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i lik crash
twinsanity is my favorite out of all the games even if it's a buggy unfinished mess, the music alone carries it. i also liked wrath of cortex and tag team racing even though a lot of people see them as weak entries.


Which ones would be best to start with for a newfag? I only had an N64 back then


anyone member that /v/ tf2 map with all the weird rooms and shit
gud times
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does anyone here still play group fort 2st


i haven't played in like ten years but it's probably still in my steam library. unless my account got deleted at some point


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now that the bots are gone it's a lot more fun again, every match is complete fucking chaos, add on the poltical shitflinging that occurs in every game and it's endless fun


>political shitflinging
hard pass. i can have fun with that on imageborts but i don't want to hear some nasally moron try and lecture me over shit neither of us have any actual power to change while i'm trying to play a game


last tf2 comic is out
valve finally finished a story

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really this thread dies with op because killer bean will be the final good game ever made.
regardless, post about new games.
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i think it was just a cutscene, never played it and i only saw the thumbnail
also ya that was PT, i loved that part since you're supposed to follow her in the shadows in jerusalem while stealth taking down IDF soldiers (i think), then right as you get in the elevator you have about five seconds to shoot her or else a ton of guards show up in the next level cuz she jews you
great game design tbh


it really was. when i said "step below PT" i meant more in regards to the linearity of it btw, i didn't mean to shit on PT. it's just that after chaos theory and how every level was pretty open ended with how you went about completing objectives in comparison to the first two games double agent was kinda a slap to the face. it might not even be as bad as i'm remembering it actually bc i played it right after sinking a shitload of time into chaos theory, but i do know the story was fuckin stupid, with the way lambert was killed off being particularly stupid. dude's in charge of aome black budget NSA type shit and i'm supposed to believe he's gonna be retarded enough to personally waltz down to a known terrorist hideout and sniff around? gtfo my face with that


They managed to revive Hitman and that was a similar timeframe I think. How is Splinter Cell anyway and are they playable on PC nowadays? Never really bothered with it back in the day since I was a hardcore MGSfag


the gap between hitmans was only like 5 years, and hitman also wasn't ever owned by ubisoft which is a suicidally incompetent company
it actually tries and imo succeeds really well at being a stealth game for at least the first three installments and sort of for the 4th, though you can tell that's where it falls apart bc they got rid of the light meter and just put in a two color indicator on sam's equipment. you are very much encouraged to make it through missions with as few kills and alerts as possible otherwise enemies become progressively more alert and remain so for the rest of the mission instead of like with mgs where everyone shits their pants but then everything goes back to complete calm after a timer. i'm p sure they've all got pc releases


poe2 is fuckin gud and dont gimme that payin for free gayme i got stash tabs for my hording dag nabbit
a lot lik d2. gorgeous, best loot system in one of these maybe ever, drops are upped to the point i had 4 exalts before lvl 30, not as much customization in builds tho but the leveling feels great and its still missing half the story so hopefully chris'll prob fig that out and add more skills

minor gripes towards mapping but prob 8.333/10 right now

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ITT: Post you're high scores, time trials, speedruns or whatever and other anons try to beat them. Stole this idea from fatchan /vr/ (RIPIP)
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whoops cut out part of that post
i'm already bad at bullet hell games when the player character has a near pixel perfect hitbox i meant


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Touhou is definitely on the easier side when it comes to shumps/bullet hells imo, I have a much easier time with it than more traditional stuff like Gradius and R-Type anyway. It's mostly just a matter of autistically memorizing patterns. Also all the games after 6 also make the hitbox visible on the sprite with a button press (pic related). And if all else fails there's always EASY MODO tho that denies you the good endings in the older games.


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gay I know but I'd rather him get into the series that way than through porn and memes while never actually playing the games like 90% of the fanbase


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LLS. As janky as the PC98 games are the art is GIGASOVL

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 No.7557[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just make a post here if you don't see a thread and don't wanna make a thread.
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wanna see if theyll hook me up with the sneakers too tbh


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yea these ones


o no not the terrorino list
"lists" only matter if you're actually doing something shady and at that point you should've learned proper opsec anyway
but yes you should get them to sign it that's a funny idea and the taliban are surprisingly reasonable and friendly when you're not in their cunt shooting at them


those actually look really comfy i wonder if they're good for distance running


glad to hear its generally doin gud for yu

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haven't played an open world in years but this was fun
-looks way better than it has any right to
-avoids a lot of the minor bullshit design; can pause any time, watchtower map reveals are infiltration battles, all the side shit is worth it, fast travel is ez
worth a torrent/10
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>buying games
Also it is by sony so there ya go


you sunk my battleship


you had lifeboats right?


Sequel announced. Apparently it is DEI garbage. I don't even care anymore.


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lol, reminds me of when I recently replayed FFVI for the first time since I was like 14 or something

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 No.7509[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

general, modding, adventures, w/e
no tism too small

mods recs from other thread:
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I don't hate anomaly, I've done a few runs in the past and enjoyed it enough. I just think there's a lot of tedium in the name of realism, like the repair system, animations every time you equip a new suit, your character flailing around and losing vision when your health is low etc.. Some of it even has the opposite effect and makes things less believable, like how you can kill some high-ranking military general and then find that his inventory includes a broken AK47 with 4 bullets and a cum-covered porn mag. If hardcore difficulty is your thing I can see it being more enjoyable but personally I'd rather have something that plays closer to the OG games.
>plus you see a lotta ledditors even recommending skipping the trilogy and just diving into the sandbox mods, w no reference to any of the world/lore
Yeah that seems particularly popular with zoomer streamers and the like. Never really understood it because the whole intention of sandbox mods is for people who have already played the games to death and want a new experience. In fact I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing, not sure how true that is tho.
>ive often thought about writing up some simple little daggerfall type radiant quests. some shit that has little options on how you can beat them
CoTZ actually has something like that. Like for example there can be a quest where you have to find some documents for someone, but then after you've picked them up another dude might come along and offer you a better reward for them. It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though.


>I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing
SoC was supposed to have a bunch of shit. too much to even list. the definition of scope creep.
they wanted the alife to be able to literally beat the game without you. like if you shut down the scorcher, then just dicked around too long, some other random NPC could make it to the wish granter/c-con instead of you, and youd "lose". or other NPCs could finish sidequests without you. the alife was supposed to be completely autonomous. wacky stuff to be even thinking about in early 00s PC gaming, nvm actually trying
it was basically babbys first game development
>hey sergay
>what if we did literally everything?
cue lik 8yrs of development hell

>It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though

thats all you rly need tho
you need lik maybe 2 dozen things lik that. something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice. which IS a lot, i get that. but a little goes a long way


Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC? I've heard the stories about the game's development and they really did try to add all kinds of crazy shit. It's a shame that Stalker 2 seems to have used their budget to go full AAA with voiced cinematic cutscenes and the like rather than using the budget and better technology to realise some of their old ideas, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
>something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice
Yeah the consequence would be that you piss off whoever you were working for in the first place and lose rep with that faction. My favourite ones are the assassination quests. It's largely the same "go and kill X random dude" ones that you'll get in CoC/Anomaly, but you have to be quick since it also sends other Stalkers after him too. Then if you do manage to kill him his faction gets pissed and you end up with a price on your head yourself. It's pretty cool and feels like the kind of thing that A-Life was intended for in the first place.


>Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC?
lost alpha was one. OGSE/R another. OLR. AMK. theres tons.
most mods, esp the earlier ones, are based on some weird interpretation of cut content to varying degrees.
one of the more fascinating things about SoC in particular is that, not only did it have an incredibly long and troubled development cycle, but it was remarkably well-documented. and we actually have those documents, and even assets, in some cases.
apart from the game just being the definition of slavjank SOVL this, more than any one thing, is what made stalker develop the mod scene it has. all that missed potential, and an entire slavic society of bored nerds willing to do the legwork


1 more week bros

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Thoughts on this situation?
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>man sees an octopus on the beach
>"hmm I think I will fuck that thing"
Kek classic Japan. It's no wonder GF's games are all fucking broken when they're spending their time writing erotic fanfics instead of actually working.


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never really liked emulators tbh, when i have a collection of a gorillion roms knowing i can play any of them at any moment it makes me lose interest
really into modding consoles lately, got my xbox and 360 and wii all modded, the 360 was a hueg pain in the dick to get working and that was just to flash the disc drive to play backups and buying a speshul dvd drive to burn the later games but i'm actually playing the games i burn because of how much effort i put into it. really likin lollipop chainsaw and lost odyssey, also have the mgs hd collection so might play that too.


Eh I kinda get that. I'm guilty of downloading a fuck ton of roms and then not playing half of them. But it's convenient having everything on one device and buying all the OG hardware + flashcarts/modchips/whatever can be really fucking expensive.
Wii hacking is alright since you can still get one for lik 10 burgerbux and it doesn't require any hardmods. I also have a hacked NES Mini but it's kinda janky tbh.


>Japanese folk tales
im sure most of it, esp the fucked up furrybait shit, has some basis in jap folklore. jap folklore is wild stuff.
tons of weird/questionable design choices in the first few games were entirely that.

lik why was misdraevus only catchable in the postgame?
oh cuz mt silver is literally mt fuji and that forest at the foot of it is the suicide forest. hence the ghostly severed head mon

the whole unown thang was all based off of that one weird barrow thats in southern japan with ancient drawings and no one knows who made them


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Gen 3 and 4 had similar stuff too. The Japs probably think it's funny that dumb baka gaijin are shocked by these leaks since the folklore origins would be a lot more obvious to them.

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ps5 toddlers when you cant buy a machine that runs zero games lel


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>this is a 10/10 in burgerland
Also I'm pretty sure that dude has some kind of mental illness, no way is that just regular gaymer autism


>dressed like a toddler at 40 years old

yep, its a snoyboy
snoysisters, its over

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What ever happened? I hope that faggot gets bankrupted.


Nothing happened yet


gay buh is a multibillionaire nothing is going to happen to him regardless


ther case is actually prety fukn bad
theyre trying to say theyre abusing their monopoly position with the 30% cut and not allowing devs to sell the game for a lower price on another storefront, but theyre making some argument where it only applies to keys or something like that. and ya steam is a behemoth but its not a monopoly, you have epic and gog and gmg and a bunch of other storefronts. just that steam was the first big one and none of the other storefronts have done anything good enough to through gay ban off his throne so everyone still uses it
lik there are a lot of things to hate valve for and prolly some better reasons to sue them but this isnt one of them
now theyre trying to argue they bought WON int he 2000s and that counts as unfair competition but thats not what happened at all, they just updated the games using won to use steam instead when it was redy


Its pretty close to a monopoly, last I remember they had 70+% market share, which is a massive market concentration.
Valve is actually shrewd in the sense that they tried to stop releasing direct numbers that would make them look like a monopoly so you can't find anything new and up to date, but I can't imagine things have gotten better since then.

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>All Submissions other than News are permanently closed.

>All sections of the site will remain up as read only.
>Downloads and images will be available for as long as DarkSol, FCAndChill Calico will allow.
>Forum will remain up
>Twitter and Discord affiliations have ended.
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>""advocacy"" for soulless corp execs that would repossess your pc(+) in a hearbeat
>hope you rike it but if you dont dont say anything teehee~~~
bout what i expected from "I, Benjamin, "
them notes at the bottom are peak CY+ doublespeak too. bet the fag does subs based within a year


yeh. hopefully at least one of the users is autistic enough to set up his own alternative because this ship is already halfway sunk. fuckin discord trannies have to kill everything


new romhacks site just dropped
no idea if its legit tho


Has the Eye been taken down ?


Was but apparently it's back.

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is this gayme gud?
someone tell me pls
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whats the non cuck mod site again, etherium.limo or smth? been waiting til snow hits to play
also anything shit about going pali?


modders just gained full access i guess



lol based site but if you have to mod tranny flags and shit out of a game it probably isn't worth playing in the first place


thats the one thanks. hopefully someone will retool the whole game now after that last update
a troon in hr or art is diff than an entire game designed by the mentally ill

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no one's talking about it and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
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>Q3A for soccer moms or something
lel no surf maps were just a mod for a mod. some guy made a couple maps and it turned into a thing. so now i guess they retrospectively do it in quake since the physics are so similar

>I don't really understand why you wouldn't just play a racing game or something

its a bit more nuanced than any racing game as you arent just steering. its closer to THPS tbh. and theres jumps and tricks and secret rooms and shit
idk its not my thing. you gotta be p gud at bhops to even do it, and i dont play that many shooters


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>open thread
>no one knows what this is
>OP only says "defrag" in the title
>open video
>rocket jumping
>course timer
>oh that's what it is
>filename points to source video
>even more obvious in context
Obligatory OP is a faggot and whatever but you are all retarded for needing to be spoonfed and crayon-eating-pants-on-head retarded for thinking bhopping == surfing


>muh spoonfeeding
Yea if this was 4chan or some big website like that I'd just search it but on a slow ass board like this I'd rather just ask about it to create some discussion. Also for me personally my only experience with Q3 is unironically when >we had the server here. Mostly played RTS stuff back in the day since they were largely the only gaymes that could run reliably on my shitty Celeron PC lol. Still it looks unique so might try out your 'tism mod sometime, does it work in ioquake or do I need the OG install?


>watching some 15min surf autism
i opened it, saw what amounts to surf maps, then quickly closed it in anticipation of some fuckawful linkin park mashup music or somethin lik that


smile 4 >us bb no one's trying to peeve u

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actually based news
source code for NHL hockey 92 on genny leaked
PC sourceport inevitable

its a bummer its not 94 but im sure some autist can hax one-timers in
itll be cool to see what can be done with it
imagine if you could do full team online matches
so sick
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yea prolly an old dev kept it as a souvenir and found it while moving or sum shit idk decided to launder it through one of these archiving groups so he wont take any heat if some lawyer had a bad day and wants to ruin some random faggots life
thx for reading my fanfic


very interesting


pretty cool


how many of these games are permanently lost because that dev kept his shit on floppies or something…


most of them
actually very common for studios to destroy the source code of gayms after they're done with them just to prevent it from ever leaking out, so it would take a team of truly dedicated autists to decompile it from the game, like Mario 64

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games with a similiar vibe and gameplay?
i feel like that era of games is dead :(
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i just checked
says avellone was lead on all of em


Not according to this interview
>Did you plan from the start to make Randall Dean Clark a ghost character? The Courier finds his traces during all Honest Hearts DLC. Was there a version of the plot where he was still alive to meet the Courier in Zion after finding all his diaries?
>We were limited on voice over budget for the DLCs, Clark was a way of including stories without voice (and a great way to do it) and adding more background and context for the location (John Gonzalez did a great job with it). In terms of plot, I wasn't involved in the Honest Hearts DLC except for requesting some Ulysses hooks, although many of those fell off the radar - but I was able to get in a mention with Graham to set the stage for Ulysses' background at the least, which was the key bit.

Also this from a different one with Sawyer:
>For Honest Hearts, I was also the project director. I wrote the story, designed and tuned most of the gear, designed all of the main characters (the Happy Trails caravan, Ricky, Joshua Graham, Daniel, Follows-Chalk, Waking Cloud, and the Survivalist) and wrote Joshua Graham and Daniel (Ricky, Stella, and the Survivalist were written by John Gonzalez; Jed Masterson, Follows-Chalk, and Waking Cloud were written by Travis Stout).


To answer OP's question although it's old as fuck there are a lot of Slav Fallout fangames that I've never tried but apparently they're decent. Here's the ones I can find that have translations

>Fallout 1.5


>Fallout: Nevada


>Fallout Sonora


Olympus 2207 (not actually based on Fallout but it's in the FO2 engine)


that makes sense
so sawyer did most of the first one to get it out ASAP while avellone was working on getting the next 3 ready.

say what you will about those guys, but they worked fucking hard. 4 DLCs in lik a year, whole ass new vegas in the yr and a half prior, then KOTOR2 in the year and a half before that.
i wish anyone had given that era of obsidian any sort of reasonable timeframe for any of their projects. imagine what they couldve actually done. AAA shit often gets lik 6+yrs and its tripe, meanwhile these guys turned out multiple GOATs in far less


Yeah some of the writing annoys me but it's only a small detraction from what is probably the last truly great WRPG honestly. I always seethe when I hear the stories about the time constraints and Bethesda not paying them as much because of a fucking Metacritic rating. Still hoping that one day someone attempts to mod in all the Legion content they had to cut.

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