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File: 1717954968507.mp4 (60.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2_5418248664361486779.mp4)


really this thread dies with op because killer bean will be the final good game ever made.
regardless, post about new games.


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Just saw that they're putting Mai in SF6, and as the old adage goes "Mai, buy", so I bought it for half off which is nice. At a cool 7mbps I'll have it downloaded by tomorrow hopefully.


yo what the fuck that genuinely looks fun as hell. i also vaguely recall seeing this character in some shitpost videos from a few years back whoever makes this is p funny


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The boss looks like a tranny in the new MGS 3 remake. She looked better in MGS3 pachinko game. The remake uses Unreal 5, for some reason i feel that characters models in unreal look rather generic.


honestly she was always pretty masculine, first pic looks like fucking David Bowie lol


yah normally the tranny treatment is egregious but in this case im p sure kojimbo specifically wanted her to look like manwoman snake


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It looks a bit off but yeah, i'm not mad about it.
>david bowie
That's everyone in MGS


I'm trying out the Goblin Cleanup demo and it's a lot of fun if you like that kind of thing, despite the [Unity] and [Co-Op/Multiplayer] tags. You can play it singleplayer.


bloodstained got dlc outta nowhere
it's classic mode and they left the dogshit CV1/2 movement with committed jumping in tho


just one dude made a movie called killer bean over a decade ago and i guess some yimmers found it and started having fun. watched it in the past year and enjoyed it. worth a watch with a couple brews with the boys or smth. havent looked into it but i can only assume hes got control over the game too


i forgot how fuckin funny that movie is. my favorite part is how every scene that comes off kinda serious is immediately turned hilarious because of ragdolling


>they left the dogshit CV1/2 movement with committed jumping in


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>goblin maid grills
I will now buy your game


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budys im excited


until AI driven complete open world VR games where i can rape samus become a thing i'm not going to be excited about a vidya


it only took like 8 years lol, I'm surprised they didn't just keep it as a release game for their new console


nah thats what the next star fox game is being held back for. the system will then fail like the wii u and niptendo will hold the series back again forbthe next failure


is there a nu nonetendo console announced?


yes, a switch 2 was announced


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are you ok?


Terry speaking actual English and not Engrish


Arook for a japanese trairer and hes probabry engrish


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tried the chinky monkr demo 2 hour refund period
if yeem a soulsy fan and have a godpc or ok with low graphics, worth checking out
+presentation mostly great
+fluid combat
+seems like there was a lot of shit to do
+didnt see any handholding yellow arrow bullshit
-boss attack dodge timing was oddly variant, may have been cuz my graphics settings were too high
-one weird crash at end of cutscene
-chinky af writing
-cant stand engrish voice acting and the chinese language is insufferable


Looks neat but don't want to install tencent spyware


never got this
hardware's backdoor slut vol 5 by great satan, whats tencent gonna do with it? genuine question


hardware's the super sekrit club that's only used by glowies, mossad, etc.
spyware (software) is "you will own nothing and you will be happy" normalization exploited by globohomo corpos for day-to-day business
it's the difference between getting fucked if you threaten the clinton foundation or THE LEGITIMATE STATE OF ISRAEL versus getting whored daily and all the money goes to your pimp

that and tencent is owned by the bugmen and everything that's bad for the west is categorically good for the bugmen


wait are chinks selling their spyware analickticks to globohomo? also i dont buy that intel and nvidia is just straight piping to glowies without skimming
i buy xi brand sail foams and install custom rom bcuz dumbograssy is a bigger threat to me as a burger. if thats dumb, bully me

not saying install the bugware at all. just realized i lost track of this stuff


>wait are chinks selling their spyware analickticks to globohomo?
yes, but they're most certainly also using it for their own ends too
>dumbograssy is a bigger threat to me as a burger
you do know chinks are second only to pissrael when it comes to pushing cancerous policies in the usa, right? they do the same shit in cantada and straya and they've p much taken over them completely.


interesting. sauce me? curious the companies. theyre p insular otherwise
>you do know
ofc, every cunt with a budget is doing it you prob read it but cia released a trove of info on the slant menace, bugs infiltrated a shitload of cali and that was decades ago
the """people""" here allowing that (and absurd real estate bullshit) are bigger prob to me tho. most of em are funding the push themselves anyway

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