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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1646609[Last 50 Posts]


shoulda backed isrul, spics - GHOST(ed) States of Weimerica


I used to back isrul, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


how hard is prageru and tpusa right now ?

they must be making hundreds of venezuelan supermarket tweets and libtardfascistcommunists are totally owned


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also holy fuck can you imagine how absolutely destroyed your dick would be if it growed 4.6 inches in a fucking week lmao??


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there are too many niggers, therefore too many cops


i mean tbh, if a guy pulls out a cock that big, its gay to NOT do anything with it right ?


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>Turkey asks to join BRICS


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BRICS and NATO are meaningless tbqhfamalamong


very good
the Turk man is not subservient to the american negro
usa marines were attacked by Turk patriots this weekend in a very good sign


p sure a lot of thats prolly from the overnight repo shenanigans fed was doin around then. 100s of billions of dollars poofing in and out of existence overnight is bound to make anyones balance sheet look lik a nightmare
i wouldnt worry about large banks exploding imminently tho. rates are rly gud, so theyre prolly rolling in it rn. if anything, all that black stuff is prolly gud for them cuz they get moar interest in the meantime



>The Oilers have signed forward Leon Draisaitl to an eight-year contract extension beginning in 2025-26 with an average annual value of $14 million.
wew that's a lotta coin


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Has any game ever failed this hard ?
I cant remember the last time I saw outright refunds from terrible player count. Wew lad.


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No, not even battleborn or Evolve, at least Evolve went free to play and died a quiet death that nobody notice.
Sony didn't want to pay for servers not even for free to play.


Paul Harrel has passed.
big F





knew it was coming but the video made me a lot more sad that i expected it to


are you kidding me ?

pour one out for a legend
like even if you didnt like guns, you could just be entertained by the guy because he was a crazily interesting person


>In August 2024, it was revealed that the game would be adapted in the video game anthology series Secret Level.
lel oops


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>cancer had already metasticized and killed his bones
fuck man. admittedly i hadn't been keeping up with his channel by the time he was diagnosed, but was following it in passing because he's a cool dude


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null probably has it


shit man are there even any worthwhile gun channels left?
>octagonal symbol
it's basically just the fuckin umbrella logo lmao dumb bitch couldn't even come up with her own symbology before murdering kids


lower the social credit score of someone you don't like


This thing feels like a honeypot considering how fast I've watched "known" personalities get their copy vs how long I had to fucking wait for my copy over an anonymous email account, and how their copy was labeled "01" while mine is labeled "02."
They literally attached 90 fucking pages of uncompressed phone images into a pdf document. Couldn't even be kind enough to compress it down to 5% of its filesize: https://litter.catbox.moe/2pgw3i.pdf


a honeypot for what you're not doing anything illegal by reading a document that was released to the public


>Released to the public
Illegally after a long copyright battle that the judge kept losing over and over again.


lmao fuck Lowes just here for a toilet auger some bitch had a shit fit that I went through the doors 5 minutes early like it took me 15 minutes to get in and out and half of that was waiting on the cash register


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what a deep and provocative commentary on the human condition


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vary sane person
>crohn's disesase
tbf if i had crohn's i'd probably hate everything too
>three page diatribe on >her dick


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also lots of umbrella corp logos in it
mkultra 2 electric boogaloo
also lel wikipedo celebratan' womyn


asteroid coming


penis envy much ?

lmao freud would be feasting on this level of mental illness


well they're both in hell so they're prolly havin a real nice chat about it rn


Why would those damn nigger kikes put a damn watermark on the pages?


true true
he is probably assigned as her satan appointed the-rapist and her body and mind is being the-rapisted by freud and his sick jewish fantasies


it's their seal of approval


if it was illegal the news site wouldn't just straight up have a giveaway for it, this is marketing on their behalf what with the obnoxious watermarks all over it


shouldn't have unlocked the fuckin doors then lel fuck her let her bitch impotently


prolly doin coke off her ass between dickings


all kinda faggy but garandthumb is tolerable now, james reeves is ok
no replacement for big p tho




all that proves is resident evil fans are mentally retarded


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internet archive lost appeal over scanning books


>minecraft movie announced

What lucky catboy groyper general will be lucky enough to get asked out on date to go see it by the Puhrer ?
Nick likes em young so we will probably be looking to the local high school to graduation to find the hottest femtwink for maximum zoomy cummy.


so theyre prolly fucked entirely at this point


>minecraft movie
prolly one of the worst movie ideas ive literally ever heard
im sure itll be wildly successful

since when is spic fuentes even relevant? i havent even heard about him since lik 2yrs ago w the kanye shit
i struggle to fathom how the whiny faggot got an audience in the first place tbh, but i guess theres a lotta other whiny fags out there


i just like bullying him since he is pretty much a lolcow at this point

the guy is so cringe its unbelievable he was ever taken seriously, he is also 100% a confidential informant at this point


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holy fuck that trailer looks awful, like it's trying to do this pseudo-realistic look but it's just as unsettling as the first sonic trailer
>jack black as steve
yeah nah fuck off hope it bombs


yeh was gonna happen sooner or later in this gay faggot corporate authoritarianism timeline, better save what you can if you haven't already


he has an audience the same way every other talking head retard political pundit that seemingly pops up out of nowhere does, a dash of glownigger help and plenty of clickb8 with his face obnoxiously plastered all over everything he is involved with
unless they're doing some wacko shit like alex jones none of these people have anything actually interesting to say and any "outrage" they cause is purely blatantly manufactured horseshit i hate it so much


they probably could've just used the actual game with a shitload of mods to make a movie, but tbh they're probably deliberately making it a bloated shitheap for money laundering purposes so failure at the box office is irrelevant and success is obviously only a plus


>he is also 100% a confidential informant at this point
yea thats the other thing
didnt several of his friends get royally fucked by the j6th shit, while he walked?
i know rightwing e-grifters arent specced too high into INT, but no need for further proof imo. that geek glows lik a mfer. its impossible for me to rationalize how anyone could think anything otherwise


yield curve just dis-inverted.
hold on to your hats, gents


so wats up w this new columbine LARPer?
rough first day at school or something?


boy i sure would like to know wtf you're talking about at all


wait are you talking about the tranifesto? that happened last year budy it was a wannabe man (biological grill) taking her tard rage out on defenseless people


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>Jack Black
well there goes any redeeming features
not that it had any to begin with


idk but all i know is this pumped up kick remake goes hard


apparently some yt boi shot up a high school in Georgia


yeah almost all of his guys that he literally encouraged on film to go into the capitol on j6 have all got arrested, i dont know how they didnt get jaden mcneil who was nicks love interest at the time, nick wanted to ravish his bussy and he was his right hand manlove

whats even funnier is some of them were hiding their identity and still got arrested somehow *bigthink*
fuentes even joked about it recently
there is an absolute mongoloid cringelord groyper called "TRsartor", look him up if you want a good laugh, Sartor fancies himself as some distinguished gentlemen he is a cringe version of reviewbrah with a heavy dosage of GAY NIGGA that wears bowties and neck scarves thrown in mixed with fringe political movements and beliefs

well fuentes made the joke recently "ph how did they find Sartor, XDDD it was the guy in the fedora and smoking a pipe" but footage revealed that TRsartor was completely blended in and the footage meaning for the feds to know he was there someone would have had to have told them

i dont think he has very many legit fans left or very man 100+ IQ fans
now any time one of his fans get doxxed its literally the /pol/ meme about /pol/ being filled with smelly meximutts but REAL, look up the alex jones interview where nicks top guy a fat dysgenic mexican gives an interview about america first, so fucking funny


>whyboi does a shooteroo
>in a state with strong 2nd amendment leanings
>2 months before electionb owl where one candidate is openly trying to grab guns
>said state also had extremely suspicious shit happen last election
>said state is also full of niggers that regularly shoot each other but no one in the msm says shit about that
lemme guess how things go from here. it'll turn out that he was on the fedophiles' radar the whole time (yet they did nothing unless you count b8ing him into the shooting on discord) and he also shot a bunch of nigger kids who were bullying him but it was only because of raycism and georgia needs to have a serious talk about handing in their guns and racisms and that's a good thing that protects our democracy here's why


one of my few remaining burning desires in this life is to hunt down glownigger agitator rats like him, if shit ever pops off i hope i live to see videos of him getting gaddafi'd, he deserves nothing less than a bayonet up the ass


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I think he lives in Chimpcongo.
Hopefully they get a full blown category 6 APOCALYPTIC level chimpout and he gets HEEMed by a feral groid.

The guy actively promotes not going to the gym, not owning owns, not being self sufficient and that you should live in big cities over the country and eating Uber eats all day is for the BASED and REDPILLED aristocrats such as himself.


interdasting. nvidia down 10% from doj investigation too


>jewgle hit with antitrust
>now nvidia
this has my schizo gland in an uproar, what's with these glowniggered companies getting slapped around? you think there's some kinda internal fedophile alphabet civil warfare going on here?


I have a schizo theory that there is a power struggle at the top.

The Golem of Gay Race Communism and the Oh Shit Not So Fast The Globohomo Empire Might need to do something about China and Russia.

Now of course there are still Zionists and "Globalist" Money men thrown in the mix but its interesting none the less.


maybe they'll fuck each other up enough that this gay house of cards finally falls down


bloated juridical class doesn't want to be left out

just look at europe where they're ahead of america by just putting a price tag on the crimes tech firms will eventually commit


>internal fedophile alphabet civil warfare going on here
im p sure thats always going on in some capacity due to how compartmentalization works
its a system literally built for treachery


i wish, for your sake, that you didnt know all this
but i appreciate the rundown nontheless


thats the real erection rn far as i can tell. musk isnt a gud dude but heem not posting 13/60 out of love for lolsuits
ol wood tooth washington and the boys werent bubba punisher shirt, them had a rack of powdered wigs too

this guy can be a twat but lots of idears & gud research, starts at 3min


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whypipo aint season they kittens


sounds to me a local lesbian wanted sex but the dumb nigger ate the wrong pussy


i believe this was probably happening in that town they dumped a shit ton of haitians in
they've been eating all the local animals including peoples pets


"Good point. The economy is booming, & for the first time in decades, NO US troops are facing combat. Thanks, Joe!"
-some youtube comment


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niggers like their cat sashimi


>bruh aint season his kitten
im ded bruh bro white ass fuk bruh💀


>SDNY charges man with wire fraud after he bought and posted AI music for streaming, amassed an army of bots that continually streamed the AI music— amounting to billions of listens—and collected millions in royalties from the streaming sites.
lel can't even be mad at this guy


how is this even illegal? genius move tbqphwys


you are not allowed to steal from poor innocent companies such as amazon and google
think of the starving CEOs !!!!


>are you still here funguy?
yes and ive responded >>>/h/


if he gets a decent lawyer he can prolly get an acquittal but they're definitely gonna make a law about it afterwards either way lel


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whypipo aint season they presidents !!!!💀💀🤣🤣🤣


>the 'seasonings' she got from penzeys spices
>maurys seasoned salt
>mcormick seasoning blend
>island spice jerk seasoning
when stupid niggers say seasoning its because its literally written on the container. they don't realize that they're actuallying talking about a spice/herb blend, usually with added salt and MSG. then they go and dump a pound of salt on top of that


whatever happened to gore sites after liveleak got sentenced? what's the successor?
vidlii has a few videos, and kaotic and theync are unreliable to even store the videos. went to look for some in the search query that used to be there and couldn't find them.


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when niggers talk about spices they simply mean copious amounts of lawry's


vaxxed? i hope they get some retarded AWFL and WH ascends into its rightful place as murrikwa's colosseums


only two i can think of. maybe kaotic is still around?


oh i didn't read your whole post but w/e


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q shit is still a thing? i thought the qniggers mostly went back to being regular miga types


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they are going to hit us with the sissy bimbo beams
all maga patriots will be transformed into libtard bimbos and vote for kamala because she is so brat, this is their plan people, wake up !


darth vader nigger is dood rip


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when will we get a Q Anon analog horror series ?
if someone actually made this, you would get Q tards thinking it was hidden messages from Q


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It’s after 9 and nothing is happening.


oh yeah ?
go look int a mirror
i bet you are a wearing a hot pink miniskirt and a tubtop with glossy dick sucking lipstick and fake eyelashes




local 58 is pretty good
it was create by the guy that wrote the candle cove creepypasta, which i always thought was pretty well written, like a good short horror story


>go look int a mirror


toothepaste doesn't post here anymore


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ya as flippin if ya jerkwad


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bipedal locusts


i feel lik a lot of these zoomer analog horror type guys would be better served going and watching shitty old actual VHS tapes instead of just putting the "old VHS filters" on errythang. cuz it dont rly look lik analog whatsoever. the interference in particular a lot of the time looks specifically digital
analog interference was basically just snow and the only reference i have for tv station hacking is that one subgenii hack in the 80s, and that sorta just cuts in

i mean i guess it doesnt matter cuz the target audience is other zoomers and they assume anything 4:3 is frfr from the 90s no cap, so whatev


thats a rly excellent way to get shot at
prolly one of the easiest ways i know of
t. former partygoer of the corn

>cattle corn
mmmm yummy. hope they choke on it. fuckin retards


yeah but it's prolly easier and faster than recording ur mp4 to a tape, running it through a vhs player a few dozen times for generation loss, then recording it back through AV capture
also gives you more control over where you want the effects to be
lik ya i know it's not genuine and people always complain "hurr effects are bad vhs not look like that" but a lot of people don't really care
someone on /retro/ made a pretty gud program that converts images into sound files, distorts them a bit, then renders them back into images for a decent vhs look, works pretty well


>converts images into sound files, distorts them a bit, then renders them back into images
see now were talking
thats an actual gud idea
most analog horror shit seems rly lazy cuz its literally just stock fx filters you can apply w basically any video editing software

fx aside, i think the thing working against it more than anything is that they allowed ppl to give it a name and identify it as "analog horror". you need stupid ppl to believe it wholeheartedly, thats what gives ARGs and whatnot legs so that ppl talk about them even yrs later. as it is now, it just gets easily identified and classified, then just passes thru public consciousness as any other trend.
now idk if that could be bypassed entirely given how modern innernet works, but imo its def something worth considering. cuz without that veil of mystery its just a show, and everyone knows, and thats no fun


what id do if i was tryna art is target my videos towards lik gangstalking communities. if you get a gud base of schizos buying it, theyll start blowing up smoke FOR you.
only prob is, theyre schizos, so you prolly wanna be careful or youll accidentally cause a schizo shooting or some shit

idk man
the struggles real. just tryna art, born in an era where errytang has a fucking wiki
shit sux


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frogs rioting over their new PM
in other words the sky is blue


ok i see
>right frogs lost to left frogs in frog snap election
>right frogs blackmailed parliament that they'd do a vote of no confidence if a left frog was appointed
>macaroni appoints a right frog
>left frogs scream and shit and fart their pants in rage
you are here


Ah yeah, that sounds like something the frogs would do.


riggings a given, outright ignoring is a whole new level of too comfy
say they should raly wild out but they been on that for prob decade now


they moved to gab but otherwise still exist


did even qtards get sick of 8kunt's brokedick pos software?


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possibly, although most of them showed up because 8chan/8kun was having host deplatforming issues and gab was viewed as a more stable option that still tolerated their batshit pseudo-religion.


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how many other companies are named heil


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can't wait until doj indicts duddr
hope his deposition is stremd


a qanon analog horror series would go hard as fuck and qtards would literally eat it up, so in like an ARG sense you would get crazy interactions with schzoposts

analog horror/ARGs love using ciphers, cryptic symbols, hidden text, secret links, hidden\double meanings, etc all the shit qtards fucking love already

its a gold mine waiting to be tapped


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poltards have been doing that shit for decades now
member when they triangulated isis positions from one photo, then forwarded it to some ivan on twitter who forwarded it to the vatnik mod, then a few hours later their position got deleted?


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pedo gettin the melon of shame


why weren't they beating him with hammers and shit


based tbh
i like when they torture the pedos more than make "content" out of it

i want the things they do to the pedos to be more like a snuff film, this has that aesthetic


>ear is ringing like fucking crazy
>everything sounds like broken speaker with tinny ass audio
shit i think i've been way too lax at work the past couple weeks, loud as sledge hammers on steel, grinding, and pnuematic hammers
how fucked am i???


don't freak out before you clean your ears it could just be impacted wax. if you clean em out and you're still hearing ringing then you prolly got the tinnitus budy. the tinny speaker shit sounds like wax buildup to me tho i've had that same thing. i do also have actual tinnitus tho better get used to not sleeping well without white noise for the rest of your life if you do got it


im pretty sure its not impacted. i have surfers ear on my left ear and it results in me getting impacted sometimes, but this ones on my right, and its loud as FUCK.
i've never had that shitty tinny speaker shit before. i dont want to lose my hearing budy ;_;


you're prolly mostly fine. maybe you just perforated your eardrum, that's some shit you can just go to urgent care for. that ringing may be permanent tho welcome to that annoying shit


eeee club claims another. its only temp but it works:
suction your palms to your ears, fingers facing backwards. 'snap' middle fingers off each other for 30 sec-1minute, or however long

gonna want to suck start a revolver for a bit tho


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do they pay these assholes when their kid gets offed by a brown?


no libshits are just an actual death cult


p sure both the parents are (((teachers))) so they were already dumbcucked from the get-go
my drummer budy said eating spinach helped with his tinny-itis maybe try upping your zinc intake or something


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>me after being killed by cross fire of a feral niggerape while picking up an iced coffee when i hear "he wouldnt have wanted to make this about race"


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in a real cunt sayin i wish my ded son was deded by an old yt would be immediate entrance to an asylum


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y tho
is this just another senile old man moment


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words cannot describe how much i hate this rat kike


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wtf are they even talking about?
i heard kammy mention it last night but i dont follow fake MSM retard shit so i never heard of it


yah im sure hed enjoy it way more being used as a vague gesture to give you more social capital


think they asked if hed wear it for laffs
both his brain cells had to love dup sayin camel threw him out lik a dog but who knows in oatmeal brain


heritage foundation put out a vision (lik theyve done since reagan iirc) so its another literal nahtzee insurrection


isnt that the thinktank buckeyes a part of?


tbf he just lost a kid and probably isn't in any kind of frame of mind to be making public statements at all, and libshit or not people say super retarded stuff when they're grieving. tho it is telling how he felt the need to provide such a bizarre alternate situation regardless, could've just stopped at "don't use my dead child as a political tool" and gotten the same message across without looking like he fantasizes about old whote men killing his children


they're some weird proto-patriot group that's too cucked to matter beyond big money pouring in resources to recruit "the youth"
t. Got a scholarship once from them and they wanted shit like volunteer hours and for you to show up for photoshoots when everyone else just wrote the check for an essay and fucked off.

I hope they continue to talk about his wife's son until he has a mental breakdown and I hope Trump invites him to come speak at his victory ceremony so he can stop being retarded.


He's a man.
only women are allowed to become emotional wrecks for more than 4-8 hours after a travesty of justice.


if he actually was so tired of bolitics theres zero chance he opens with bolitics
fuck this robbie parker ass mufugga cuh


i think the fact that he let those words cross his mouth at all
>'i wish that my son aiden clark was killed …'
shows that he's fucking braindead leftists deathcultist
seriously. imagine uttering those words about your child. ever. in any situation.


pfffft what a faggot, this is why absolutely nobody respects american “””males”””. Your women suck my Big Foreign Cock all day erryday.


chinks don't have cocks


dude legit posted in my autism thread abut my literal autism hobby then disappears forever
;_; im fucking starved for talking anbout my hobby why would he do this to me


>without looking like he fantasizes about old whote men killing his children
well thats the part where it goes from general pity to str8 just wtf
its also basically just him doing the thang that hes saying hes raly angery about, but for the other side


cuz youre fat and ugly
stop eating so much you ugly fat whorb


if youre the comic guy just post it here


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only been 2 days shorky poo
mayb heem buildin one right now and he posts tomorrow and then he'll accidentally put his feet in a pic he uploads and then you can groom him and then


a-are we winning yet, Mr president!


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c'mon joseph robinette, you're dying
give those thieving bastards one last what for


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this is one of those perfect pictures. there's nothing much going on in the pic itself, but there's an entire novel's worth of meaning behind it and it's all retarded and hilarious


>2 days
2 days too long. he or m-m-maybe sheem???? should be posting me NOW.


File: 1726111355595.jpg (13.4 KB, 211x182, 211:182, 1726102264500.jpg)

What did he mean by this


pinhead larry


hollow earth israel


File: 1726140777155.png (99.95 KB, 219x402, 73:134, ClipboardImage.png)

guarantee you their parents made them wear trump shirts just to spite king joe lmao
>my feet hurt


File: 1726140846286.gif (410.13 KB, 221x196, 221:196, No Exit.gif)

trump is the exit
kamala has no escape


File: 1726144530846.jpg (275.06 KB, 1080x1210, 108:121, The Patriotic Q-therhood.jpg)


Since when did boys start wearing crocs? Crocs are girls shoes


and why are they wearing them with socks?
the entire point of crocs is you wear them like sandals


🚨 footfag detected 🚨
please remain in your home 🙌🔒, an officer will be by shortly 👮🏿‍♀️ 🚔


File: 1726158434654.png (80.13 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)



File: 1726158647096.png (80.96 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)



File: 1726158761181-0.png (477.56 KB, 528x650, 264:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1726158761181-1.png (47.4 KB, 937x299, 937:299, ClipboardImage.png)

>A former Miss Switzerland finalist was strangled and savagely dismembered by her husband, who then “pureed” her remains in a blender, Swiss officials revealed.
>Kristina Joksimovic, 38, was found slain in her home in February in Binningen, near the city of Basel in Switzerland


File: 1726160610049.jpg (93.65 KB, 846x1280, 423:640, IMG_20240912_130210_859.jpg)

in relation to dup words in debateb owl


File: 1726162309618.mp4 (15.12 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, faceman burrito.mp4)

kinda wild how this pie just got left cooling on the sill of the overton window
lik fuckit bro eating cats was broached, no brakes


File: 1726163247848.jpeg (59.03 KB, 473x261, 473:261, swiss terrorism.jpeg)

the fuck


>the DSP and Ethan Ralph crossover event

Guys, I think CWC getting arrested rally did something to the timeline. Things are merging…


File: 1726173957755.jpeg (17.88 KB, 256x400, 16:25, criket_moniker_liks.jpeg)

replied in your thread budy


i made about a gallon pickles, sliced em thin into chips for burgers and the like

but i think i put too many reapers in with them and these fucking pickles are like tonguing satans asshole more and more as each day goes by, i made them three days ago and they get hotter and hotter each day

i put like 10-15 deep red perfectly ripe, fantastically ripened some of ripest you have ever seen, the best ripened peppers ever people, in into like a gallon jar, i would imagine that the brine in there could be classed as a chemical weapon


i bet she tried to make him drink those awful vegan pigeon shit green shakes they mix with those blenders


File: 1726176270251.mp4 (5.46 MB, 720x720, 1:1, wash dc.mp4)


i'm at a loss for words here


ever just wipe your ass?


not with a dildo in some stranger's driveway


buckbois are so desperate to relive the buck breaking days they have to resort to this

someone show this to tariq nasheed, tell him they are targeting black when with bucky hypnosis beams


you're supposed to give them at least 2 weeks
add lactic acid or brown sugar to cut the spice, yah bum bitch


File: 1726206120880-0.mp4 (7.35 MB, 1280x704, 20:11, 4_5987787381082691381.MP4)

File: 1726206120880-1.mp4 (1.47 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, VID_20240913_010036_916.mp4)

>flood rejected
>post retarded


File: 1726206798113-0.mp4 (5.27 MB, 606x596, 303:298, 2_5411471854508466587.mp4)

File: 1726206798113-1.mp4 (3.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1_5125159159779558217.mp4)

ha ha
also ewwwewwwwwewwwEEEEWWWWWW!!!! kill niggers on the spot


very female behaviour


>smoke crackrock
>swipe cucumber
>find some crackas car
awww yea dasrite nigga u kno what time it is


what the actual fuck
that chick looks lik a fucking preteen
wtf man

lel and afterwards heem acting all indignant lik they blew up his spot or sum shieeet
tf you think was gonna happen, brainless fuck


File: 1726231693466.mp4 (2.41 MB, 640x352, 20:11, KRrMjOLqej5-iggU.mp4)



File: 1726231901513.mp4 (1.13 MB, 888x488, 111:61, biderp red hat.mp4)

c'mon joe, just the say the word


>15 reapers in a gallon of pickles
you done goofed son. You could have used 3 peppers and it would have been fine.


duo says no more dupbates but dupsn't that make him look weak?


he'll probably be asking for three more mass debates tomorrow, he's changed his mind a dozen times


his campaign prob telling him to only accept faux, which kamala wont


oh man not this again
can metalcore just fucking die already?
i remember the last time they all got into god and they were even more self-righteous and annoying than they were when they were just straight-edge. imagine being 15 and getting proselytized to in a bar by some 30-something dude with face tats and fuckhuge ear gauges wearing pit shorts. fucking hell


called big squeeze
>say no
>ask for something ridiculous (in this case "no more debates")
>wait for market to align and show you were right all along
>offer to "reconcile" if the negotiator agrees to a less favorable deal
>everyone thinks they walk away with something
In this case Harris did a "good enough" job during the first debate to not be completely out of the running so she needs the debate more. Because of that, Trump can decide the rules of the next debate and at least get a venue less biased than ABC/MSNBC to boot.


oh heem live with the big booty latinas tonight


File: 1726252588721.gif (447.35 KB, 500x730, 50:73, Type.gif)

fat asses are disgusting


yeah, if you are into asses you might as well be gay tbh


>at least get a venue less biased than ABC/MSNBC to boot.
is there one though? fox jews is as anti-trump as ever. oann and newsmax don't even register on most people's radar. best bet is infowars but good luck with that these days.


ass is best but only if it's firm and round, not morbidly obese, only niggers like that


File: 1726256461595.jpg (385.23 KB, 2048x1936, 128:121, Tribal Joe.jpg)

funny caveman offered to host a debate between biden and trump, trump agreed but biden said no


why would a 15 year old be in a bar unless child trafficking at a gay bar was involved?
or did i just answer my own question because metalcore is for fags


probably because both rogan and trump love jews a bit too much


kids sneak into bars all the time i was doing that shit when i was 16 it's not like the bouncers always give a shit


no its based on a true story. there was some local straight-edge clique near me and they all fucking found god and it sucked

but all the bars that did metalcore near me back then didnt give a fuck, so id just pay cover and theyd draw Xs on your hands. or you could just sneak in/use a fake, then you could drink and/or get kicked out for being obv underage at the bar
most of those shows sucked dick tbh but i got to see horse the band a couple times and that was awesome. converge was rly gud too actually. you can def see why that entire scene worships them/rips them off so much


joe also loves him some sweaty oiled up muscly black men

all i can say is, find you a girl who looks at you the way joe looks at a shirtless black ufc fighter


File: 1726271124136.png (11.52 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

furry ace attorney beer


yiff in hell


must be real easy to get into the microbrew scene these days. does it taste vaguely of vomit like every other hipster swill or is it ok?


its fine. not worth what i paid for it but thats fine. got it from a place in my neighborhood that has a bunch of local beers so i dont feel too bad giving them a few bucks


File: 1726274224370.png (187.02 KB, 933x1080, 311:360, ClipboardImage.png)

very scarry


File: 1726274665306.gif (80.17 KB, 295x215, 59:43, spinning_cirno_fumo.gif)

if she exercise and eat right the butt and thighs be firm but a lil plump girls carry like 8% more bodyfat for their bodies to function properly spro
only time her tiddies matter is when they're yuge or malformed because like paps always taught me more than a handful is a waste


>Belgian style wheat beer
this is how you know they are trying to take up shelf space with furries since that's a breadbeer.
they are a nice spiced beer but they never really are worth the cost. I used to get Blue Moons when I'd crave that flavor but then I remembered they got bought by Budweiser


idk man tits are fun to play with
ass play is pretty gay tbh


i went down the mass shooting rabbit hole and just found out that fort hood was renamed after some spic general and now i am mad i hope military bases get more shootings


now they just gonna drink them kots


fort bragg is now 'fort liberty'
talk about gay stupid fag shit huh?
they literally wiped 'problematic' names from the entire organization. renamed their ships, bases, fucking everything


now i really hope kummula gets rigged in so their recruitment numbers keep dropping fuck this gay stupid country and especially fuck the military


dude its actually pretty dystopian
they had us remake the shipbuilders plaque with the new name too. that is– the plaque made by the shipbuilder to commemorate the commissioning of the vessel? ya well even that reads as the new name.
its crazy dystopian.


ya horse dab and and converge r 2 vary gud shows budy that was prob sum raly fun times




File: 1726298514163.jpeg (12.28 KB, 474x474, 1:1, neutralburger.jpeg)

this is the opinion of a man who's never got laid or kissed a broad. flat chest/wide hips is a vary gud combination.
love when the body, specially the legs are a little plump but firm and well shaped. roided girls are utterly disgusting.
what are you going to suggest next, elbows?


File: 1726301961178.mp4 (757.15 KB, 352x624, 22:39, 2_5416032405402177363.mp4)

gud reaction vid tbh




contrast of pics chosen for these posts could not be more perfect. keep shining diamonds


File: 1726324658190.webm (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Futa.webm)


his mannerisms r so funny


File: 1726347245279.mp4 (10.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, psycho.mp4)

ya i can see her being into the smell of burning flesh & tires


boy i sure am glad these are the lunatics that have taken over the cunt


File: 1726348778220.jpg (7.29 KB, 354x165, 118:55, mpv-shot0011.jpg)


>timbo does turn the page like a baby monkey emulating the tv
>immediately grasps his wedding ring
>confused af throughout
what an absurd person. heem got some chomo shit coming 100%


File: 1726351413622.png (297.68 KB, 404x566, 202:283, coach.png)



File: 1726353629144.mp4 (20.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, john madden explains turdu….mp4)

walz will never be a real coach


>no idea what this coach shit is about
>find out apparently walz also lied about being a coach
>one of the first articles i see is "how walz took football back from republicans" or some stupid shit
guys i think i'm going to drop off the internet entirely until like december the agitprop this election has been brain melting levels of retarded


the dicks make them cuter


File: 1726355027326.jpg (209.13 KB, 584x1510, 292:755, 26359f2c-1ef9-469f-8b9a-2e….jpg)

>those eyes
Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?


not gonna stop after december
been thunkin and statistically multiple people you see at grocery store mainline the dummy ray
going take a looong time to fix and most the power structure will fight every step of the way


no shit it won't stop but it'll go back down to tolerable levels


everyone will be dead long before that


this is a gay thing to argue about you're gay fuck you


wasn't me so fuk yu bludy
was membering dups first term, was insufferable to budy


File: 1726359598691.mp4 (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, new peta ad.mp4)


File: 1726359750459.png (384.35 KB, 680x528, 85:66, my son may be dead but at ….png)

>its a white kid


File: 1726412958584.jpg (37.8 KB, 1234x448, 617:224, IMG_20240915_110833_950.jpg)

BREAKING: President Trump posts on his Truth Social that he hates Taylor Swift.


File: 1726414572690.jpg (81.84 KB, 570x778, 285:389, fe0af6f00e349b5a78691df11e….jpg)

whats next zion don the king of the chuds?


File: 1726415925170.webm (12.66 MB, 720x720, 1:1, al_mawt_li_israil.webm)

banning soyniggers like you


i'm still having trouble wrapping my head around libshits suddenly seeing dick cheney as one of their gud guys. dude was widely ridiculed by them for being unapologetically evil even all the way into dup's term but now he's their guy? i know flip flopping is a thing that happens but this seems especially egregious even for leftists


because they are literal npcs
their behaviors are all scripted events

they do the same with George Dubya Bush now too, they hail him as "the good republicans of the past" but i remember the mid 2000's where every single late night tv, comedy central special and stand up comedian was "GEORGE BUSH IS SO DUMB"



only action that matters in gommie ideology is supporting gommie ideology
reality is like, sooo subjective y'know?


imo the main problem with 99.99% of internet libshits is that their entire ideology is basically just fetishizing minorities


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File: 1726425739543-1.png (904.4 KB, 1440x2300, 72:115, 1726425639324.png)

dont judge me i was pointed toward pic thread from somewhere else. at least im not linking it ok!!!!!!!!!!


dup shot at again


i don't think anyone here gaf if you look at 4gag. even with how shitty the site has gotten it's still comparatively uncensored when put next to the rest of the shitternet


File: 1726431500617.webm (9.23 MB, 640x480, 4:3, trump trainer.webm)

>they trying to kill trump again


got vid?


>The golf course was partially shut down for Trump as he played, and agents were a few holes ahead of him when they noticed the person with the firearm, the officials said. The person appeared to push the muzzle of the rifle through the fence line and that’s when agents fired, the officials said
ss is just gonna keep going "whoopsie lol" until someone actually domes him


File: 1726432364694.png (2.78 MB, 2018x1514, 1009:757, ClipboardImage.png)

Officials now report that a Secret Service agent opened fire on an armed suspect while Trump was golfing, during which President Trump was tackled by Secret Service agents on the fifth hole amid shots being fired at him
Police later discovered a backpack containing an AK-47 and a GoPro camera near Trump’s Florida golf course. The suspect fled in a car but was later detained in a neighboring county

ny post: just two guys shooting at each other near trump, nbd


yah you go on there with a fuckin cellphone or two youre functionally un-moderatable. provided ur willing to select all images of a bus or whatever bullshit it is now. prolly one of the most intl reaches of any eng speaking sites too
theyll def know WHO you are, but tryna stop you from posting it is another matter entirely


i thought he had private security now too. dude should just say fuck it and create his own praetorian guard made of qniggers


that one angrybro might sperg but who cares


>ny post: just two guys shooting at each other near trump, nbd
heem was prolly just helping blumpf practice his william tell routine


File: 1726432742792.jpg (69.36 KB, 692x1075, 692:1075, dup statement.jpg)

twat on cnn just tried grilling jd over threats to niggers for eating cats too
dems just cant catch a dub


File: 1726432893244.mp4 (1.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trump blink1488.mp4)


blink1488 unironically kinda goes hard


the captcha got changed up now it's some shit where you slide it around until you can make out the 4 characters you're supposed to input. trouble is if you want to actually weed through all the faggot shit to get to worthwhile posts you need to have a filter list with enough terms to fill an entire dictionary unless you really feel like manually sifting through stale b8 and template faggotry for hours on end like an idiot


im angry, bro


File: 1726433050882.gif (1.71 MB, 500x500, 1:1, smiley.gif)

just buy a 4chan pass or become a jani which lets you post through a vpn and no captcha


me to budy. polishit's bleak right now


but i'm not a fed or a shill or a jew
i'm willing to bet if the 4gag pass shit was eliminated entirely then their botspam and most of the particularly obnoxious b8 would be cut down by orders of magnitude


when hummus started shitposting all over isntreal all the bot spam supposedly disappeared overnight
don't know for sure though since i haven't been to that shithole in 6+ years


File: 1726433341485.jpg (76.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….jpg)



well duh
im sure they knew 99% of their users werent gonna go for it
the only ppl who get ornery over captchas are >us oldheads who know better, and ppl with botnets tryna spam a buncha shit


it wouldn't be surprising, pissrael actually has offices full of yids that do damage control and gaslighting campaigns all over the internet. also never forget shit chomo wasn't seen here or anywhere else he spams irl loli for like an entire week after that


be quiet i'm trying to be angry over here


i dont blame gookmoot tbh. far as brand rec and freezepeach he's got a monopoly
people still use it anyway


speaking of spam
4fagsbro, go rile up the poltards to spam FOIA requests for the interrogation footage of the shooter. bet its fucking hilarious


the site already sucked by the time he took over thanks to moot selling out anyway so i don't really blame chinkymoot for it either. seems like an ez paycheck having a bunch of kikes and feds pay to shitpost on your site in an effort to curb antisemitism and still failing miserably


gud webm budy
sure know how to make em


i don't think foia requests are considered until after a trial is held and a verdict is reached


lel didnt even think of it that way. plus it corrals tards, grifters and normfags from indies
wtf i'm a gookgun now. poole still work for goggle or whatever?


saying shooter was mid 60s
boomer taking a gopro to mist the president is vary brat


idfk and tbh idc, sellouts should be forgotten
also i just went and looked at /pol/ and it seems the spammed narrative is "it was a republican that dup hired and also the first guy was a republican and it didn't actually happen and it's all dup's doing dup dup dup". if i was these "peoples" supervisors i would have them suicided and replaced with less retarded shills, this new generation of glowniggers is easily the least creative bunch of faggots in intelligence history


File: 1726435089326.mp4 (3.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, msdnc tone it down.mp4)

i'm voting for the lamp posts candidate


holy shit fuck these people


>sellouts should be forgotten
gud take
tbf good glowfag narratives are pearls before swine. recycling the same 18 versions of flat earth holograms at every thing works rally well for confusion, lack of cohesion, and demoralization. which is the real goal


kikes rally want dup ded


anyone know if his schedule was public?


not public
inside job by jews


but i've been told hes a jew prez and all his white voters should be raped by niggers
vary confusing


he is a jew prez, but he's not explicitly and openly antiwhite which is the main reason gommies hate him so much


>its trumps fault he got shot because he is SOOO mean and his rhetoric is SOOOOO evil

meanwhile the cumonher capaign is talking about door to door gun confiscation, special laws for black people, importing 6 million haitian immigrants, and tim walz doing his "im a KKKraka mammy oh muh mayonaise tacos"

fuck off you fat whore
i hope a nigger gang rapes you to death outside your NY'c' apartment complex


ive seen em do it w police bodycam footy lik a day or two after tho


>muh violent rhetoric
as opposed to the peaceful bullets of non-violent protest whizzing by dups dome?


did the suspects die in those cases? shit idk, either way who tf knows if they'd even acknowledge foia requests in this situation it's not like those aren't frequently refused or ignored


File: 1726438755855.jpg (343.04 KB, 1538x2048, 769:1024, dorner.jpg)

>mfw the glownigs cant stop shooting at each other


File: 1726438774758.png (18.62 KB, 621x217, 621:217, when you hot.png)

trump is so brat, very demure, very mindful
trump is soooo 365 party girl tbh

i mean its so true sis, when you are HOT and they are NOT, jealous ass bitches out here tryna kill you, kill your vibes, mhm sweaty and THATS the motherfukin' tea sis 💅💅💅💯💯


not going to happen but fuck i rally want punished dup. decent buffet plate from ngo's, media, and deportations and i'm happy campr
absurd that a 90s demoncrat is best hope but throw the ball ya got i guess


File: 1726439022104.jpg (271.78 KB, 2048x1123, 2048:1123, nigs love pussy.jpg)


shooters alleged twatter, not a geezer


so they tried to murderize drumpf again?


File: 1726439628544.png (106.32 KB, 1600x337, 1600:337, ClipboardImage.png)

not sure if real, but i missed combing schizos socials and HAT glowniggers for taking this away


uhm no it was a conserbatib that dup hired to kill himself like the first guy who he hired to perform a world record long distance amateur ear piercing and evil miga dup lovers are buying into it and blaming us innocent peaceful progressives it wasn't us it was all dup all we've ever done is peacefully call for his death or imprisonment for almost 8 years straight. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP


>the baby poop eating furry
>that gay black furry who i think got EXBOSED at a sex predator



got few of his twatter pages capped but cant upload bc of resolution
catbox is blocked everyway i try it. if you want em tell me how to unfuck this


use fileditch.com
or pomf.se


>Was the Trump Assassination Real ?
>Mostly False
>Trump actually performed the Black Sacrament. Found in his Florida Mar-a-Lago home were the sacrificial dagger and text of Sithis. It was found that Trump in fact contacted the Dark Brotherhood himself in an attempt to bolster his supporter and subvert Democracy.


filtered too


File: 1726441787591-0.jpg (233.55 KB, 1125x1532, 1125:1532, routh twat.jpg)

File: 1726441787591-1.jpg (62.88 KB, 1116x328, 279:82, routh news2.jpg)

File: 1726441787591-2.jpg (185.09 KB, 950x1159, 50:61, routh news.jpg)

his new shit was scrubbed before i got it anyway


post the link in a kaki


dorner really was a Bro


File: 1726442023383.png (276.25 KB, 1150x1586, 575:793, ClipboardImage.png)

catbox is shorter url, rw twatter is all over it though
12/23 was latest here


File: 1726442075525-0.jpg (204.27 KB, 1125x1130, 225:226, routh phreak.jpg)

File: 1726442075525-1.jpg (129.97 KB, 1064x1183, 152:169, routh arrest.jpg)


>most of the ukrainian authorities do not want these soldiers
lel even in the midst of a catastrophic war the ukrainians know better than to deliberately import mudslimes. also why would they want a bunch of fags that gave their entire cunt back to their taliban opponents in less than two years anyway? all that's gonna happen is they'll get shot at a few times and then they'll run the fuck away





yah i saw how his latest twats stop like a year ago and knew immediately they had already started cleaning up after themselves
glownigger scumbags are sloppier than ever it seems. if kummula gets in and she actually tries any gun grabs i've got a feeling it won't take that many people to resist their efforts if this kinda shit is the best they can manage


File: 1726442403034-0.png (1.2 MB, 2694x1302, 449:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1726442403034-1.png (680.56 KB, 1375x1106, 1375:1106, ClipboardImage.png)

generally find posting twatcaps is gay but fuck me
really is no fixing this w/out violins is there?


i don't want a peaceful solution anymore either tbh i'd rather shoot motherfuckers or get shot and killed than live in whatever hell these people have planned for >us


>no fixing without violins
already told you. the liberty tree is dying of thirst.


ya been did knowing for awhile
just not seeing the logistics until post collapse :(


you should definitely not learn chemistry, specifically chemistry dealing with making compounds that could potentially harm infrastructure or ruin armored vehicles


lmao not learning chemistry sounds like it's for nerds, can't you just like not dump a bag of sugar (or better yet not any cans of soda) into fuel tanks?
>t. not armchair anarchist


no ones hongry, and primary rw doesnt have #'s. either pr support or the stomach for defensive (and it is) maneuvers yet
fuck i'm furious


File: 1726443648987.mp4 (7.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, routh interview.mp4)


File: 1726443742607.mp4 (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nbc dup shooteroo.mp4)

get shot at again?
lik, have you tried to stop questioning niggers ruining neighborhoods???


dude a FOIA request costs like $10,000 when it involves criminal activity ain't nobody gonna drop that for lulz


x% hydrogen peroxide, glycerol, and a blasting cap.
look up the patent it gives you the triangular diagram for explosivity of water, hydrogen peroxide, and glycerol.


File: 1726444593151.mp4 (58.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Blink 1488 - The Jews.mp4)

another blink 1488 banger
crazy that all this stuff used to be accessible on youtube


what did the simpsons do to them? geez


>''apparent' assinstaion attempt of trump
>but look at these people THREATENING these poor NIGGERS!


somehow even more dull and boring than the band they are attempting to clone


definitely a fed


>not liking blink 182

oh look at mister hipster
does your african cum IPA taste good ?
how is the polycule doing ?
did you uber eat your zero carb ethical avocado toast delivered to you by a heckin wholesome south american 1st generation immigrant ?


peaked at cheshire and that was blah even for the time
i do lik they wrote all the small things about your ""penis""


no if they wrote a song about my penis it would have been called "Fucking Your Mom and Sister"


i have two dads gay boy


that doesn't even permanently ruin regular vehicles, all it does is clog the fuel lines and can be fixed in a short period of time


File: 1726456237880.jpg (111.42 KB, 1125x521, 1125:521, saw.jpg)



>Ryan Routh in custody after Trump golf club incident
media with bangin headlines once again


File: 1726459470505.png (128.45 KB, 707x911, 707:911, ClipboardImage.png)

>how irresponsible of trump! to so brazenly celebrate his continued existence! it's practically incitement!


everything about that pic is funny i hope it's not a fake twat
idg why they even try to cover this shit up like that, odds are p much everyone will have heard about the event before these fuckin retards can put their asinine spin on it and the kind of fag who would buy their spin without a second thought already has tds anyway
seems like a huge waste of glownigger funds


elon may be a robotic sperg but letting people add context to misleading shit is one of the best things he could've done


>glownigger funds
they probly do it 4 free, people are so mindfucked.


it's a fucking absurd position to take in the first place– basically putting the blame on trump for his own assinations. and not even because of his rhetoric or wtver, which is the usualy talking heads schtick, but in this case because he dared to celebrate not getting his head blown off AGAIN


>4 free
maybe some of the really small indie outlets do that but nearly every other media outlet is owned by the same tiny circle of jews who get kickbacks from their glowfrens for pushing specific narratives so that's p doubtful imo
i agree, but the reader context part just helps people publicly shit all over liars instead of having the context buried in a sea of retarded comments


sis….. is THAT the tea??


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heem got that terry davis phenotype


i think its worth a shot tbh
from the look of the guy itll be raly raly funy


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this guy glows harder than paddock
absolutely iridescent


schizobros we are feasting


thats funny that blackrock is so universally reviled that they have to use literal intelligence assets for their fucking advertisements. cuz literally no one else wants to be associated with them


so that settles that then
no FOIA for sure
prolly put the guy in witness protection and get him back out on the field ASAP
keep ur schizo eyes peeled, i bet hell show up again soon enough


just amazed at how incompetent glowies really are
like the absolute best this international all-powerful entity can come up with are a 20 year old dyel gobin who never held a gun in his life and a 50 year old schizo who couldn't even get closer than 4 football fields away from dup, and all he had was a shitty chink ak


i think this goes to show how absolutely fractured the IC is

when its working as the OG glowies intended, you had singular assets flipping whole middle eastern countries by themselves, public successful assassination attempts against both presidents and civil rights leaders alike etc
nowadays theyre lucky if their little schizo footsoldiers can even get a shot off before getting wasted

lel yea p much


the 20 year old almost actually btfo'd dup tho. like that shit shouldn't have failed it was that close


yeh organizations made entirely of psychopaths don't typically last too long because without fail they start ganking each other en masse trying to get to the top


yea theyre literally at war with themselves
one can only hope that they both lose


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>So dedicated was Routh to Ukraine's war effort he even helped cut the grass at Independence Square in Kyiv using scissors.


them just recruited the dregs for deniability so far. but looking at the brazen shit theyre saying, deniability doesnt matter so next ones gonna be competent and democracy will be saved
yeah 300yd is irons


qboomers losing it?
nft messiah narrative keeps getting stronger, cant help but wonder if they're going to j6 but real if he gets iced
man shits going to get even gayer and retardeder isn't it


Routh is like the perfect candidate for the jerkops to hand a gun and tell him to go jerkop Trump in the head.

Guy had a criminal record for "weapons of mass destruction", fringe schizo political views subject to huge swings, and guy has that vacant dead stare that screams "my brain is fried".

People think MKUltra is some like Black Ops 1 style THE NUMBERS MASON type shit but modernized MKultra is presciption drugs plus high flicker rate smartphone algorithm dopamine pump and dump and boom, you got your wind up toy.

Ceazy times, they say all things come in threes….lets hope it three fails because you know they are going to try again.


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this guy makin another vid but on the shoota
nothing conclusive or anything but still so far this guy has had sum gud vids


nah i think they've been putting actual effort into it but having consumed their own koolaid it isn't quite enough anymore. glownigger agents have been getting caught out a lot in recent years, member all the cia faggots that the chinks killed? member how a month or two ago a bunch of mossad kikes got publicly arrested by t*rks? that's not the kind of shit that happens to intelligence agencies when they're at their peak it happens when they're infighting and being petty niggers to each other and ratting one another out. and before someone claims these two attempts were just theater go back and look real fuckin close at that first attempt and realize how fuckin stupid it would be to think only shooting trump's ear from a couple hundred yards away was a deliberate act. not even fully trained spec ops snipers can do that kind of trick shot, a tiny gust of wind blowing in the right direction would've meant >we'd be looking at a link mist instead of an old man simply wiping blood from his ear. no they prepared for that shit and their patsy fucked it up and everything afterwards is them scrambling to fix the mistake


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not disagreeing, dup's the luckiest fucker on earth so far but its not lik they dont have any hitters who could hit those shots
this routh fag was a step up from ree tardy oswald, media's setting the table for a pro to martyr and fuck the optics

glownig infighting angle's funny to think about though. absolute spaghetti fest of triplel agent smoke and mirror larping by agent La'Quinta Innes bumbling around fat stacks of mcinflation bucks


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