NIN circa 1939
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most schools i've been to the student wouldn't have gotten it back

immediate expulsion with authorities notified


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Dang ol’ European schools amirite?


some american schools will go so far as call children's services and have kids taken from their parents


there's also plenty that dgaf and wouldn't even report clear signs of actual abuse tho. dunno if chomo protective services can actually take a kid away for saying that the hoax ain't real anyway. yet.


make the mlb thread
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what's his pitch record like tho?




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hey bby want sum fuk?


today rose the sun on another instance that i will not make da mlb thread


ok nvm ill make the dang thread


spros i ordered dotz w/ happy ending but im still sad 😔


was dotz sad?

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you guys want a hat?


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meny thenkrs speenon


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>The Simon Wiesenthal Center included some of Farrakhan's comments on its list of the Top 10 antisemitic slurs in 2012.[76]
finally a sport we can compete in
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have you considered reading [76] anon?


those guys were dumb and forgot the part about owning niggers
everyone should own a dozen!


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>It looks like Spartman is going to use the "niggers" strategy to win the Antisemitic Slurs
<That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him


>“We are feeling the effect of the planning of a small group of Zionists and some so-called Christians as well. The Synagogue of Satan and its companions are working day and night to destroy any unity among Spartmen.”
>— Speech delivered in Iran, 2/10/16


>“Did you know that /sp/ says that Jews are the most violent of people. I didn't write it, but I'm living to see it.”
— Saviours' Day speech, Chicago, Illinois, 2/26/12

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