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games with a similiar vibe and gameplay?
i feel like that era of games is dead :(


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There's a lot of other old CRPGs with similar gameplay (never played it but I've heard Underrail is pretty close) but I've never found anything with an atmosphere like FO1, even the other games in the series don't come close.


living through the peak of civilization isn't fun once your over the top ;_;


i hope they dont keep raping the franchise….


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imo the franchise is actually pretty likely to get a decent game right now. It's been 8 years since FO4 and people will be asking for a new one, but with Todd being busy with Starfield and TES VI (NEVER EVER) I could see Microsoft getting tired of waiting and handing the series over to someone who actually cares about the source material like what happened with NV. Chances are that this is just some elaborate cope though.


Ive been considering Underrail. I've been in the mood to play a grimdark rpg shooteroo. I heard some positive stuff about Wasteland 3 but Deep Silver is behind it and they are very sus. I also heard good things about Weird West.

I dont know why some small dev hasnt come around and made a classic Fallout clone. Just take the interesting factions of FNV and put it in classic Fallout gameplay and you would have a gold mine.


thats cope
beth is choking, and they know it, and TES6 will be in like 10yrs. so you prolly are right its the next one to come. doubt itll be gud tho

FO is their other golden goose perhaps bronze after 76 so i rly doubt theyd just shit it off to some 3rd party as of right now.
the only reason they did that with obsidian was to cash in on how unexpectedly well FO3 did while focusing their own studios on skyrim


>I dont know why some small dev hasnt come around and made a classic Fallout clone. Just take the interesting factions of FNV and put it in classic Fallout gameplay and you would have a gold mine.
i dont think most small devs have a clue how to write fucking anything other than computer code. certainly not a compelling story, or characters, or factions.
and they certainly dont have the cash on hand to hire real writers, if those are even a thing anymore

that reminds me i wish someone wouldve bullied harlan ellison into writing for more vidya before he died. i know he wouldve kicked and moaned the whole time about having to make concessions for gameplay, and prolly just wouldve been a general headache to even deal with at all, but his style of writing influenced a LOT of vidya devs/writers and it wouldve been neat to see it come full circle. plus that one i have no mouth P&C is p gud tbh

are there any decent sci-fi writers left at all anymore?


oh yea idk if anyone gives a shit but its a fallout thred so whatev
tim cain started a youtube channel a few months ago and has just been dumping all his notes/stories he still has from FO1s development
prolly somethin interesting if you like fallout a lot

def explains a lot about the dramatic shift in tone between 1, being dark af, and 2 bein all corny and 90s pop-culture references


i certainly give a shit that sounds like a gud watch thanks


funny you mention that ya i've been watching his vids daily
they're pretty good with the expection that he's a FAG
other than that its pretty interesting


and leonards a jew who made fuckin gr8 art
say what you want about the guy, fallout str8 up wouldnt have happened without him and his team of miscreant nerds that stayed late after work for pizza. dude accidentally built a perfect team

frankly i wish more devs would dump all their stories about game development. its kinda invaluable. at the very least, their exp could help modern game devs from sucking so much ass


it is kinda crazy when you see how even back then, in the niche CRPG genre, AAA game development was still a literal cock and ball torture smash your face against a concrete wall nightmare
its a wonder they even let as many gud games come out as they did, what with how completely out-of-touch with their consumers they were


no mention of ATOM rpg?
cum on step it up


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check out underrail
not as attractive as FO but suppposedly packed with content


this one been around for a while?
i think bernd tried to shill me on this game a while back but i forgot what it was called


i think so
i've never played it tho


game really is something else
dat intro

has there ever been a vidya villain even as close to as cool as the master?


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vaush sisters, oh no no no
is tim cain a chud now ? a literal nazi ? a heckin' racist sexist MAGA terrorist ?

really funny because tim cain is a shitlib but just being honest has these clowns seething


lel wew


tim cain did a postmortem of fallout for gdc that everyone should watch


played that some time ago not bad at all


i've tried playing fallout 1 multiple times and i couldn't force myself past the first 20 minutes of it. it's just so fucking boring to me, does it pick up exponentially further in or do i just have to approach it with a more "tabletop" mindset or some shit?


I've actually seen ledditors talking about how the Chinese are supposed to be le good guys in Fallout lol
idk man maybe you're just a zoomer and can't into old style CRPGs (not trying to insult you or anything because it's understandable). But also the early game weapons in FO1 kinda suck ass, it gets a lot more entertaining when you get access to energy weapons or big guns


man fuck off i'm not a "zoomer". i've also played shit like tge first two diablos and KOTOR and enjoyed them, even though KOTOR also takes a minute to pick up so it's not a dislike for crpgs. unless my idea of what counts as a crpg is wrong


yeah like any classic rpg, you suck ass and get raped in the beginning but if you tough it out it gets amazing, it also depends on your agility, i would always say go for at least 7 agility to start as AP is king in these games

i mean if you said the fallout 2 start is bad, i would totally understand, i think even the devs said they hated the temple of trails, its really bad design and you can literally softlock yourself if you dont pick the right starting stats or at least make it waaaaay harder than it should be


never finished it but planescape was p gud, u prob played it tho


i know everyone recommends that as one of the greatest ever crpgs but i could never get around to playing it because everyone says the gameplay takes a backseat to the story

but tbh i like these games because of the gameplay and interacting with the rpg mechanics to overcome challenges
like as good as the story and characters are in BG2, if the gameplay sucked, i would not care for the game


Okay bro, I sort of just assumed since you said that you found it boring without much elaboration that maybe you were just a younger person with no experience in the genre. imo FO1 is pretty slow-burn and at least in the beginning most of the enjoyment just comes from appreciating the atmosphere and music, but the gameplay gets a lot more fun as you progress. That said, if you're not enjoying it just drop it. The whole "it gets good 20 hours in bro trust me" thing is largely a meme and if you hate it that much now chances are you aren't going to suddenly enjoy it later on. There's no point forcing yourself to play a game you don't like just for gamer cred or whatever, but try it for another hour at least and give it a chance.
I never really had a problem with the temple in FO2, but the thing that really put me off was the obnoxious humour and pop-culture references everywhere. I know Fallout was never supposed to be srsbzns or anything but it was just too excessive, like the Cafe of Lost Dreams encounter happened every single time I was travelling.


>play a game you don't like just for gamer cred
i don't do that either, i was asking because i didn't know if i was stopping just short of something cool or not


fallout combat's definitely more boring at the beginning but even then there's still little tricks to make it more tactical and interesting, like figuring how many AP you need to be able to melee attack the rats and then run away so they can reach you but don't have enough AP to attack
even then, clicking on an enemy in a turn-based game and then seeing how much damage you did should arouse an almost sexual pavlovian response, especially crits and glory kills
>everyone says the gameplay takes a backseat to the story
my 2nd most familiar game and I've never heard that once
one of the best things about the game is how well the story and gameplay synergize
the pop culture faggotry was probably because tim cain left
it's really a shame because there were so many interesting story threads in that game


FO2 was mostly written by Avellone right? I never liked that faggot, his NV DLCs were kinda shitty too. Don't think he deserved the whole muh rapist thing though.


avellone at his absolute worst is still better than anything left in the industry today, and its not even close
i only played the mormon one for NV DLC tho, but i thought it was p gud tbh

and at least he won his suit. a cool milly or two is prolly rly nice to retire on as some vidya writer. just bullshit all his colleagues threw him to the wolves even afterwards


i thought the mormon one was gud too. dead money was alright. at the very least it was funny how you could absolutely break the economy by stealing all the gold and bringing it back to new vegas if you timed it right, then you'd have caps for eons
OWB and the divide or whatever the one with nigger bane was called can get fucked tho, OWB was trying way too hard to be funny and the divide was trying way too hard to be oh so deep and both wind up being forgettable and annoying


That one was written by a different guy iirc, but it was probably the only one I enjoyed. Even base NV had some things I found annoying like the several faggot characters and obnoxious stronk independent wymyn, but at least that game is an actual RPG so you can just ignore them, kill them or whatever. And yeah it was weird seeing the twitterfag crowd so quick to throw one of their own under the bus for something as minor as a drunk text. idk why anyone bothers trying to appease them because they'll never be satisfied.


i just checked
says avellone was lead on all of em


Not according to this interview
>Did you plan from the start to make Randall Dean Clark a ghost character? The Courier finds his traces during all Honest Hearts DLC. Was there a version of the plot where he was still alive to meet the Courier in Zion after finding all his diaries?
>We were limited on voice over budget for the DLCs, Clark was a way of including stories without voice (and a great way to do it) and adding more background and context for the location (John Gonzalez did a great job with it). In terms of plot, I wasn't involved in the Honest Hearts DLC except for requesting some Ulysses hooks, although many of those fell off the radar - but I was able to get in a mention with Graham to set the stage for Ulysses' background at the least, which was the key bit.

Also this from a different one with Sawyer:
>For Honest Hearts, I was also the project director. I wrote the story, designed and tuned most of the gear, designed all of the main characters (the Happy Trails caravan, Ricky, Joshua Graham, Daniel, Follows-Chalk, Waking Cloud, and the Survivalist) and wrote Joshua Graham and Daniel (Ricky, Stella, and the Survivalist were written by John Gonzalez; Jed Masterson, Follows-Chalk, and Waking Cloud were written by Travis Stout).


To answer OP's question although it's old as fuck there are a lot of Slav Fallout fangames that I've never tried but apparently they're decent. Here's the ones I can find that have translations

>Fallout 1.5


>Fallout: Nevada


>Fallout Sonora


Olympus 2207 (not actually based on Fallout but it's in the FO2 engine)


that makes sense
so sawyer did most of the first one to get it out ASAP while avellone was working on getting the next 3 ready.

say what you will about those guys, but they worked fucking hard. 4 DLCs in lik a year, whole ass new vegas in the yr and a half prior, then KOTOR2 in the year and a half before that.
i wish anyone had given that era of obsidian any sort of reasonable timeframe for any of their projects. imagine what they couldve actually done. AAA shit often gets lik 6+yrs and its tripe, meanwhile these guys turned out multiple GOATs in far less


Yeah some of the writing annoys me but it's only a small detraction from what is probably the last truly great WRPG honestly. I always seethe when I hear the stories about the time constraints and Bethesda not paying them as much because of a fucking Metacritic rating. Still hoping that one day someone attempts to mod in all the Legion content they had to cut.

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