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its a birthday kinda day
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File: 1725327328604.mp4 (3.06 MB, 1280x660, 64:33, 1_5094131667493192670.mp4)

 No.1646609[View All]


shoulda backed isrul, spics - GHOST(ed) States of Weimerica
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why has megyn gone for this weird lesbo look ?



lel nigger fatigue has gotten so strong that even their hardline defenders are slipping up


File: 1726611289454.webm (3.06 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Haitetris.webm)

this is all i have in my haiti folder


File: 1726611645052.webm (2.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, midnight haiti.webm)


to appeal more to the weird lesbo demographic


File: 1726614376248.mp4 (2.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, shot_by_a_FUCKING_NIGGER.mp4)

lacked a little more passion into the word


i feel like that a losing move
if she wanted to get more attention just go for the bimbo reporter slut aesthetic


File: 1726618493432.mp3 (3.04 MB, Zeta Force (Gameboy Versio….mp3)

Fucking nigger


>divorce among assimilated Asians is higher than whites
becuase they can't stay away from BWC!


i dont get it, i watched the clip what did i miss that pertains to nigggers besides admitting that haitians are eating the ducks straight form the park?


ok now i know there's at least one another spro in tulsa
where the fuck you at let me buy you a drink


did you really not catch it or am i just being an autist and a joke is going over my head?


>haitian nigge-
oh shit lmao i completly missed it the first time i listened


i'd still rather live around a bunch of democrat trannies than a bunch of fucking niggers


not sure how or why lesbians would be into the whole dyke thing tbh. to me i'd think they would be attracted to conventionally attractive whores just as men are.


Did he died?


File: 1726624557143.png (280.73 KB, 610x556, 305:278, p diddler oil.png)

Bro really loved him some young black bussy.
Is this also apart of the after effects of Buck Breaking ?


lel i guess it did happen pretty quick. he said the full nigger word but segued out of it fast af, dude must've been repeating "don't say it" in his head from the start and his mouth went "i'm gonna say it" at the perfect time lmao


fr, the biggest plus being at least 45% of them will "move out of the neighborhood" at some point meanwhile the niggers would throw a landfill's worth of trash in your yard at the very least


File: 1726632312366.png (4.11 MB, 1170x1867, 1170:1867, ClipboardImage.png)

vile whore


nueral networks can recreate playable games now albeit in a glitchy, hallucinagenic mess lel
pretty wild tho


murdering biggie wasn't enough


File: 1726667552605-0.mp4 (1.46 MB, 854x394, 427:197, toropets_tver_oblast_russi….mp4)

File: 1726667552605-1.mp4 (6.3 MB, 480x814, 240:407, ammunition_exploding_at_to….mp4)

File: 1726667552605-2.mp4 (15.37 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ru_officials_response_to_a….mp4)

ukros destroyed the 107th arsenal of the main missile and artillery directorate of the ministry of defense in toropets (southwest of moscow). huge ammo cookoff. funny how local leadership explains how well the air defence worked while we hear explosions in the backgound. pure comedy


What if Diddy was black Epstein and the reason they haven't pushed charges this whole time was because they were afraid of him leaking some client list with an Arabian prince or some shit on it because it could start a war in a foreign country?


is russia just straight up ignoring ukrainian incursions into their territory entirely? alare they at least making headway in ukraine?


dunno how i did that my fingers ain't even fat


they might be allowing it just so they have excuses to declare an actual war so they can go balls deep. or they are just that incompetent.


50bps cut, jesus


his client list is likely full of niggerfaggots and the usual oil drillers looking for fresh holes to drill, nobody particularly important


File: 1726691861838.mp4 (10.19 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1_5141237691974681822.mp4)

apparently nigger got hit with a hat crime (D.C.) for being a "muh based nigger" in public


>roof niggers in my lifetime
ok, dystopian hellscape can be funny


>bunnysuit bulma in the background

there is so much going on here


nog is absolutely justified
doordash spic couldn't find my apartment and yelled at me in spanish, took him 20 minutes of driving around my complex to find me even though the building numbers are printed on the fucking sides
i'd wager that spics are stupider than nigs


>nog is absolutely justified
And here we have it folks, the WASP faggots reveal their final form once again. They just can’t get enough nigger dicks in their mouths!!!
>I’d rather have real red blooded amerimutt niggers who are here legally rape and kill me than an illegal spic delivering my goyslop!
That’s you, go watch some more niggerball you homosexual faggot. All sports fans are gay unathletic faggots who worship niggers.


File: 1726693529845.jpg (38.8 KB, 472x700, 118:175, Eatler.jpg)

lel the stormfag is back
heil hortler


File: 1726693752409.jpeg (91.53 KB, 1024x750, 512:375, IMG_3782.jpeg)

suck some more nigger dicks you subhuman wasp faggot



i was wondering where that guy went
figured heem mustve changed medications or somethin


lol shut up autist
time for niggers to find out how it feels to call out bullshit and have your life destroyed for your efforts. they better fuckin worry too bc their population has stagnated right alongside whites and spics hate niggers more than they hate yt, that 13% can go to low single digits a whole lot faster than 50% can if shit gets hot
>stupider than nigs
lets not get ahead of ourselves here lmao spics can form barely functional societies when by themselves but niggers can't manage anything larger than a village without non-nigger help


looks like they're worried about a hard landing huh


Please tell me they didn't release that after the whole "Illegal Niggers eating cats" drama?




spruh look at 10y and house prices, shit's gonna get somehow more fucked
i'm sure that letter from demoncraps was just coincidence though


yes, death to the majority of whites due to their anglo saxon proclivity
t. white supremacist (totally not a nigger)


File: 1726708211132.png (649.79 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

oh ya. no shit is totally fucked.
when the dam bursts, its going to be a literal bloodbath


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>be sana on 2024 spee
>i am forgotten


mortgage rates were up half bp when i looked earlier
fuck the cunt to save teh cunt ruskie war and buttsex i'm losing my god damn mind


which ones the real woman again?


you’re the one on here 24/7 you fucking incel faggot. Go outside.

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