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Is the Daggerfall unity version any good ?
I actually kind of like the way it looks, reminds me a bit of Gothic


friendly reminder to run unity in a sandbox because it's a dataminer


Yeah it's great, makes Daggerfall play similarly to the modern TES games while keeping mostly the same look (it actually has a built-in "Retro Mode" if you want it to look more like the DOS version). Also has a fuck ton of mods.
lol I'm using Windows so I'm fucked anyway. iirc the dev was talking about doing it again in an OS engine like OpenMW, but that would be years off, and even if it happened a lot of people would probably refuse to migrate because of modding support (same as why a lot of people are still playing Morrowind in the vanilla engine)


never played gothic
why does everyone love it?


it's great, play it. controls are rly weird at first, but they're fine once you get used to them. Gothic has nailed that feeling of progression in an open world RPG: no level scaling or spawn lists at all, so you start as a weak loser that has to run from many enemies, then get noticeably stronger as you learn skills and get better gear. it's the only game I know that actually means it when some dude tells you to stay away from a dangerous place. it also has good combat system, excellent pacing (big enough to explore and reward exploration, gets more focused towards the end so it doesn't overstay its welcome) and a nice atmosphere overall


it kicks tf out of trying to get DOSbox to run the OG version at the right speed
its also not literally broken. theres a common joke about DF being released early in development, but realistically, its hardly a joke. theres like 2 dozen fan patches for the original install and shits still broken. i remember finding out the hard way that lvling the dodging skill actually increased enemies ability to dodge, not yours, and that rly chapped my ass. had to start over my char

but its absolutely the way to play it nowadays
lemme know if you need help, as its a lot to take in first time. i did a schizopost on a gud basic combat class and some mods worth considering lik a year ago somewhere on here. i dont think it got wiped

they rly biffed it
unity is getting increasingly scheisty with its licensing shenanigans hence the need to add a splashscreen on launch and its arguably as limited an engine as the OG ver, albeit in diff ways. the mod support is nice, and weve been having a ton of mods as a result. but it still has srs limitations
contrary to openMW vs vanilla MW, where vanilla has script extender and openMW has it coming soon™, going to a new engine would allow for much more control

daggerXL was the future we didnt deserve, so instead >we got stuck w unity project. at the very least it does run a LOT better in the past few releases. so GG.
and to the guys credit, he did actually manage to finish it, and mostly on his own. def atypical of a hobby unity project, nvm one of this scope


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more lik sheDONEgent

>muh dragons havent been seen on tamriel since muh merethic era
<meanwhile nulfaga has one as a pet in the late 3rd era
its cool they modded him back in. nulfaga was supposed to have one, but they had to cut it for some reason. shame too cuz hes such a cool sprite


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truly the predecessor to morrowind and oblivions dialogue

heem prolly rly tired of listening to nulfagas insane bullshit tho, so i def get it


Me and my wife explain why you dont need a Morrowind remake.

When my Elder Scrolls Wife asked me to marry her, I made a commitment that day, so you dont go tripping her !


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cant tell if i was incredibly lucky or incredibly unlucky to get lysandus tomb as a location for a randumb quest. prolly save a step or two later on in the MQ i guess.

but holy FUCK what a labyrinth. place is MASSIVE. literally found the dudes actual tomb cant do anything w it yet tho before i found where tf i was supposed to go for my quest, and its still only lik 2/3rds of it



patricianTV made a maymay mod that links the sewers entrance to every single dungeon in the game as one long crawl, and between it and df dungeons like this I'm thinking we need a mod where you start in a df dungeon and the entire thing is just a survival game where you try to escape to the surface before you starve to death or become a moleman or something


OpenMW does actually have lua support in the latest dev versions now, problem is that it's a totally different framework to MWSE so it requires completely rewriting the mods so most people aren't gonna bother to port them. But imo Morrowind isn't the kind of game where you need to completely overhaul the game to make it playable anyway, might as well just play Skyrim at that point.
Who even wants this anyway? A Morrowind remake would just be Morrowind but without spellmaking, broken alchemy and everything else that made the game actually fun. I never understood the point of the Skywind project for this reason either.


>OpenMW does actually have lua support in the latest dev versions
oh well thats gud news
tbh id heard the project had been kinda floundering for a while now

>problem is that it's a totally different framework to MWSE

of course, but its a big step in the right direction. you can only do so much without custom scripting
one id rly like to see is basic NPC schedules. wouldnt have to go full oblivion on it, just have ppl lock their doors and go to bed. make being a thief so much better.
problem is, with TR, thats a fucking enormous amount of NPC schedules to manage

i remember seeing a mod where someone made some of the MQ dungeons for DF in skyrims engine. so you start in privateers, fast travel to the castle, go to shedungent etc.
it looked about as retarded as youd imagine but it def showed the scope of even just one of these thangs, and why you p much CANT do cool oldskool dungeons lik this w new gfx
w 90s-tier DOS gfx, you can easily let you imagination fill shit in, but w gud gfx, not so much


>I never understood the point of the Skywind project for this reason either
at first i thought it was gfx, but skyrim gfx are noticeably out-of-date by now, so its def not just that anymore

its literally just dice-rolls. ppl who never played an RPG till skyrim simply cannot stand, nor understand the advantages of, dice-rolls in combat. and tbh its hardly even their fault. every major RPG-like that comes out nowadays has you as THE hero, or THE spess marine etc, and your combat prowess reflects that. so when they play anything older where you swing and miss, it literally feels like the game is broken to them. its the way theyve been conditioned via every game theyve ever played

problem is, there rly isnt a solution. oblivion tried to straddle that line and it resulted in HP bloat and a kind of "weightless" feeling melee. and skyrim did away with it entirely and it resulted in boring ass hack-n-slash combat.
without dice-rolls and stats you simply cannot make a gimped character. and without that, like 75% of the fun builds are completely off the table. theyll never get to know that the secret to having a fun RPG that you can play for literal decades is the ability to make a weak character that overcomes his challenges via gaming around his weaknesses.
their loss


>one id rly like to see is basic NPC schedules
There is actually already a mod for that (for OMW, dunno if there's an MWSE equivalent):
It uses lua scripting so that NPCs automatically go to cells with their own name so it should be compatible with TR, SHOTN and pretty much any mod really. Haven't tried it out yet though so idk how well it works.
Although I always thought the "miss miss miss" meme is retarded and easily mitigated by not having a shit build, I think that Morrowind's combat is really lacking in sound effects. There's a sound for swinging and one for hit connection and that's it, which might be partially why new players get confused. The SFX in Daggerfall feel a lot more satisfying where there's different ones for blades and blunt weapons, different ones for missing, blocking, parrying etc.


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added in a simple lil mod that adds a book that shows the vague area where the witch covens are. saw it in a library, jotted it down, then realized one was rly close by.
idk how tf they expected ppl to find these w DFs default draw distance tho. literal needle in a haystack. theres only lik a dozen in the whole bay. only reason i noticed is cuz i heard the music change while i was fast traveling on my way back to town after giving up

p much due west of lysandus tomb, just before the coast
lel not that that helps too much tho, as his tomb is usually hidden till late in the MQ

>I think that Morrowind's combat is really lacking in sound effects
just a stagger animation and lik a "ting" parry sound wouldve done it imo
worked lik that in DF and for all the complaining about that game being archaic, its combat isnt ever brought up. even tho its almost identical to MWs

another thing i think they couldve done is be a little more on-the-nose with explaining how agility and other stats work. sure if you pay attention in character creation, or mouse over your stats, it says it. but imo they shouldve had a fighters guild guy or some NPC explain how crucial AGI is. it literally increases your chance to hit while decreasing enemies to hit on you.

ill see ppl rolling some breton battlemage with lik 30 AGI and its lik yah no shit that ol geezers not gonna hit anything faster than a mudcrab


>have ppl lock their doors and go to bed
<stand ramrod stiff staring at bet for 9 hours
<staring at same kwama egg and trama root for day 2873
this feels like a really dumb (good) creepypasta parody, though if someone did go full autism with it they could probably do a pretty good job by combining it with the stage business anims from morrowind comes alive. add in ephemeral generic named NPCs and suddenly there's one less huge advantage oblivion has over morrowind


>stand ramrod stiff staring at bet for 9 hours
yea there literally isnt an animation/pose for laying down/sleeping
if ppl actually went to bed you could, among other things, make vampirism actually fun. as it is, its the most half-baked version of vampirism in the entire series. you literally cant even feed. thats a shame cuz the buffs are actually retarded strong and fun to play with.


There have always been calls for a Morrowind remake and to Todd's credit he usually shoots them down.


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so i prolly shouldve known better, but helping out the witches has fucking consequences. i went from being a well-respected bard to being branded a criminal and immediately chased out of any town in menevia within a weeks time. literally had to fly into town invisible in order to pick up my gear i was repairing, then fly away to a nearby mountain and book a boat to hammerfell.
couldnt get into the bank either, so RIP ~100k in gold. for now at least
that said they can give some decent enchanted goodies and can summon any daedra whenever tf they want. thats extremely based. im going back for the oghma and the mace of molag bal at some point. maybe wabbajack if its raining out

im shocked something like this was put in the game in the first place tbh. i thought the daedra were obscure enough by themselves.
its ~10 quests that you cant get from anyone else, an extremely powerful asset in the daily daedra summoning, and the most astronomically low chance of ever finding it by yourself in the vanilla engine.
the total opposite of bethesdas philosophy today where everything is made to be discovered on one playthrough

fuck ur shiny pokeymans. witch covens is most obscure shit in vidya


todd knows better
its the last untarnished bit of his legacy left
he can, and likely will, scheist everyone for every last penny with shitfield and shitrim re-re-release #9001 and shitty mobile games, and none of it matters cuz at the end of the day he at least knows he made one truly great, genre-defining game. and all the video essayists, and even those kids who told em to gb2chessclub 40yrs ago, can go kick rocks

so theyll prolly remake it when hes dead/sold out of any stake in the IP


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think you give him too much credit
it could just as easily be he recognizes morrowind's shit would never fly with the casual bethesda audience
how do you voiceact all the dialgoue? how do you keep all the awesome broken spells and combat system where weapons can do actual damage? how do you render and populate the big cities? I think there's more residences in vivec than in skyrim


Here's the actual quote:
>"I’m really happy that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and others are making it easier for people to play [older games] as they were played at the time," he said. "I actually prefer that over remasters. I’d rather you play Morrowind the way it was … I think the age is part of its identity."
>"For something like Morrowind, my personal preference is not to remaster it."
And on Fallout 1/2:
>“The main priority for us is to make sure they're available and you can still play them,” Howard said. “So on the PC obviously they're there for people to go and get and play, and making sure that they run okay. As far as beyond that, we've talked about it, but our priorities in terms of, hey let’s go do dev work and make certain things work, they haven't been in those areas. So again, priority is, hey can people load it up and play it?
>“We want it to load up and run well. The rest of it, I could argue some of the charm of games from that era and the original Fallouts is a little bit of that age. I would never want to paste over some of that with, well we changed how this works so it's more modern. So as long as you can download it, as long as it loads up and runs, I'd like people to experience it the way it was.”
For all the shit people give him I think that somewhere he does legitimately care about the industry. I've always wondered about whether it's really all him causing the casualization in Bethesda games or whether it's something to do with the Jew shareholders. He's an old DnD nerd so chances are he'd probably enjoy making something like Morrowind again but knows that it wouldn't appeal to normies.


i think todds primary driving force for a while now has been to keep the lights on at his studio. and thats the thing hes p gud at tbh. he knows what it means when your studio gets absorbed into some mega AAA shit. most studios get lik 1 gud game in, then everyones fired. sometimes everyone just gets fired immediately. todds been through that twice now, and seen it happen to countless of his peers and rivals

what todds rly gud at is treading that line of mugging ppl for their lunchmoney with awful gacha-tier mobile crap and re-releases, and leading fanboys on that hes developing some masterwork and getting ppl way too hyped. former keeps the shareholders happy, and the latter strings the fans along. it may burn a lot of oldheads along the way, but you gotta think about it from an employment perspective. game dev shit is a precarious occupation at best of times. meanwhile todd and co have been making big money in the industry since morrowind. thats kinda ridiculous.


something i really wish some big studios would do, is to contract out to small indie studios the rights to make a "retro" style game of one of their IPS

considering all these various romhacks, total conversions and spiritual successors that exist, there is clearly talent and a market for it

like a lot of people love the old school Resident Evil games but capcom has fully committed to "remaking" the classics, but just let a small team develop a ps1/ps2 era graphics classic survival horror RE game

i would love to see small talented team make an isometic crpg fallout, maybe taking place on the west coast and post FNV ? and you could bet the hype would be insane for it


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>leading fanboys on that hes developing some masterwork and getting ppl way too hyped.
lmao he really has been doing that since the start. I remember when they were talking about Starfield having a hueg procedurally generated map and people were like "holy shit based Todd is making Daggerfall 2!".
There's been some pretty good examples of that in the past (Sonic Mania and Castlevania Rebirth come to mind) and Fallout seems like the perfect candidate for that treatment right now. Todd is busy with Shartfield DLC, TES VI and that Indiana Jones game so I doubt Bethesda will be making a mainline game any time soon. Also there are a lot of spiritual successors to classic Fallout like Underrail, Atom RPG, Wasteland etc. so the talent is there. Problem is that they're clearly going for the AAA normie audience (I even know some unironic boomers who got into the series from the TV show lol), who would buy it and just think "lol wtf is this nerd shit? Where's the voice acting? wtf are "stats"?". An isometric NV sequel would be incredibly based tho.


go back to peddit


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been here longer than u /sp/igger


>"holy shit based Todd is making Daggerfall 2!"
funny thing is it isnt even procgen in the same way daggerfall was. DF arguably does it better. it was generated randomly, once, and its the same massive map for everyone. so everyones only got one playground, but its a BEEEEEG playground. you can find a spot, then tell your friend about that spot, and they can go there and its the exact same for both of you, every playthrough

the way starfield does it is so mindbogglingly stupid
its literally just not even that big of a square of mostly empty terrain you need to walk through. like if they were gonna have every landing point just be procgen jibberish, why not cut out the walk entirely and just make a more interesting set of dungeon modules? you know have a few "blocks" that can connect in diff ways. from what i saw theres like 3 outposts and some caves. its just a disposable 30second dungeon with a randomly generated mandatory 5min walking simulator in between loading screens
its beyond me how anyone looked at something like that and thought, "yea that looks fun"


only if your smile is more bisexual than mine


>admits to peddit status
VIP Quality reply


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Mark my words: There WILL be a final solution to the /sp/igger problem, and we will usher in a new golden age of le face and Canadian tranny posting


I don't know why nobody has ever attempted something like Daggerfall again. It always felt like something incredibly ambitious, but held back by the fact that it was made in the 90s with no budget and a team of like 5 dudes. With current technology, especially AI shit, and some more money they really could achieve something great. I guess the passion just isn't there in the modern industry though.


AAA companies probably don't expect to make much of a return on something like that and idk if their pajeet hordes could even manage to make something like skyrim much less a fuckhuge and far more in depth RPG like daggerfall without it either being unoptimized to the point of unplayability for anyone without a $5000 computer or even mroe buggy than anything bethesda could dream of, or both
as far as indie devs go there might be a couple out there capable of attempting it but they're all so thoroughly poisoned with the tranny mind virus you would probably just wind up with a monkey's paw result


the OG TES devs were actually working on a spiritual successor, but it's been in development hell for some time now


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yea what he said >>7739
the bois got the band back together. only guys w balls i guess. p sure they got the guy who did DFs music too

and im sure theyre running up against every possible problem you could imagine when doing something as birdbrained as trying to unironically make a game as big as possible
>how tf do you do something this big w actual gfx?
>how tf do you asspull an entire new universes lore (again)?
>how tf do you make something of this scale actually run on a midrange PC?
>how tf do you make and model enough dungeon blocks to make a gorillion unique dungeons?
>how tf do you make enough assets to make places look unique?
>how tf do you even bugtest something like that?
>how tf do you market a game based around procgen in a post AI/post starfield era?
>how tf do you literally even?
and its not like they rly even answered most of these the first time around either. DOSggerfall needed lik 2 dozen patches to even get up to "somewhat playable"

at least theyre trying tho. everyone else is too pussy to even do that. which is ironic since AAA studios, in theory, are way better equipped to take risky bets like that. and its even more fucking dumb when you see the absolute slop theyve been pushing out. theyve been putting out big-budget flop after big-budget flop for ages now


lol I keep getting that as well, duder needs to fix his spam filter I guess.
Anyway I wouldn't even care if it was just a generic high fantasy setting as long as it had actual roleplaying elements.
Honesty I think they'd be better off just using the Daggerfall Unity engine. All the code is publicly available (in fact those guys actually helped out with it iirc) which would save a shit ton of time, and being Unity it would run on toasters and consoles pretty easily. Graphics-wise I doubt anyone cares that much since it's not like they're going for the normie dudebro audience anyway, and Daggerfall nerds would probably actually prefer a pixel aesthetic. Assets also wouldn't be too much of a problem since they can just AI generate all that shit these days. The main problem though is writing an entire new setting, that's the main strength of TES and I doubt they'd be able to compete with that (unless they somehow hired MK and gave him a shit load of drugs I guess.)


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errororor posting

also wtf why dooesnt paint have MS chiller font? that was the GOAT


i think i just about finished my crusader playthrough
i wrapped up shivering isles which really is this game at its best, the whole main quest line is great each quest is actually memorable

and the side quests are pretty good, some shitty item collection ones aside, i think i found most of them and they were generally okay, the one where you help the guy commit suicide actually made me laugh, they would NEVER in a million years write a quest like that today

i was going to try and get the Oghma Infinium but after banging out a quite few of the daedra quests i ran into the ones where they just straight up want you to murder people for fun which i literally cant do if i want to keep the crusader armor

i might try another playthrough as a stealth marksman/caster to do the thieves and dark brotherhood


>quite few of the daedra quests i ran into the ones where they just straight up want you to murder people for fun which i literally cant do if i want to keep the crusader armor
the mephala one, right?
thats my go-to "fall from grace" quest if im trying to RP it. a perfect opportunity to break bad

and tbh the oghma quest is just busywork by the time you can even get it, post lvl 20 or whatever it is. you just go soultrap one of each race. p much exactly what he makes you do in skyrims MQ, now that i think about it. youd think mora would already have that data on file

thieves and DB are def worth a playthrough. the DB has a ton of fun missions, arguably several of the best ones, even if it is needlessly edgy imo
and the thieves guild is prolly the best faction questline they ever did, period


>they would NEVER in a million years write a quest like that today
which is sad cuz his note he leaves with the ring of happiness is some of the better writing in the game. a pretty thinly veiled, in-lore, rant against anti-depressants being bullshit


>even if it is needlessly edgy
That's something I enjoy a lot in that era of Bethesda's games actually. Oblivion and Fallout 3's evil choices are so comically evil that it feels like some shit that the Joker would do, but it also does it in a humorous way rather than being grimdark. Everyone wants muh ambiguous morality these days but sometimes it's just satisfying to be an edgy motherfucker.


>Oblivion and Fallout 3's evil choices are so comically evil that it feels like some shit that the Joker would do
well def do the DB then cuz thats all emil, and oblivions DB line is prolly the peak of his entire career. its def why he got promoted as high as he did.
imo, guys rly bad at writing stories that have any sort of meaningful choices you can take, but for relatively linear stories intertwined w gameplay mechanics, i think heem p gud at that at least.

i get kinda bummed out by it tbh, cuz DB was clearly building up to be something very different and more interesting during morrowind ever notice how the morag tong/threads of the webspinner quests have you killing a bunch of DB members/dagon cultists? a solid half of your targets are in shrines to dagon, one of which is literally the night mother and who were the dagon cultists in the late 3rd era?dasrite, mythic dawn. DB was supposed to be allied w mythic dawn for oblivion, which couldve been sick. possible evil ending for the MQ and now instead of that theyre just perma-edgelords. post-skyrim, idk how they can even salvage them as a faction anymore. theyre at a narrative dead end. what do you even do at that point? you cant go bigger than assassinating the emperor, and as far as we know, the skyrim sanctuary is literally the only chapter left.


Oblivion generally is pretty lacking in terms of the relationships between the guilds. The Mages Guild had the Necromancers and the Fighters Guild has the Blackwood Company etc., but when they're not joinable unlike for example the Telvanni in Morrowind it's impossible to see it from their side so it's never gonna be anything other than just le bad guys. Still I find Oblivion's DB enjoyable because of the comic edginess and Lucien Lachance being easily one of the coolest characters in the series.
>DB was supposed to be allied w mythic dawn for oblivion, which couldve been sick. possible evil ending for the MQ
I always assumed that that the devs wanted to avoid multiple endings after they had to come up with a total asspull with Daggerfall. Guess it will be interesting to see what they decide on for Skyrim but I'm 99% sure they'll just make the Imperial route canon.


>assumed that that the devs wanted to avoid multiple endings after they had to come up with a total asspull with Daggerfall.
idk why they think they need to make literally everything in every game canon anyways. its literally MKs shittiest idea he ever had, which is saying something cuz c0da fucking sucked. but more importantly from a game design PoV, its suffocating. it forces this everythings-possible-on-one-character cancer that skyrim """perfected""". the polar opposite to how an open-ended RPG should be

either way tho, you were supposed to be able to join the sixth house in MW. hence the initial invitation dagoth sends you through dagoth gares, and the later final questions he has with you before the heart chamber. so i dont think its impossible that they were thinking about it back then at least during MWs development, if not during oblivion. they p clearly telegraphed both the oblivion crisis in tribunal and p much the entire plot of skyrim in bloodmoon, so i dont think its out of the question that this was more breadcrumbs that simply went unused. the connection between DB and dagon cultists seems way too deliberate


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>I don't understand the whole Talos being 3 people thing
It's just a chuuni reference to the Holy Trinity IRL.
the easiest way to think about it is as follows, screencapped because I'm not going to bother with the filter right now


Lore-wise they're basically Amazonians. They have a disdain for men and apparently make excellent surrogate mothers for mages.
it's implied that if the Mazken are masochists, the Aureal are probably sadists, all else being opposite in the two species' demeanors


>nvm becoming the literal lord of madness and wtf that means in the long run for him.
Wasn't it implied that this was Sheogorath's ultimate troll and he ultimately is just using CoC as a vessel for rebirth purposes so he wants people to become familiar with his face since he'll be possessing it later?


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>nobody even mentions Talos before the 3rd era
I always thought it was weird that he isn't mentioned at all pre-Morrowind. So Tiber essentially meme magic'd himself into godhood during the events of Daggerfall? Never thought of it like that, wew

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