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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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 No.1638943[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

TRUK & PULLR & TREN & PLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i dunno it still just werks™ for me sometimes i see nigs loitering in front of a gas station or a store and i call it in just to watch them get arrested every time because niggers are incapable of calmly explaining anything to police even when they're literally duin nuffin
i also live in an area that didn't have any nigger tantrums because the sheriff heavily implied he won't charge anyone for defending property or stopping an assault. lo and behold the confederate monument in town is still there and no properties were burned down. almost like niggers are terrified of a genuine threat of retaliation from ypipo or something, isn't that strange?


yeah almost like if you choose to enforce the law, you get less crime, crazy concept really hard to comprehend, lets get a social worker to tell us whether or not there is a scientifically backed source for these claims


lel i forgot about the "social worker" thing. are they even still trying that in nyc or have they completely gone the "fuck it let em do what they want" route? last i saw the social workers kept getting beat up


spartman blew a tranny…


>just tap the gas, it's like a harley on fucking crack
well niggers drive like they're in a fucking fighter jet. every time they touch the gas the pedal is on the floor. that shit is probably straight piped

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shoulda backed isrul, spics - GHOST(ed) States of Weimerica
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i wish, for your sake, that you didnt know all this
but i appreciate the rundown nontheless


thats the real erection rn far as i can tell. musk isnt a gud dude but heem not posting 13/60 out of love for lolsuits
ol wood tooth washington and the boys werent bubba punisher shirt, them had a rack of powdered wigs too

this guy can be a twat but lots of idears & gud research, starts at 3min


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whypipo aint season they kittens


sounds to me a local lesbian wanted sex but the dumb nigger ate the wrong pussy


i believe this was probably happening in that town they dumped a shit ton of haitians in
they've been eating all the local animals including peoples pets

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>be firefight
can you imagine a more pathetic existence?
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it just makes me want to go bomb some kikes and sand niggers tbh


all crisis actors


it was a world changing event.
one that ushered in one of the gayest eras ever, but still. watching history unfold leaves an impression


>what are the odds of two separate planes….
hearing the dudes voice trail off as the gears were workin in his head


the day israel finally destroyed the concept of america

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damn, what happened to her /sp/ros??
it's like she fell off the face of the planet
i can't even remember the last time i saw her in a movie
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the "ballsack" is where the piss pump goes


pee isn't stored in the balls though…


ftm trannies dont know this though


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g*d i want one of these so fuckin bad


usually they get a prosthetic erection thing too, which is literally inflated by squeezing one of the balls.
like anon said, the other ball is usually a pump for peeing

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Saturday, Sept. 7

Arkansas at No. 16 Oklahoma State | 12 p.m. | ABC/ESPN+
No. 3 Texas at No. 10 Michigan | 12 p.m. | FOX
Rhode Island at Minnesota | 12 p.m. | Peacock
Bowling Green at No. 8 Penn State | 12 p.m. | Big Ten Network
Akron at Rutgers | 12 p.m. | Big Ten Network
No. 23 Georgia Tech at Syracuse | 12 p.m. | ACC Network
Pitt at Cincinnati | 12 p.m. | ESPN2
No. 17 Kansas State at Tulane | 12 p.m. | ESPN
Troy at Memphis | 12 p.m. | ESPNU
Army at Florida Atlantic | 12 p.m. | CBSSN
Lafayette at Monmouth | 12 p.m. | FloSports
South Carolina State at The Citadel | 12 p.m. | ESPN+
Wagner at Lehigh | 12 p.m. | ESPN+
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gunna see more of this as "big" schools embrace divershitty bullshit


does university of phoenix have a felonball team?


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why does nebraska have a rising sun flag?
they a bunch of japanese cosplayers or something?


lmaooo faggotburds lose to illinoise

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So. I couldn't find any webmaster contact. And I also didn't know that this site had a clearnet URL until doing a websearch. But the entire functionality of posting from the onion link is broken because ONE dumbass got banned.
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shitty bait thread
roll time


Least retarded it's pretty ded spammer


>2 of the 3 vehicles are unreliable piles of shit, 3rd is a diesel which as a fuel would get scarce pretty quick
whoever made this doesn't know a damn thing about automobiles


you weren't tipped off it was made by a moron at >clips?


nah i saw the vehicles first since im not a fag

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 No.1620841[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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eh, I dropped it, to many faggots, and for some God forsaken reason, they added isekai shit in it, fucking why? I just want MC get more monster abilities and fuck that horny elf. Girls on his group are super cute thought.


because isuckguys are the capeshit of the east


i just want some gud fantasy but the entire fucking market is overly saturated with isegay ;_;


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Daily reminder that fiction does not equal reality bc so many retards think this lol


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most people who believe this also believe they are a cute magical catgirl with nice tits and not some fat tub of lard who sits on his ass jacking off to chinese cartoons and random k-pop celebrities all day.

kinda like how the average western woman pretends to be sane and how black "people" pretend to have a job instead of stealing things and killing other blacks for money

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>Baía Verde Embaladores

<Filadélfia Águias
9:15 PM São Paulo, Brasil Hora
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oh fuck lmao
season over

only thing they can hope for is the lions to completely regress because in all likelihood they would have been the only competition for the division and the biqueens and burrs are going to be complete shit as always




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>as always


im sorry goatbro
but the bears have been shit for the past two decades

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Sumo is here. Starting on the Sunday!
Gonna do the usual stream at 16:00 UTC, which is aboot noon on the US East Coast.
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these feel like they should be /librejp/ crossover threads


thanks bro
i was trying to tell a budy about it and thats why i breached ur thang. old budy, hed do nothin but watch


You should stop having feelings


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So tomorrow starts the basho and will go on for two weeks.
Since there were no other suggestions it will start at the time noted in OP.

We're watching Tenebrae right now btw.




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 No.1620733[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


kakasex in spee and fedocel in librejp

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wtf set the retard off this time he hasn't gone this hard in a long time. did his handlers remember he exists and threaten to jail him if he doesn't spam backwater imageboards with irl loli? thank fuckin christ i was born and grew up with an intact brain instead of whatever the fuck makes chomos act like this


shabbat shalom


reminder that all jews are pedophiles


fedocel in librejp


helo dudder sir librejp has pizza pls delet

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 No.1637443[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

#previous threads

current status:
>Israeli forces launch a new ground invasion in southern city of Khan Younis
>Palestinian factions sign a “national unity” agreement aimed at maintaining control over Gaza once Israel’s devastating nine-month war on the enclave concludes
>Biden’s legacy is Gaza genocide, Palestinian rights advocates say
>Israel orders evacuation of part of Gaza humanitarian zone as war’s toll passes 39,000 Palestinians
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where can i buy one of these?


yep, just deny more people are waking up to your behavior and then outright stifle the ones pointing it out, i'm sure that won't cause a tremendous spike in resentment
why do they never learn?


limited production early 1940s lol jk never happened


>I’m 97 years old, living in Medicaid-funded housing and in deep credit card debt, facing eviction — what can I do?


these are wonderful diy projects

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Phillies (82-56) vs. Blue Jays (67-73)
>2:07 PM CT
<PHI -129 TOR +108

White Sox (31-109) vs. Orioles (81-59)
>5:35 PM CT
<CWS +269 BAL -341

Nationals (62-76) vs. Marlins (51-87)
>5:40 PM CT
<WSH -140 MIA +119
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>flud detector


guys, i think the paws patrol curse is real……

judge and soto are cursed by the Reddit Gay Race Communism g*d for supporting racist fascist copaganda !


paw patrol is gay?
explains why my niece and nephew turned into troons…


did they really?



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ruh roh
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what heem pointin at


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This is the worst fucking sign I've ever seen in my life!!! Can you just, idk like be a good fucking person???

gud sign


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divide this by zero

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im sorry bros im probably not gonna make the thread until after the games start tonight but Indiana, BYU, and Duke v Northwestern are on tonight. some nonsme team beat the fucking shit out of some nonsme oh*o team last night too so thats gud. south dakotr mines lost 52-50 to i think sum minnesoda team. that was prob a gud game. i miss when all the games were on one fuckin day i didny realize i was missin postin em for the spudys. watch everything. ill have da thread up before tomorrow for sure but now its sleep time gn budys


ok bud just do the funball

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