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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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I'm genderfluid


.>we dont care
now die of liver failure faggot


ranma was a gud show tbh
basically the nip seinfeld
she was poking fun at all the shonen tropes, and the format itself, but then she did it so well that everyone ended up desperately trying to copy it to ape ranmas success
she even made basically the same exact show, but without the irony, and it became a huge success in its own right


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>nip seinfeld
Urusei Yatsura was similar, did it first and was arguably better with more weird hijinks involving sci-fi to supernatural. Also, Shampoo is basically the same as Lum.


You will never be a real woman


im genderfluid

90s anime has a genuine charm to it that the anime of the 00s lacks as it became more commercialized thqhfamalam


>basically the nip seinfeld
But the characters are likable.
>she was poking fun at all the shonen tropes
she wanted a battle shonen manga with a harem, but also establishing a clusterfuck of relantionships, which she never really finish because she was lazy.


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Shampoo best girl
Old ranma cartoon >>>>>>>>>>>>> nuRanma.


nu anything is bad tbh
hipster opinion on anigay is the only valid opinion

also who was the one that cooks?
ukyo? thats the one
shampoo a thot


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>shampoo a thot
Those are fighting words, spartan.


why is Shiratori lik this spuddys


but anyone can be a fluid


Your body is already 70% fluid


i wish all fags like you had one neck and i had my hands on them.


yah I can tell



im trans btw


If ranma gets pregnate and transforms back into a guy, what happens to the baby?


bump since this is a vary important question


the babby moves to the boy uterus aka the colon and then gets miscarried out his asshole


Is it possible for ranma to impregnate himself??

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