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is this gayme gud?
someone tell me pls


i really enjoyed the fuck out of larians previous two games divinity1 and divinity 2 were pretty fucking amazing
a more action oriented classic isometric crpg

but both those games were total disasters on release and had to release "definitive" editions with all the bugs squashed and balanced, so i dont know, waiting for to see some people with worthwhile vidya taste talk about it

kind of wish it actually continued the whole throne of baal storyline from the first two games


no, only oldheads with no life play it


old. headS??


it's cool because you can do stuff in conversation
>changing clothes
>shorty comes up and initiates conversation
>discussing the nature of man while staring at braveheart's junk
>hot wife abducted by goblin priest
>come up on them conversing with her
>thats my wife
>sneak party members behind
>interrupt conversation with daggers


makes sense why they wouldnt
lik obv its BG, so all the old BGoomers were gonna play it anyways

but if you wanna make a game thats accessible outside the 30/40-somethings who played the first two, making a direct sequel to a 30yo game that itself was a direct sequel to a slightly older game would be raly dumb.
besides its not like you were gonna be moving your old character saves off some 30yo HDD


I doubt nostalgia was the primary seller for Baldurs Gate. No triple AYYYYYYY games studio is going to make a game to cater to a niche audience of people who played the originals. Most game sales today come from the social media influencer hivemind/hype train shit. I would bet the vast majority of people that played the game never even heard of first two games and just bought it because they saw it on Twitch/Youtube. Two good examples of this are Fallout 3 and the Witcher 3.


maybe they saw it here first?


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>fallout 3
fallout 3 came out in 2008 that was way before streamerfaggots were widespread and had armies of children with stolen credit cards. also twitch didnt even exist yet and youtube wouldnt start being turned into the advertiser and "child friendly" piece of shit it is now for another couple of years, fallout 3 was mostly advertised through "classic" (idk how else to call it) pre-soymonster internet personality methods


actually iirc fallout 3 advertising was almost entirely through shit like g4 or gamestop promotions
or did you mean fallout 4 and i just autismed a bit for no reason?


i was, at that time, still buying games in store at BestBuy
i probly would have seen ads in store, read the box etc
dont remember talking to anyone bout it, so nobody in my immedite friends group must have played it


yah it was advertised pretty heavily anywhere that sold vidger gaems but as far as comparing it to current day advertising goes this was only like a year (if even that) after smartphones became a thing and nowhere near as many people had them so in regards to reaching out to the general population in-store displays and magazine ads were way more effective because being online at the time was still limited to a comparatively small portion of the population instead of fucking every idiot having ready easy and fast access to it 24/7. it was certainly towards the end of such advertising methods being the primary way that companies advertised their games though it was only a couple years later when poors started getting access to cheaper smartphones then the poos got widely available internet and suddenly you could just sponsor a few idiots with stupid haircuts to shill something instead of shelling out millions to advertise irl and get much better returns


It looks pretty decent from what I have seen.
It takes some gameplay from the OG Baldurs Gate, a bit from Divinity and a splash of Dragon Age Origin aka Bioware's last good game.

If this goes on sale im finna buy it.


is it a pain in the ass to pirate? i only buy games if i absolutely cant try em for free and i rally want to try them


It's on GOG so should be easy enough. Fucking 125GB download tho, yeah I know storage isn't that expensive these days but not everything has to have uncompressed 4k textures out the ass


storage aint the problem tho my machine is ~10 years old so if all the textures and general grafix are that ridiculously bloated id prolly have to build a new pc to handle it
i can still run a lot of newer non-triple ayy games just fine though not at max settings


i keep seeing clips from this shit and it looks fucking awesome
a gud gayme in CY+?


yah but it makes me wonder whats left out of the clips
like its a given there will be poz but if its not a ridiculous intolerable amount im gonna get a better grafix card and pirate it
125 fuckin gb tho there must be an assload of cutscenes or something i find it hard to believe just the textures would make it that large


fuck man
ive only gotten into fantasy stuff in the last few years, and never any games
i know the tabletop stuff is getting POZZED from the source– but have gaymes been bad for a while?
what do they even do anyway? conflate other races as niggers and humans as wypipo??


idk i dont pay that much attention to newer stuff anymore i was being a pessimistic bitch
im sure if it was as fucking awful as most triple ayy nugames we both wouldve seen plenty of obnoxious marketing articles about it being stunning and brave by now. im gonna try it when i upgrade my toaster and i'll provide a download link when i find one if i dont forget by the time i have enough money for the gpu i am bad with money


i wanna play this game so fucking bad g*d damnit


Im telling ya fam, Divinity 1 and Divinit 2 are legit CRPG classics. They blow away all western RPGS released in the past 15+ years.

I played Div 2 for probably 500 some hours and still have yet to play as all builds.






ok its out and its rly fookin gud


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theres a scene where wyll (the nigger) is talking a bout his deal with the devils and saying how it was the best thing he's ever done in his life and he doesn't regret it
you can then ask him wtf did you get out of it anyway
then he says 'oh i cant talk about specific, sorry
i rally rally want to make a meme that shows those 3 dialogs, then a 4th panel that has a wideshot of wyll at his tent next to one of pic related lmao


do it even if you think its shitty maybe it'll be funny anyway


it will be funny
i just dont know if i can find the dialogue


I want to suck on Minthara's blue breasts while we genocide all those lesser races.

Minthara would definitely be Hitler's top guy.


gnoll fuq?


DSP apparently is having a rough go with this game LMAO. He is apparently raging and banning viewers left and right.

I think its doubly funny because I'm pretty sure he rage quit Divinity OS 2 which a viewer payed for him to play. Based Larian tbh. The mark of successful game design is that it make DSP rage.


i really need to finish
i got to act 3 but i haven't had a day off work since december


my little brother said it was fun but everyone was ugly and unpleasant, Karlach (or whatever her fucking name was) was the only good one


i romanced karlach and im not feelin it
she's definitely hot mommy friend material.. not fuck material
i wouldn't say everyone is ugly, but there are WAY too many immersion breaking niggers that are hideous to look out in my gorgeous fantasy world


i clocked in at about 100H, but there was probably at least another 20+ hours of big side quests and who knows small quests still left but i just wanted to be done with my playthrough because my build was becoming tedious
ending seemed a littler underwhelming mostly because of lack of polish (transitions between quest end scenes was sorta jerky)
id give this gayme a 8/10, very good and i had fun
defintely enjoyed the acts 1 and 2 more than three, tho. i understand the decisions they made, tho. once you get that far in theres only so much branching you can reasonably do. smaller insular stories makes sense that late in the game


running a campaign as a Talos Cleric now. will recruit (and romance) minthara. this playthrough is a LOT less jank. my first one i broke the fuck out of the game by being out of order and not longresting often enough (and therefore not triggering PLOT IMPORTANT CUTSCEENES)


unplayable without modding. modded my game from day 1. get faggot remover as well as race-rebalancing (there are race removers if you'd rather that) as well as balancing, typos and a MYRIAD of other blatant retarded issues this pathetic company could have fixed


whats the non cuck mod site again, etherium.limo or smth? been waiting til snow hits to play
also anything shit about going pali?

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