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 No.7509[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

general, modding, adventures, w/e
no tism too small

mods recs from other thread:
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>assumed that that the devs wanted to avoid multiple endings after they had to come up with a total asspull with Daggerfall.
idk why they think they need to make literally everything in every game canon anyways. its literally MKs shittiest idea he ever had, which is saying something cuz c0da fucking sucked. but more importantly from a game design PoV, its suffocating. it forces this everythings-possible-on-one-character cancer that skyrim """perfected""". the polar opposite to how an open-ended RPG should be

either way tho, you were supposed to be able to join the sixth house in MW. hence the initial invitation dagoth sends you through dagoth gares, and the later final questions he has with you before the heart chamber. so i dont think its impossible that they were thinking about it back then at least during MWs development, if not during oblivion. they p clearly telegraphed both the oblivion crisis in tribunal and p much the entire plot of skyrim in bloodmoon, so i dont think its out of the question that this was more breadcrumbs that simply went unused. the connection between DB and dagon cultists seems way too deliberate


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>I don't understand the whole Talos being 3 people thing
It's just a chuuni reference to the Holy Trinity IRL.
the easiest way to think about it is as follows, screencapped because I'm not going to bother with the filter right now


Lore-wise they're basically Amazonians. They have a disdain for men and apparently make excellent surrogate mothers for mages.
it's implied that if the Mazken are masochists, the Aureal are probably sadists, all else being opposite in the two species' demeanors


>nvm becoming the literal lord of madness and wtf that means in the long run for him.
Wasn't it implied that this was Sheogorath's ultimate troll and he ultimately is just using CoC as a vessel for rebirth purposes so he wants people to become familiar with his face since he'll be possessing it later?


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>nobody even mentions Talos before the 3rd era
I always thought it was weird that he isn't mentioned at all pre-Morrowind. So Tiber essentially meme magic'd himself into godhood during the events of Daggerfall? Never thought of it like that, wew

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is this gayme gud?
someone tell me pls
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i clocked in at about 100H, but there was probably at least another 20+ hours of big side quests and who knows small quests still left but i just wanted to be done with my playthrough because my build was becoming tedious
ending seemed a littler underwhelming mostly because of lack of polish (transitions between quest end scenes was sorta jerky)
id give this gayme a 8/10, very good and i had fun
defintely enjoyed the acts 1 and 2 more than three, tho. i understand the decisions they made, tho. once you get that far in theres only so much branching you can reasonably do. smaller insular stories makes sense that late in the game


running a campaign as a Talos Cleric now. will recruit (and romance) minthara. this playthrough is a LOT less jank. my first one i broke the fuck out of the game by being out of order and not longresting often enough (and therefore not triggering PLOT IMPORTANT CUTSCEENES)


unplayable without modding. modded my game from day 1. get faggot remover as well as race-rebalancing (there are race removers if you'd rather that) as well as balancing, typos and a MYRIAD of other blatant retarded issues this pathetic company could have fixed


whats the non cuck mod site again, etherium.limo or smth? been waiting til snow hits to play
also anything shit about going pali?


modders just gained full access i guess

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really this thread dies with op because killer bean will be the final good game ever made.
regardless, post about new games.
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wait are chinks selling their spyware analickticks to globohomo? also i dont buy that intel and nvidia is just straight piping to glowies without skimming
i buy xi brand sail foams and install custom rom bcuz dumbograssy is a bigger threat to me as a burger. if thats dumb, bully me

not saying install the bugware at all. just realized i lost track of this stuff


>wait are chinks selling their spyware analickticks to globohomo?
yes, but they're most certainly also using it for their own ends too
>dumbograssy is a bigger threat to me as a burger
you do know chinks are second only to pissrael when it comes to pushing cancerous policies in the usa, right? they do the same shit in cantada and straya and they've p much taken over them completely.


interesting. sauce me? curious the companies. theyre p insular otherwise
>you do know
ofc, every cunt with a budget is doing it you prob read it but cia released a trove of info on the slant menace, bugs infiltrated a shitload of cali and that was decades ago
the """people""" here allowing that (and absurd real estate bullshit) are bigger prob to me tho. most of em are funding the push themselves anyway


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still waiting for this on steam, looks rly gud

honestly i'd rather have chink spyware than burger spyware since i don't live in china so the bugmen can't arrest me for saying bad things against chairman mao or winnie the pooh on my chinesium phone (unless they wannt black ops kidnap me in the middle of the night), but glowies here absolutely would if i were to talk shit about our greatest ally or suggest that maybe bombing brown kids is not good


missed that one, looks sweet. dem gun flashes are nice touch

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actually based news
source code for NHL hockey 92 on genny leaked
PC sourceport inevitable

its a bummer its not 94 but im sure some autist can hax one-timers in
itll be cool to see what can be done with it
imagine if you could do full team online matches
so sick
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yea prolly an old dev kept it as a souvenir and found it while moving or sum shit idk decided to launder it through one of these archiving groups so he wont take any heat if some lawyer had a bad day and wants to ruin some random faggots life
thx for reading my fanfic


very interesting


pretty cool


how many of these games are permanently lost because that dev kept his shit on floppies or something…


most of them
actually very common for studios to destroy the source code of gayms after they're done with them just to prevent it from ever leaking out, so it would take a team of truly dedicated autists to decompile it from the game, like Mario 64

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games with a similiar vibe and gameplay?
i feel like that era of games is dead :(
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i just checked
says avellone was lead on all of em


Not according to this interview
>Did you plan from the start to make Randall Dean Clark a ghost character? The Courier finds his traces during all Honest Hearts DLC. Was there a version of the plot where he was still alive to meet the Courier in Zion after finding all his diaries?
>We were limited on voice over budget for the DLCs, Clark was a way of including stories without voice (and a great way to do it) and adding more background and context for the location (John Gonzalez did a great job with it). In terms of plot, I wasn't involved in the Honest Hearts DLC except for requesting some Ulysses hooks, although many of those fell off the radar - but I was able to get in a mention with Graham to set the stage for Ulysses' background at the least, which was the key bit.

Also this from a different one with Sawyer:
>For Honest Hearts, I was also the project director. I wrote the story, designed and tuned most of the gear, designed all of the main characters (the Happy Trails caravan, Ricky, Joshua Graham, Daniel, Follows-Chalk, Waking Cloud, and the Survivalist) and wrote Joshua Graham and Daniel (Ricky, Stella, and the Survivalist were written by John Gonzalez; Jed Masterson, Follows-Chalk, and Waking Cloud were written by Travis Stout).


To answer OP's question although it's old as fuck there are a lot of Slav Fallout fangames that I've never tried but apparently they're decent. Here's the ones I can find that have translations

>Fallout 1.5


>Fallout: Nevada


>Fallout Sonora


Olympus 2207 (not actually based on Fallout but it's in the FO2 engine)


that makes sense
so sawyer did most of the first one to get it out ASAP while avellone was working on getting the next 3 ready.

say what you will about those guys, but they worked fucking hard. 4 DLCs in lik a year, whole ass new vegas in the yr and a half prior, then KOTOR2 in the year and a half before that.
i wish anyone had given that era of obsidian any sort of reasonable timeframe for any of their projects. imagine what they couldve actually done. AAA shit often gets lik 6+yrs and its tripe, meanwhile these guys turned out multiple GOATs in far less


Yeah some of the writing annoys me but it's only a small detraction from what is probably the last truly great WRPG honestly. I always seethe when I hear the stories about the time constraints and Bethesda not paying them as much because of a fucking Metacritic rating. Still hoping that one day someone attempts to mod in all the Legion content they had to cut.

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Just make a post here if you don't see a thread and don't wanna make a thread.


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been playin far cry
it's pretty [spoiler]fun[/spoiler]


.>we use asterisks here for that bud


moddin made me realize i never finished bitcher3 or its dlc
side quests may be my fave in any game, this level of writing is completely foreign now
modding out raver aura on every little thing makes it so much better. asspain to 'find the footprint that isnt printed' tho


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Game Dev Tycoon teaches some very important lessons of game development.
If you make a good game players/consumers will expect you to make a better one next time. The better games you make the harder job you're gonna have to surpass your previous achievement until you can't and everyone will hate you and your titles flop.
So to avoid that, no matter how good games you could create, you should make shit ones, playable, enjoyable just barely enough. User expectations will be so low next time, you only need to add a little more to make a game that feels sensational for the players, and make bank.


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or just never count to 3
can you break the entire feedback loop in the game by just making porn games instead?

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>All Submissions other than News are permanently closed.

>All sections of the site will remain up as read only.
>Downloads and images will be available for as long as DarkSol, FCAndChill Calico will allow.
>Forum will remain up
>Twitter and Discord affiliations have ended.
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>Further to the previous news, notably linked to the "drama with RHDN". Spike, former owner of the site, has decided to leave the site and transfer ownership of the platform to someone else. I, Benjamin, have taken over the project to give it a new lease of life.
>As a result, RHDO is no longer affiliated in any way with prepatched ROM platforms such as CDRomance. There's no point in talking about it any more in the comments.
I fucking hate RHDN fags.


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Agreed anon, this is inspiring feelings of anger I didn't know I still had in me for worthless fags on the internet.


>""advocacy"" for soulless corp execs that would repossess your pc(+) in a hearbeat
>hope you rike it but if you dont dont say anything teehee~~~
bout what i expected from "I, Benjamin, "
them notes at the bottom are peak CY+ doublespeak too. bet the fag does subs based within a year


yeh. hopefully at least one of the users is autistic enough to set up his own alternative because this ship is already halfway sunk. fuckin discord trannies have to kill everything


new romhacks site just dropped
no idea if its legit tho

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haven't played an open world in years but this was fun
-looks way better than it has any right to
-avoids a lot of the minor bullshit design; can pause any time, watchtower map reveals are infiltration battles, all the side shit is worth it, fast travel is ez
worth a torrent/10


Neat. Planning to play it soon.


<not buy/10
what's wrong with it? DRM? evil company? run by the TROONS?


>buying games
Also it is by sony so there ya go


you sunk my battleship


you had lifeboats right?

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what kinda old games you like to play
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i dont want my sis to cry she sends me cookies sometimes


tell your cunt sister to send me sum cookies bitch


adventure games are fun
tho i can't tell if roberta williams is insane or if im just rarted


if youre talking about how sierra games could fuck your ass if you didnt pixel hunt for a specific item or whatever then its neither, those old adventure games were pioneering a lot of new territory so the developers were figuring shit out as they went along and didnt really have a concept of "is this too bullshit for people to figure out?" yet and then you come along to play their game and uh oh you sank a couple hours into it and can't complete it because you didn't kill that creature or pick up that object in the first ten minutes of playing


speaking of point and clicks, apparently there's a new fan translation of some obscure monkey island parody game: https://donkeyisland.zip/

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based game
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it was her publisher they dockseded
sharty faggots really are more incompetent than redditors
the fuck are they gonna do if they get her info anyway? its not like anything ever happens with this gay shit
you can still mostly post what you want as long as youre not apologetic in the slightest about it. literally every time these fags go on a tirade and someone says lol deal w/it they stop in their tracks and cry because any power thry have comes exclusively from getting idiots to kowtow


I'm not talking about posting on the internet, I mean shit that's actually in the games. Can't play anything without running into some kind of poz shit, at least in Western stuff anyway. In every other facet of society these retards are just a loud minority that nobody gives a shit about but they seem to have some hold over the vidya industry for some reason.


oh ok
>they seem to have some hold over the vidya industry for some reason
its the same ting that happened with every other part of the broader entertainment industry. nepotistic gubmint officials and/or the mega rich plop their spoiled hellspawn and jewish friends into formerly worthwhile companies and shit them up from the inside out like how alcohol was introduced to my uncle's liver and slowly rotted it
the only way to stop it is to quit drinking and by that i mean kill everyone involved with video games including ourselves and let the video game flowers blossom from our dead bodies and be fertilized with the blood of rainbow haired and large nosed sinners


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From the most recent devlog


All nerdshit, vidya, comics, sci-fi etc you name it, it's incredible how hard and fast they pozzed it all.

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Those were for physical games, and it wasn't to one entity.
The cut is the same for digital game storefronts on console iirc (30-ish%)


What ever happened? I hope that faggot gets bankrupted.


Nothing happened yet


gay buh is a multibillionaire nothing is going to happen to him regardless


ther case is actually prety fukn bad
theyre trying to say theyre abusing their monopoly position with the 30% cut and not allowing devs to sell the game for a lower price on another storefront, but theyre making some argument where it only applies to keys or something like that. and ya steam is a behemoth but its not a monopoly, you have epic and gog and gmg and a bunch of other storefronts. just that steam was the first big one and none of the other storefronts have done anything good enough to through gay ban off his throne so everyone still uses it
lik there are a lot of things to hate valve for and prolly some better reasons to sue them but this isnt one of them
now theyre trying to argue they bought WON int he 2000s and that counts as unfair competition but thats not what happened at all, they just updated the games using won to use steam instead when it was redy

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Thoughts on this situation?
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it was just the builds that were paywalled
all the source code was public anyone could build and distribute binaries


Yuzu hardly fucking worked and had so many problems despite making 30k a month from patreon and gorrillions from telemetry


thankfully Citra already works with most of the games people care about anyway


Looks like there is actually a Citra fork despite that emulator being dead for the past 5 years. Nintendo actually revived it lmao


There's this fork of Citra that is currently active too.

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>Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball franchise and a legendary manga artist in general, has died at the age of 68. The news was announced by his production office, Bird Studio, on social media.

>Toriyama died March 1 of subdural haematoma - a blood clot on his brain. A small funeral for family has already taken place.

>Toriyama's success in manga led to him becoming well-known, and his art style quickly became one of the most recognizable in 1980s Japan. That led to offers of work on video games. The result is a towering video game legacy. The greatest gaming impact was actually Toriyama's first brush with the medium, where he provided character designs to 1986's Dragon Quest. In the almost four decades since, Toriyama's art style has become the hallmark of that series, with him directly working on most of its many entries and spin-offs.

>In 1995, Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii was set to partner with Final Fantasy's Hironobu Sakaguchi on a new game - and Toriyama was invited to design its characters and much of its world. That game became Chrono Trigger, regarded as one of the finest examples of its genre and an all-time great.



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anyone member that /v/ tf2 map with all the weird rooms and shit
gud times


harbl hotel?


habbo hotel*

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>James McCaffrey, an actor who provided the voice of Max Payne in the popular video game series and most recently voiced Alex Casey in “Alan Wake 2,” died Sunday after a battle with cancer, Variety has confirmed with his manager. He was 65.


damn dude F
the voice is gone but the face still lives
have you ever tried to do the max payne face? i find it genuinely painful to attempt

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