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damn, what happened to her /sp/ros??
it's like she fell off the face of the planet
i can't even remember the last time i saw her in a movie
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. . . d o e s i t r o t ?




How do they pee or have sex. Also they don't get fake balls as well?


she got involved w hollywood p young
that almost never turns out any gud


the "ballsack" is where the piss pump goes


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So. I couldn't find any webmaster contact. And I also didn't know that this site had a clearnet URL until doing a websearch. But the entire functionality of posting from the onion link is broken because ONE dumbass got banned.
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man fuck off




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shitty bait thread
roll time


Least retarded it's pretty ded spammer


>2 of the 3 vehicles are unreliable piles of shit, 3rd is a diesel which as a fuel would get scarce pretty quick
whoever made this doesn't know a damn thing about automobiles


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>be firefight
can you imagine a more pathetic existence?
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this is like a ben garrison comic, but real


did the jews do it yet?


lel yah thats not the half of it. you ever been to an unincorporated township? some of em are kinda wild
thats where the arch-tweakers centuries old meth-wizards sometimes live, you gotta be careful not to approach them or theyll blast you to bits.
sometimes its just some random town in the boonies with a pop of 45. everyones cousins. no electricity


I’m starting to see a pattern here….


time capsule video
really good


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Saturday, Sept. 7

Arkansas at No. 16 Oklahoma State | 12 p.m. | ABC/ESPN+
No. 3 Texas at No. 10 Michigan | 12 p.m. | FOX
Rhode Island at Minnesota | 12 p.m. | Peacock
Bowling Green at No. 8 Penn State | 12 p.m. | Big Ten Network
Akron at Rutgers | 12 p.m. | Big Ten Network
No. 23 Georgia Tech at Syracuse | 12 p.m. | ACC Network
Pitt at Cincinnati | 12 p.m. | ESPN2
No. 17 Kansas State at Tulane | 12 p.m. | ESPN
Troy at Memphis | 12 p.m. | ESPNU
Army at Florida Atlantic | 12 p.m. | CBSSN
Lafayette at Monmouth | 12 p.m. | FloSports
South Carolina State at The Citadel | 12 p.m. | ESPN+
Wagner at Lehigh | 12 p.m. | ESPN+
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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lmao notre dumb just won at texas aTm too


who dis horse faced whorb?


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gambling is bad
great value aubrey plaza


keep women off my sportsmatron


oh man, she does not look good here
looks like she is getting FAT

she was a certified MILF in that childs play remake which was only a few years back

put down the wine coolers aubrey, your getting FAT


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 No.1638943[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

TRUK & PULLR & TREN & PLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>implying the police will do anything in year 4 plus 2020 in the Everlasting Annum of the Eternal Summer of Floyd

In some areas the police probably come and arrest you for doing a heckin' racisms.


i dunno it still just werks™ for me sometimes i see nigs loitering in front of a gas station or a store and i call it in just to watch them get arrested every time because niggers are incapable of calmly explaining anything to police even when they're literally duin nuffin
i also live in an area that didn't have any nigger tantrums because the sheriff heavily implied he won't charge anyone for defending property or stopping an assault. lo and behold the confederate monument in town is still there and no properties were burned down. almost like niggers are terrified of a genuine threat of retaliation from ypipo or something, isn't that strange?


yeah almost like if you choose to enforce the law, you get less crime, crazy concept really hard to comprehend, lets get a social worker to tell us whether or not there is a scientifically backed source for these claims


lel i forgot about the "social worker" thing. are they even still trying that in nyc or have they completely gone the "fuck it let em do what they want" route? last i saw the social workers kept getting beat up


spartman blew a tranny…


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 No.1620841[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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calm down, strands of hair are not an opaque surface.


eh, I dropped it, to many faggots, and for some God forsaken reason, they added isekai shit in it, fucking why? I just want MC get more monster abilities and fuck that horny elf. Girls on his group are super cute thought.


because isuckguys are the capeshit of the east


i just want some gud fantasy but the entire fucking market is overly saturated with isegay ;_;


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Daily reminder that fiction does not equal reality bc so many retards think this lol


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>Baía Verde Embaladores

<Filadélfia Águias
9:15 PM São Paulo, Brasil Hora
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oh fuck lmao
season over

only thing they can hope for is the lions to completely regress because in all likelihood they would have been the only competition for the division and the biqueens and burrs are going to be complete shit as always




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>as always


im sorry goatbro
but the bears have been shit for the past two decades


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continuing off of >>>/sp/1644861

i finally got the pages scanned in today w00t
luckily basic color correction in photopea_ offline is p ez, but these gutter highlights/shadows are the bane of my existence
are there any other image editing ppl here that can help?

i mean i get that obscure competitive curling fan forums might not really gaf about this sort of thing but i kinda want to make something on par with scene release stuff
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got some gud shit
apparently vuescan is rally gud for scanning according to them


i figured they'd be able to help you out more quickly, the scanning thread was the only thread that was still worth a shit when i stopped browsing the site awhile back



since the sf/ff comic was already released, i cleaned up the scans for the other one. rn i'm optimizing the image files so it'll still prolly be a while before i can upload it


here's the finished comic: https://small.fileditchstuff.me/s16/CfiqDQczeDyxCayHLCIW.cbz
i also have it up on soulseek if anyone here uses that


 No.1989[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

for pics and description
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fuck it i'm gonna order that compact ifg, if i like 10mm i'll get a 10mm hi point too


of hapy laber day surveybro


thx budy smoked ribs and brisket what about yous guise? hope yall had a good one


>went to go buy the compact
>out of stock
guess i'll just get a hi point then lel. had my eye on one of those mossberg shockwaves at the store i was gonna have it shipped to so may as well grab that too since hi points are only like $200 after all the fees and shit


got muh hi point 10mm nuclear artillery
fuckin thing is heavy as shit for a handgun, but as a result the recoil is way easy to manage. i only put 50 rounds through it today, a couple didn't cycle properly and i thought it was the gun at first but i looked more closely at the rounds themselves and a couple looked like they had little dents in them near the primer. i did get the cheapest ammo at the store though so i'm not surprised somenof them are faulty. they were tearing some decent chunks out of the stumps i was shooting at though, definitely hits way harder than 9mm that's for damn sure
no regrets for this purchase but i'm still mildly upset i took to long to get that ifg compact


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 No.7509[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

general, modding, adventures, w/e
no tism too small

mods recs from other thread:
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>stand ramrod stiff staring at bet for 9 hours
yea there literally isnt an animation/pose for laying down/sleeping
if ppl actually went to bed you could, among other things, make vampirism actually fun. as it is, its the most half-baked version of vampirism in the entire series. you literally cant even feed. thats a shame cuz the buffs are actually retarded strong and fun to play with.


There have always been calls for a Morrowind remake and to Todd's credit he usually shoots them down.


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so i prolly shouldve known better, but helping out the witches has fucking consequences. i went from being a well-respected bard to being branded a criminal and immediately chased out of any town in menevia within a weeks time. literally had to fly into town invisible in order to pick up my gear i was repairing, then fly away to a nearby mountain and book a boat to hammerfell.
couldnt get into the bank either, so RIP ~100k in gold. for now at least
that said they can give some decent enchanted goodies and can summon any daedra whenever tf they want. thats extremely based. im going back for the oghma and the mace of molag bal at some point. maybe wabbajack if its raining out

im shocked something like this was put in the game in the first place tbh. i thought the daedra were obscure enough by themselves.
its ~10 quests that you cant get from anyone else, an extremely powerful asset in the daily daedra summoning, and the most astronomically low chance of ever finding it by yourself in the vanilla engine.
the total opposite of bethesdas philosophy today where everything is made to be discovered on one playthrough

fuck ur shiny pokeymans. witch covens is most obscure shit in vidya


todd knows better
its the last untarnished bit of his legacy left
he can, and likely will, scheist everyone for every last penny with shitfield and shitrim re-re-release #9001 and shitty mobile games, and none of it matters cuz at the end of the day he at least knows he made one truly great, genre-defining game. and all the video essayists, and even those kids who told em to gb2chessclub 40yrs ago, can go kick rocks

so theyll prolly remake it when hes dead/sold out of any stake in the IP


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think you give him too much credit
it could just as easily be he recognizes morrowind's shit would never fly with the casual bethesda audience
how do you voiceact all the dialgoue? how do you keep all the awesome broken spells and combat system where weapons can do actual damage? how do you render and populate the big cities? I think there's more residences in vivec than in skyrim


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Sumo is here. Starting on the Sunday!
Gonna do the usual stream at 16:00 UTC, which is aboot noon on the US East Coast.
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these feel like they should be /librejp/ crossover threads


thanks bro
i was trying to tell a budy about it and thats why i breached ur thang. old budy, hed do nothin but watch


You should stop having feelings


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So tomorrow starts the basho and will go on for two weeks.
Since there were no other suggestions it will start at the time noted in OP.

We're watching Tenebrae right now btw.






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