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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1640093[Last 50 Posts]


We have eternity, GHOST
You may have eternity. I have only now
But this is eternity

This thread dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighers of Afghanistan


I used to be a brave Mujahideen figher from Afghanistan, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


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library replaced childrens books with qurans and got greek insurance'd

*bang bang bang*


these riots are interesting considering the labour parties position on pissrael

i mean whitey kids are being killed everyday in britbong land but all of a sudden there is a big to-do about it ?
i mean tommy robinson is pretty much a bought and paid for israel shill, very interesting


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lotta iran talk too even from antiwar dup
my theory for awhiles been a ww is only way to save western economy at this point and t-rump has to see the econ timebomb coming during his likely term
iunno shit man but all these nothing burgers are light beer, eventually your boot's suddenly full of piss


if i see one more "hawk tuah" fake ass force meme bullshit one more fucking time

ima lose me shit


>parents dropping off some stuff at my house
>hey anon your cousin just had her second ovariectomy
>btw grandma has covid again, she's had it two weeks now
>anyway we have to go take your [single mother sisters] nephew to autism horse riding
holy fuck current year +? is so fucking gay
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


>second ovariectomy

i hope….she had cancer !?!?!?! or was really old…….ruh roh raggy

2024 is wild in that if someone says summin bout they got they ovaries removed, you just like, oh god tell me it was cancer


dude who fucking my knows. some backstory:
>single child
>lives at home with her mom
>never had a job
>attends college part time for the past 11 years
my parents make a ton of excuses for her
<oh anon she's always sick
<oh anon she has mental health issues
<blah blah blah
supposedly she had some sorta cystic ovarian thing but she's always been a weird, moody, selfish and hyperbolic so who the fuck knows.
it sucks man, my sibling and all my cousins on this side are fucking retards


idk anything about whoever she is other than she's 98% jewish


do they only remove one?


Just call her a woman, don't need to type all that shit is she at least a virgin? I can marry her if she is one.


Odds are the cUcKs whites will riot, goverment will point at them and say they are the problem and more laws and regulations will be pass to keep them under control until there are no more whites in the UK.


is that for real ?


i guess they did it over multiple surgeries
an hour ago was the first time i was even aware it was happening. tbf, i really dont give a shit, and welcome her removal from the gene pool.
who the fuck knows. she can't give you children, so wtf is the point.


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is she at least hot so i can raw dog her, maybe slap her around a bit ?


she's white blonde blue eye. technically 1/8 HAPA tho you really can't tell. she's not overweight, but looks a little unhealthy she doesn't do any physical activity, im sure
her fb profile picture has dyed pink/purple hair and cat ears, for whatever the fuck that means for you. it also looks like it was taken in public, which might just be the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen.
your move, playboy.


FDR in '41, but in Kamala's case the media and Biden insisted on calling her a "border czar" and everyone ran with it, and now the media is trying to gaslight Republicucks into thinking they came up with the term.




fuckin pussy wants to cry and start shit and then backpedal lel


if you talk like baby people treat like baby


lol shut up autist


i can 'smell' this is the /k/ poster




well show me her pfp so I can decide, yu shudn't hook up w potential mates via imagination


shake the babby


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hey lmao those are my favorite dudes
this JD Vance guy is alright


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>it is possible to defeat the unhumans
>when hes the first one sucking hollow prosperity strait outtof democracy's teats


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>Pinochet throwing people out of helicopters
set back the collapse of Chile by 30 years and now they're still one of the more capitalist cunts in SA
>Eye-for-eye justice
niggas don't realize the default for recorded human history was life-for-eye justice and The LORD commanded the Hebrews to spread 1:1 justice as a means of protecting the downtrodden from harm's way when they upset the local nobility. It ain't gonna be Gandhi "eye for eye and the world goes blind" shitpost it's gonna be "I'll kill you for looking at me wrong" law under the pedos and niggers he supports
>Ban all teacher's unions
Destroy the Department of Education
>Quash "unhumans"
Annihilate them like The LORD commanded us to annihilate the Canaanites.


lol shut up autist


lol shut up autist


i want to go to autism horsb school


pretty sure jd vance also follows BAP on twitter
which is pretty based and redpilled

i mean even in spots where i might disagree with BAP he is 1000x better than a lot of other dissident right wing/ alt-lite figures like jack cringesobeic aka literal mossad gatekeeper man of whom this sissy cuck libtard is crying over


idg why you come to places you hate just to be mocked, must be a sissy thing
never understood why people have a problem with eye for an eye, jail time alone doesn't stop motherfuckers from being shitty but the genuine threat of having severe physical reprisal is usually enough to make people think twice. its why states with a strong self-defense culture have lower crime rates overall, are you gonna risk a bullet to your dick just to mug some guy for whatever pocket money he might have?
obviously there's gonna be psychopaths who don't care at all but they're gonna be around regardless of whatever dumb shit is written in the law


Russians got clapped while mining for gold in Mali


who is this jewtuber and why should i care


the same one been posted for months newfag


lol shut up autist


the cuc/k/ says it's supposedly the least biased guy who covers this shit but the fact he always has his fuckin mug in the thumbnail doing a soy gape has prevented me from ever clicking the video. those embarrassing cuckservative political shartoon videos he keeps posting give me the same vibe too


gb2 ebaums


hes decent enough tbh. gud maps. doesnt play favs too much heem p obv anti-west tho
youre absolutely not gonna find anyone better on youtube.


im honestly surprised hes even allowed to have a channel on youtube. for a while there he was the only guy who was calling ukraines btfo-ening as it was fucked, and not just regurgitating wectern prop


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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇸 Biden almost flew to Russia

The American leader climbed into the Russian special flight immediately after the prisoners released in the exchange got off.

The US President had to be ousted from the aircraft with the "Russia" livery to prevent him from flying to Moscow.


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ok i watched it so you dont have to
he's just your average grifter, with a subtle pro western bias.


>tfw you dont even have political value as a hostage
must feel batman


aaaawwkwaard, where's the cackling in chief when this crisis happened!?


idk how you got that
hes very very clearly pro-russia in any of his holhol war vids

the only one on israel i saw was one where he was saying that israelis were taking massive unnecessary losses and prolly cant keep this up
idk whats pro-west about that


maybe its cuz i watched him on odysee tho
he might have his youtube shit censored to be more kosher


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>clearly pro-russia
accurately portraying the battlefield conditions that the ukies are at a massive artillery disadvantage, are taking huge losses, overreport their successes isn't being pro-russia, its not being retarded
>the only one on israel i saw was one where he was saying that israelis were taking massive unnecessary losses and prolly cant keep this up
>idk whats pro-west about that
uhh, how about everything he's not mentioning? how the fuck do you discuss gaza without mentioning that the hebes are fighting the population at large, and not actually there to destroy hamas?
anyway, if he doesn't have a handler, then the content is tailored to grift 'neutral' conservatives


youre inconsolable

idk what to tell you man if you want more accurate research that lines up exactly with your hyper-specific worldview, then do it for yourself. you know all the livemap sites prolly as well as that guy does. so just autism out over those every day if you give that much of a fuck. i know you dont, and, wont, cuz all you wanna do is fucking bitch about literally everything and boohoo about the jews


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do you share the oats


dont be so melodramatic, i have one post talking to you about this that i don't consider him pro-russia, and that he has a subtle pro western ias
may i suggest not using any tuber for anything beyond background noise


fuck no that fucking nigger is tryna steal my oats


if youre talking about my quip of you being fucking inconsolable, thats hardly even about this. thats due to your pattern of behaviour: something happens or someone says something, and then you just have to bitch. you simply cant help yourself. bummer


either way, if you actually care that much about war-watching, then youre literally in the best time in all of history to do it. go use the maps available online. theres like half a dozen decent ones you can compare from, and they update every few hrs or so.
i know i dont wanna do that anymore, as i got sick of keeping up with that autism during the LAST ukraine war. so if some former history-tuber turned warsperg wants to lurk livemaps all day, then condense that into a 15-20min vid, fuckin perfect


stop misidentifying.


hey hey
i'm the boogeyman


are the bongs really bout to do a civil war-a-rino ?

tbh i figured the anglos would be one of the first ones out because their mental cuckoldry would probably have them unironically advocating for interracial breeding ground sometime in the next 50 years


would anyone have even cared if he had gone to russia?


stop talking about youtube grifters and talk about what's happening TODAY

nah this'll be over within a week or so. the nothing will continue.


i doubt theyll do the boogaloo. but idk, the irish seem to be inching back towards doing some troubles tier shit, and it seems like anglos and micks are getting along better than usual these days so if something does kick off the brown invaders are fucked because you don't get two bitter enemies like the irish and the british to cooperate without making them mad enough to commit genocide


White House is playing it down as "he was thanking the pilot crew." Nearly started an international incident lol

Assuming they didn't shoot down the plane the second it took off, I imagine the Russians would use it for propaganda purposes by returning him (after dinner and a nap to extract information), but ultimately no.

>There are spartmen who don't have DeArrow/Sponsorblock installed
never gonna make it looking at clickbait titles and clickbait thumbnails bro

He's not pro-Russia he's just anti-France, which happens to line up with the pro-Russian crowd right now. He's taken the piss outta the Russians when they get their ass handed on several occasions.


how fucking funny would it have been if they just took off and kidnapped him to kick start ww3 over dementia


I like father Mike Schmitz and Jordan Peterson though. Also Father Josiah Trenham. BB Joker (on Rumble) and Pim Tool ain't bad for getting counterculture news either even if they're wrong 50% of the time.


honestly I can't even follow their bitching since I've been identified as both a cuc/k/ and cuc/k/ anti simply for having opinions I can tell the two apart but both can't tell anyone else apart, or so it would seem
i've told both of them to shut up for being autistic


I doubt they gonna civil war. Issue is the poolice are very pro-Islam and take it out on the local Englishmen since about 2018 to the point where the local Englishmen are fed up and starting to get violent with the cops. Tommy Robinson was kinda the boiling point when they illegally threw him in prison and then transferred him intentionally to the same prison that the Paki rape gangs he was getting arrested were housed in.

Unless The Crown is so insistent on getting assfucked by Muslims that he calls in the army to quell the uprisings, what's likely to happen is mass police resignations from getting their shit kicked in by their countrymen until the politicians shit their pants and then you'll get some half-assed reform. They might take away gibs from the Pakis and then the Pakis will deport themselves, or they might just start arresting them instead of covering up the rape gangs. Either way full-on civil war is unlikely.


>He's taken the piss outta the Russians when they get their ass handed on several occasions.
cool. sounds even less biased than i thought he was
in either case hes p clearly not a western disinfo asset, and the 4 or 5 vids ive seen posted here were accurate in their reporting. as opposed to literally any other MSM outlet thats still even bothering to report on it


jordan peterson
bro wut
a few years ago that would be a meh. some of his religious stuff is interesting
but the guy is a fucking drug addled retard now, totally lost the plot.


I'm actually signed up for his uni that starts at the end of the month. Listened to him during his Exodus seminar and it was pretty good. I don't know shit about his Daily Wire crap because fuck Matt Walsh, but his interviews on his jewtube channel are usually pretty good shit/very insightful.

For clarification I don't follow him on twatter or any other social media where he's coocoo for cocopuffs if you know what I'm sayin


wait.. what do you mean 'his uni'?? you're not actually giving an e-celeb money right?


you know you're being fucked with because you keep acting like a botch right? no one actually cares where you're from lurk more and calm down nigger


isn't he an actual professor? drug addled or not if he's a professor then he's got classes somewhere. either way i had thought he went off the deep end and wasn't far from sucking dicks in an alleyway considering how fucked up he was looking when i stopped paying attention to him at all


no i think anon is going to some online 'hustler university' tier sorta eceleb online college
im pretty sure peterson does not work at whatever college he was teaching at anymore


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>you're not actually giving an e-celeb money right?
Yes, the value added is important to me because I feel like I'm lacking in the humanities department and I believe his range of professors (many of which he's interviewed on his channel) would be good for rounding me out as a person for personal growth, so I don't mind spending the cash for a year and trying it out.
>what do you mean 'his uni'


it's not accredited right now but he's been discussing this for the better part of a year now and their goal is accreditation so I'm on-board for the lectures and if there's a piece of paper down the line then that's cool too




oy vey sign me up for schlomo academy


lol retard


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its my money to throw away how i want fam
stay mad, poorfags


ok retard


when was the last time you even opened a book


lol shut up autist


says the one getting irrationally angry about how others spend their money
right back at yah autist


>but the guy is a fucking drug addled retard now, totally lost the plot.
he got like that supposedly because the niggerjoos in the media and acadademics and leftard gobmint in cancuckistan threatened to revoke his loisense, for not toeing the righthink line


i want to help you, but i can only take you to the water, not make you drink it.
it is actually retarded to sign up for hustlers university, when you could just open a book, or experience life and self reflect– humanities being worth less than the shit smeared on the bottom of my boot notwithstanding


i mean he just called you a retard doesn't seem all that irrational to me tbh. spend your fuckin money how you want fag, if you spend it on some shit someone thinks isndumb they're gonna call you retarded it's nbd and maybe you shouldn't be a thin skinned little turd about it
hell doesn't peterson himself tell you not to be a fuckin pussy when someone throws flak your way?


ok cool so >we have narrowed it down to the two retards who have been shitting up every thread lately and spamming the same shit at eachother ad nauseum.
both of you, identify yourself in some meaningful way preferably location so you can be given a monicker to be belittled with when you act like retards
its like >we have been cursed with 2 new buckeyes


i'm neither of those and i post lol shut up autist because fags get mad about it
it's crazy how it only took like two months for this board to turn into hair trigger angrybros wtf happened to you niggers? yims aren't for srs business


yeah yeah get back to your gay catboy orgies


same thing as whats happening in ingerland
immigrants have arrived and are not assimiliating


>i'm neither of those and i post
dont feed the wildlife


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thx vary much for support and pls remember to washe benin




to busy taking about meta drama and penis washing


>i post lol shut up autist because fags get mad about it
i dont but i still think its hilarious cuz it just works™ every time
spee is literally that kaki of the popular grils lunchtable rn with all these random webring geeks tryna sit down then getting assblasted when >we call em losers. its funny af tbh


theres plenty of free online penis washing tutorials so idgi


>trex soft tissue found potentially containing cells
>inb4 jurassic park meets terminator





I miss AI-newsfag


ya i as thinking about him last week, where'd he go?


bongland is burnin


>making dino crisis real


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think its finally fucking happening??
US economy has been a propped up corpse since 2008


i'm gonna have to side with the nuttin happens fags on this one bud


what make brakr go brak


zerohedge can be great sometimes but you got to take their stuff with a grain of salt

they love the doom and gloom stuff


what is xfag talking about
also nothing ever happens


ya but there HAS been a market correction thursday/friday
and intel being fucking scumish retards has seriously brought down their value
tech is in a bubble and i could see it potentially knocking all the dominoes down


freefall tbh


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something is happening, at least
eth has dropped almost a thousand over the weekend


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i think i know what hes talking about
thats the bank of japan. their central bank that is. after their 80s bubble popped they just bought all their own junk debt to avoid btfo-ening

theyll be fine tho its central bank yimonomics
theyll just do some blood sacrifice of the innocent, prolly bail it out again or whatever, and itll be gud as new. librejps purchasing power will prolly be crushed tho. that dont matter tho cuz in the long run erryones ded amirite??


yah itll prolly fuck up all the forex shit too
its a lot of """""money""""" that just 404d


itll make everything in US market go down a bit cuz ppl will prolly panic buy dollar en masse. you def DONT want yen rn. that makes stock go down obv, since its in dollars, and then its red and omg omg SELLSELLSELLSELLSELL till erryone realizes were not japan so its prolly not that big a deal

tl;dr zerohedge just doin zerohedge things


currency pairs, obv including shitcoins too, will def be wild af for a bit tho


Isn’t there a lose all your money thread for this exact thing?


stop shaming me


generals are for gays


One of you was just bitching about those other two fags probably (((you))) shitting the thread up and no one jumped their shit over it


its been something thats been talked about since shortly after it happened. the way it was done p much ensured japan, and to a lesser extent the world, would eat shit from it eventually

you know how in the 90s japan went into a massive recession? in the 80s every nip was buying all dat cheap money from their banks, and all the banks were lik yah bro gimme dat interest, and the BoJ was lik heh yah guise gimme dat interest, and then they built the whole fucking country and all their corporations on it. but uhoh all that money wasnt actually free and a lotta those corporations were worth bullfuckingshit so a buncha thangs defaulted at once and their economy blew up.
but in their darkest hr centralbankman swooped down from the skies and said, "worry not feeble peons, for it is i… centralbankman!!", and then they just fucking bought their entire countrys junk debt lik a buncha lunitics, and niplands economy has been a literal economic zombie ever since
the end


Thank you for that eloquent, and informative post.


yea iirc its been them holding their own trash govt debt, with its negative rates, for lik 20yrs now, so i guess thats what blew up.
again tho, its just central bank memeshit so who tf knows what that even translates into in real life. im sure they dont know and if its scawwwy theyll just do what they always do: print more money.

the entire economic model is bogus cuz BoJ did everything they were """supposed""" to do, by the books, and not only did japan basically never recover but it ended up blowing up on them anyways cuz who tf is gonna PAY YOU to hold ur worthless economic bubble from the 80s debt? yourself? exactly.
idk wtf they expected would happen


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as always, the moral of the story is basically RIP nips
death to anime
sportschan is the only way


>say gemeruls r gey
>get accused of some completely irrelevant shit
donyou have a head injury?


Louisiana is the first state to permit surgical castration for offenders convicted of sex crimes against children.


but uh yah geberals are gay


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heem right tho
ppl have legitimately been talking about this for lik 30yrs. unless all your money is in yen its prolly fine


>cramer says we're good
oh shit we're fucked aren't we


absolutely nothing is going to happen within the next 24 to 48 hours


bro cramer just said its an nothinburger
the worlds about to fucking end. maybe even WWIII


Day of The Pillow can't come fast enough for boomers. Watching their retirement funds enter freefall while SS becomes insolvent is a beauty, innit?


hey when shit was about to actually get fucked up, prior to bear going tits up, he was the first one to flip out about it. all his bros were options guys so they were unironically losing their everything+


nothing ever hap-


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lol what network were you watchin budy
he was calling people who wanted to pull out of Bear retards like two days before they crashed


no im talking about the one the year before
obv heem was short by then


>BioAnal Sys


the only ppl that are potentially gonna get royally fucked by this are nips who have all their money in nipland. this has the potential to be utterly cataclysmic lik bank run cataclysm for them. more than likely tho, itll just be mildly devastating. BoJ will just input its cheatcodes so the only real thing thatll happen is that the purchasing power of yen will plummet and prolly never recover

its when this happens to the US that its literally ogre. cuz thats the debt literally EVERY central bank is holding. no one but japan was holding onto nip bonds. theyre literally worth less than nothing


are you literally sure?
sounds like gud fortune for me tho it means visiting nippan is about to be much cheaper


bongs still mad? wonder how long they'll keep it up for before they go back to watching footie


With their party out-of-office, the recent carbon taxes on cars, and their jobs held by shitskins they have nothing to lose. Unironically just like the nigger riots in the USA they can sit in jail for the next X months and it don't matter so they have every incentive to riot.


Sounds like a wonderful time to be a tourist, but I'm pretty sure that because of how the world economy is interwoven this will have a major impact on the world economy. At least for boomers. Keep in mind Japan's "good" zombie economy acts as a counterbalance for shipping goods across Western allies in Asia so there's a lot more at play here than meets the eye.

Tariffs mean Suntory Whiskey is still $30 for the equivalent 700 yen bottle, so I'm still mad. Fuck Trump's wheat tariffs and fuck Biden for keeping them.




>major impact on the world
itll have major impact on japan
tbh i think US memes is prolly a buy long term. itll be on sale for a bit, and even better its not japanese so it isnt down lik 30% rn lol. win-win. i mean if you were nip, where would you hide your money? other side of the planet, somewhere thats not turd-world, prolly

see the thing is our fed actually has some ammo rn. they could ez just go full obongo era QE and drop rates to fuck all and wed be on the moon. or they could do the reasonable thang and gradually lower rates as needed, slightly pre-emptively theyll prolly just do the first one tho cuz they fucking LOVE free money. BoJ doesnt have that luxury. they just get to eat $20T worth of shit and hope their entire financial sector doesnt implode


yah heres the highlights of their last BoJ minutes, in eng, from about a month ago
they were talking about how they needed to raise rates before it was too late. then the other guys said nahhh so they did literally nothing. they were obv already way too late, but now theyre just stuck with shit in their pants for the foreseeable future


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citi and morgan predicting full point of cuts over next two meetings
gonna assram already fucked inflation tho


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>At its July policy meeting last week, the BOJ voted to increase its short-term policy rate target to 0.25% from a range of 0% to 0.1%
see what i mean? they tried to raise the rates as much as they could, a truly pathetic amount, and they still couldnt. theyre just fucked and yens gon bite it hard. no other option.

meanwhile US picrel is sitting pretty rn up over 5% for the first time since before 08. were literally in a position to bail out an entire US financial sector collapse AGAIN. and its just not our financial collapse this time so its prolly not as big a deal.

lik idk man ppl were giving powpow shit about the whole free money yim, but realistically hes the guy who started turning it off finally. after lik 10yrs of free money. prolly the only reason we arent gonna get totally fucked


Trump is streaming with Adin Ross on Kick and the Twitch trannies are coping,seething and dilating.


Dont think it will really matter because Kamala voters are gibs me dats.


It was p good a couple months ago getting everything at a discount as a white piggu spending ameribux


>citi and morgan predicting full point of that honsetly sounds lik more than well need, but yea thatd def do the trick. lol @ large bankers losing their lunch money. theyre prolly pissed. they were finally making LOADSAMONEY again just lik the gud ol days

imo its not gonna be bad enough to warrant full-on QE money-printer memes. i mean they got 100+ beeps to just play around with rn ffs. thats a ton of firepower. powpow could ez drop it lik 3 or more bps every single month and still have plenty to spare by the time his next term is up in 2026.

tl;dr we gud


this fuckin return key is so toast lol


kinda sucks we don't have a neocon in office because then we'd just bomb more brown people to stop the recession from happening


the neocons are all ded or lik 100+ bro that shits over
now >we just have champagne socialists that act lik neocons. yuck. gag me w a spoon


jeb can still win….


i was joking but he actually does want to bomb browns lel


of course he does
literal family tradition stretching back 3 generations


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i wanna see joe get shot out of a cannon
just tell him there are underage girls in there that need a shoulder massage


You think they finna let Trump win and then just rug pull the economy with no survivors ?


lol i dont think the federal reserve gives a flying fuck who is the president of anything. theyre the ones who write the checks, not the other way around


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📉 The S&P 500 erases $2.1 TRILLION of market cap at the open.

🔶️ This puts total market cap losses since July 16th at ~$5 TRILLION.

🔶️ That's $357 billion PER TRADING DAY for the last 14 straight trading days.

🔶️ In other words, the S&P 500 has erased 2 TIMES the value of Nvidia's, $NVDA, market cap in 14 days.


File: 1722890939759.mp4 (268.9 KB, 720x730, 72:73, Qc9V6yOtRRJZTVqd.mp4)


File: 1722891734877.mp4 (731.06 KB, 1728x1080, 8:5, econ oopsie.mp4)

just want 2 buck gas again spruh ;-;


drive the tesla and eat the bug


File: 1722892460938.mp4 (2.47 MB, 1272x720, 53:30, 4_5874995720209044840.mp4)



idk if anyone gives a shit but been diggin into vance and paypal mafiosios, lotta venture capitalists and techbros saddling up with MiGA to curtail DIE and try to outrun chinks stealing tech

bolsheviks v off the reservation nerds is a weird owl


this was staged, i can tell because she wasn't raped


File: 1722892670000.jpg (45.75 KB, 429x429, 1:1, obstinate coon.jpg)


sounds like >we're about to be able to outright afford nip sex slaves here soon
i will pollute the world with a hapa and he will either shoot up a school or make a shitload of money


trouble isnthe nubolsheviks dont have the balls to murder their opponents and without murder theyre just gonna lose ultimately
srsly if you dont know much about how bolsheviks got into power back in the day you should look it up, they were every bit as retarded back then as now only difference is they straight up killed their opposition when things weren't going lenin's way. commies are nothing without mass slaughter


File: 1722896663438.mp4 (2.26 MB, 720x576, 5:4, raskin 14th dup.mp4)

they were brutal about it too. ya this footsie faggin with mental enslavement is a bit tedious. fuckers need to be crushed to the atom
they gotta be on the back foot if they cant even let the boomers have zion don, right?


we gunna need more joogas


File: 1722897116054.png (Spoiler Image, 129.13 KB, 241x628, 241:628, ClipboardImage.png)

might know a guy…




>starts chimping out
>immediately cuts back to studio

i hate angloids so fucking much, the jews of the white race


File: 1722897924811.jpg (44.99 KB, 425x645, 85:129, prime slag trim.jpg)

oi bruv res of yas jus jeahlous of our wimmins


so now on top of everything else, we have a possible global depressionb owl ?

queen kamala already taking BLACK EXCELLENCE to the market, mhm thas it sweeeeeety~~~~ we finna make the whole world Detriot !


File: 1722900339273.mp4 (5.98 MB, 720x1286, 360:643, kid arrested.mp4)

tf they gonna do put him in timeout?


ha erryone goin for the recession memes


File: 1722901846939.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.26 MB, 1940x2586, 970:1293, dicc.jpg)

well jeb wants to bomb venezuela. thatd prolly work. im sure he didnt think of it by himself. prolly got the idea while out golfing with one of his older bros golf buddies. i know dicc is always down to K I L L


how does age affect charges/incarceration in bongland?


well hes white and a boy so they're probably gonna deliberately ream him as hard as possible, maybe charge him as an adult, and then deliberately put him in a prison housing mostly brown pedophile rapists
not joking even the slightest bit, bong authorities hate their own citizens so much it's probably a very good thing none of them have guns otherwise cuck island would be sub-american levels of white overnight


they are gonna put him in kebab




Out of 1.2 million bot followers


File: 1722932557521.mp4 (514.46 KB, 464x848, 29:53, 5_6163705028163933237.mp4)

❗️Russian Iskander missiles slamming Kiev last night.


wow rude!


idk why he doesn't just retire and enjoy not doing what he's clearly bad at anymore. he's like kamala without the incredible blowjob skills


File: 1722943547690.png (1.62 MB, 798x1424, 399:712, poor jeb.png)

do not insult Jeb!


he's like a character from some shitty adult swim cartoon. the premise is he's the black sheep in a family of evil motherfuckers and no matter how hard he tries to be evil he just winds up being a regular idiot


File: 1722952222382.jpg (2.2 MB, 4411x2178, 401:198, tim walz.jpg)

shapiro dropped. ditzies and spentleman; your next vice president


you have no idea how insane he is


why isnt the minysota governor a lightbulb headed somali?


he make you take the sissy hormones?



File: 1722953902889.mp4 (390.7 KB, 886x488, 443:244, walz socialism.mp4)

>trans 'refugee' state
>state mandated 8 min 46 sec silence for st floydius(pbuh) while state burned
>drivers loicense for illegals
wew, naked pick there camelhuh. gloves off erection


File: 1722954844991.png (1.46 MB, 914x914, 1:1, e5463f9663d07a37edbf3b60ff….png)

the more nutjubs the better so weimerica gets nuked


File: 1722954941764.jpg (63.49 KB, 811x866, 811:866, IMG_20240806_093458_625.jpg)


i mean i can prolly guess just from the eyes


File: 1722956849473.mp4 (4.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, harris economic head.mp4)

cacklmom's econ advisor chair


>had record breaking surplus (thanks to whities)
>end up giving it all to somalian fraudsters
>raise middle class taxes to make up for it


To be fair the S&P Trump Index is a real thing. Stockholders invest when they think Trump is winning.


Hopefully with this anti-white libhick literal cuckold repugnant worm man Kamala picked for VP it has sunk her campaign chances.

I do feel like the powera that be are just testing this election to see if they can just roll out the most virulent GeorgFloydian Nightmare team to see if it can win. YUCK.


why does he look like he works there?


File: 1722968389242.mp4 (8.39 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dialup noises.mp4)

>is that how that works?
if you listen closely you can hear vid related


Kamalas VP is quite literally GHOST. Like its literally the /sp/ yimmer of a sissy hypnosis bbc cuckold radical gay race communist from Minnesota.

There is an interview of his wife saying how ahe kept her windows open during the 2020 LOVE riots because the smell of burning tires made her pussy wet in a way her shrimp dick cucky never did. Its fucking insane.

I blame Da 5 for memeing this nigga in existence. I'm going to burn images of GHOST on a sacrifical pyre to make this evil depart from us.


>kept her windows open during the 2020 LOVE riots because the smell of burning tires made her pussy wet
are you exaggerating on that last part


its gon close green today ffs. relax. were not japan


>a shekelsteinberg crashing the economy with no survivors


Im not gilding the lily at all….ITS REAL.


File: 1722973659024.mp4 (1.29 MB, 1280x590, 128:59, rItDgweh_DzDFAyB.mp4)



56K is probably a bit generous
maybe 9600 baud or 14.4K


File: 1722973804969.mp4 (2.09 MB, 888x496, 111:62, walz wife.mp4)


she sure touched "stone" if you know what i mean


self described gommie that taught at a gommie school in china during tiananmen square too

doesnt get much more GHOSTian, insane move by demonrats. even lady killer scarborough went uhhh idk about this scoobs


This really is some insame shit.
"I wanted to smell the small bussinesses burning to the ground of the people who pay my faggot husbands salary."

Some real Let Them Eat Cake shit, iykwis


britbongs should have listened to that feller


File: 1722976524808-0.mp4 (1.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, walz wife1.mp4)

File: 1722976524808-1.jpg (238.02 KB, 2048x1513, 2048:1513, walz advisore.jpg)

through the looking glass
zero chance this guy didnt shower with the players


yah it's the exact kinda person that needs to be used to water some trees
fuckin psycho bitch


File: 1722978172637.jpg (175.37 KB, 1050x580, 105:58, walz ped law.jpg)

>removed pdffile exclusion from discrimination law
every time. gotta protect chomos with all those dirt humpers running minnie's soda
hat gommies, hat fedslappers


is that actually the law or is it something they tried to jam through the state legislature


i think it's more like they're just straight up gonna try to flip the gommunism switch it's not like any of them lack for arrogance


File: 1722981737630.jpg (20.18 KB, 474x248, 237:124, finke.jpg)

passed as part of the take pride act, final version: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/363A.03#stat.363A.03.44

this ghoul from house of reps edited it, walz signed


lmao holy shit
i hope dup stomps her into the fukn ground for this shit
>my opponent allows pedophiles to roam free in the Great State of Minnesota


>literally looks like the troonjak



absolute linebacker
you can see why chicks are slowly waking up to the reality
id be scared if i ran into that guy in the mens room, nevermind bein lik 5'5" and a gril in the ladies room


men LARPing as women is the only way to punish women


life imitates art


have sex incel, cringe, yikes, oofie~~


srsly tho why do they all dress lik 16yo grils? ffs man you gotta play to your strengths. or at least not to your crippling weaknesses. just dress lik a grandma and no one will even pay attention to you
but nah. just become the meme


because they're all pedos at heart


File: 1722983921895.jpg (142.16 KB, 495x495, 1:1, 16265657641061.jpg)

>why do they all dress lik 16yo grils

do you really need an answer to that question ?


File: 1722985176563.png (893.69 KB, 820x621, 820:621, ClipboardImage.png)

dude could open 55 gal drums with that jaw
imagine being legislated by this puke picasso


File: 1722985526150.mp4 (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, walz wewin.mp4)

>that surplus he blew in a year was 20 billion
this has to be a punt by [D]s. no way theyd actually run the cunt, r-right?


disappoint babby cr.ogg pls. the men are talking.


it's fuckin infuriating. with just a little effort he easily could've been an absolute monster (the good strong kind not the genderbent nightmare kind), but instead he put all the effort into being even less passable than a crossdressing trukr.
i would commit murder to have those genetics and this fucking queer is born with them and decided to make a clown show out of it GOD DAMMIT


i'm telling you dude they're just straight up going to go full ussa. hoping this next rigged pile of shit finally breaks people free of the democracy delusion




Will Kamala pass the Sissy Hypno camps for all QPatriot americans and Interracial Breeding grounds for all chudcels ?


>good evening
>good evening
>good evening
>good evening
>good evening
>good evening
>good evening
>good evening
how much of her audience was paid to be there




theyre so screwed lel


i know what id do
take the $80M, or whatever bidups campaign funds she got was, and then just fucking chill


stop being so trancephobic and plz help me move this couch


at that point, just gimme the hose. i dont even care anymore






File: 1722989168087.png (14.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, islamic gomm.png)

not at all ruling it out but im hopeful for 4 more years of prep tiem budy
qbooms are rascally after ree tardy oswald whiffed. not lik dup would or could put much of a wrench in it


I just hope we can in our life time just get the "Gay Race Communism" Party, just so i can tell normalfags, I told you so right before we are all hauled off to the Death Camps.


File: 1722989416597.png (207.5 KB, 628x1188, 157:297, ClipboardImage.png)

spruh theyre dropping mcduck bags


i use to play a recording of dial up noises loud as fuck in my computer lab circa 9th and 10th grade
the teacher was a super old lady and the room was arranged in a way where you couldn't really tell where it was coming from
sometimes id log into multiple stations, load it up, then turn off the screens so it looked like the computers were off
she'd go completely batty demanding to know who was playing it
then i'd be super helpful and tell her 'im pretty sure thats just the noises the internet makes'
fuck terrorizing professors was so fun


File: 1722989756977.png (64.98 KB, 1420x352, 355:88, walz race mca.png)

prob coming unless you're ironically GHOST tier hospice
now i think about that poor bastard might not live to see his dream so


your with… Warris?


walz/harris duh


awesome, Niggers should be first in line for EVERYTHING, and whites last.
its the least us fellow spartsman can do to make for the injustice of chattel slavery


im just gonna assume you meant to add a few spaces to hit the H in Her




lel why'd they put old ladies in charge of computers in high school anyway?
mine got bootlooped, homepage to whatever the version of happypuppies was then, screenshot desktop & hide icons, the works
fun times


ya, monster makes beer now and they go down smooth my bad


File: 1722990326890.jpg (49 KB, 1080x913, 1080:913, IMG_20240806_201808_614.jpg)

sir… i……


File: 1722990527407.jpeg (911.23 KB, 1290x698, 645:349, IMG_8722.jpeg)

>hurricane debby blew a cool mil of yayo on the beach
america needs a coked up duddman


File: 1722990640852.mp4 (5.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, twisted coonstarter.mp4)


man i had no idea minnesota was such a shithole


what the fuck was it chewing on?


File: 1722991737108.mp4 (5.11 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, cat lady.mp4)

lith ion battery


some chink electronic with lithium battery pack


them coons got turned into chinese takeout


lmao all of that is so fake i don't see how anyone could believe that
uh huh yeah sure ok budy


File: 1722992347000.webm (3.71 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Emu.webm)



>jaydee vans is WEIRD


>"weird" a now iconic insult that walz came up with
lel imagine writing something this retarded with a straight face. i refuse to believe this isn't trolling. at least "deplorable" was a word people don't typically use all the fucking time lmao. i really hope god is real because at least then i'll be able to see these fags being tortured in hell with me


nothing is more cringe then that "bold lib" chick on twitter

every times she posts its just pure cope
she will act all happy, but if you look at the eyes, you just see the instant deep sorrow and crows feet of uncountable nights of boxed wine and ssri's

its tough ladies and guntlemen


File: 1722992842920.jpg (26.39 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

this thing?


same. when my great grandmemes are crying about how boring and great everything is I can tell them of our tiems


yeah lmao
i think part of it is an act for clout, but she is literally a 40+ something year old woman acting like a 18 year old


damn, her hairline is as balding as mine, i'd feel bad for her tbh but im sure she's scorn my MALE sympathy and drown her dusty ruined smashed eggs with some more boxed wine


File: 1722993463860.png (330.25 KB, 554x841, 554:841, fauci maxxing.png)

just some of her cringe


heard take on the weird angle that its a placeholder while the bolshbots wait for further programming, adds for me
man the leftie swap from row row fite da powah to authority cucks was quick af


idk who this bish is but i absolutely would put a tistic in it if her left eye isnt actually lik that


File: 1722994139819.jpg (979.64 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, kamala soy.jpg)



File: 1722994651367.mp4 (2.32 MB, 886x462, 443:231, halperin hacked.mp4)


thats nearly every whorb in her 40s these days even a lot of the supposedly "traditional conservative" ones will dye their hair and act like they're still in college
birth control fucks a girl's hairline up something fierce. p sure if i stopped being a cue ball grew my hair out long our hairlines would be an exact match. actually i may have a little bit more on the sides of my temples than she does
this looks like sarcasm, it's too perfect it's gotta be sarcasm
u lik e.t. budy?


File: 1722994844412-0.gif (241.29 KB, 498x498, 1:1, gay trap that will suck yo….gif)

File: 1722994844412-1.mp4 (2.79 MB, 720x576, 5:4, 2 Phut Hon.mp4)

>srsly tho why do they all dress lik 16yo grils?
Because it's autogynephilia (sexual attraction to being perceived as a woman or wanting to be a woman) manifest. It's a pretty common fetish affecting about 3% of men in 1st world countries. 15 years ago we would just call these people "cross-dressers" or "traps" depending on if they were straight or homo respectively, but somehow the gommies got their stinking claws into them and convinced them that their fetish is actually a way of life and that they aren't just sexually attracted to putting on women's clothes but that they actually want to be women. It's kind of like how they convinced guys that they must be a homo because they get off to having their prostate stimulated when the reality is that it was quite common for women to buy an anal dildo for their husbands for kinky bedroom shit 20 years ago before the gays really took off since it was an equally common fetish for straight men.

The sexual revolution and allowing people to practice their fetishes in the streets as part of their identity was a mistake.


gb2 619chan
o wait


File: 1722994982007.png (43.64 KB, 211x105, 211:105, ClipboardImage.png)

heem RALLY into it


>uhm womyn today ackchually have less rights
>says this rarted shit while everyone is distracted by the fapping nigger


>it's gotta be sarcasm

all of her posts border on being a complete retard and sarcastic humor


all those fucking boomers staring intently guaranteed they jacked to that while their wife slept in a different room lmao


are >we absolutely sure it isn't just trolling? it reeks of insincerity and whorbs do that kind of shit all the time to make internet numbers go up and cash in however they can off of it all while bathing in the attention


File: 1722996396100.png (2.42 MB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>>We are deeply saddened by the passing of >our friend and colleague Billy Bean, MLB’s Senior VP for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Special Assistant to the Commissioner. Billy, who fought a heroic year-long battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, was 60.

>Over the last 10 years, Billy worked passionately and tirelessly with MLB and all 30 Clubs, focusing on player education, LGBTQ inclusion, and social justice initiatives to advance equality in the game for all.

>Billy’s 10-year playing career included six Major League seasons with the Tigers, Dodgers, and Padres.

>Interim commissioner Rob Manfred called Billy “one of the kindest and most respected individuals I have ever known” and someone who “made Baseball a better institution, both on and off the field.”

rest in piss you wont be missed


>while their wife slept
uhm shes making VARY loud noises and im not sure how she sleeps with that hip hop asmr


Most of them are old enough that their wife is a dusty sealed cavern bruv. Sleeping in separate rooms is more accurate for those kind of marriages. Ask your grandpa about it if you don't believe me.


That's why le west has follen. Boomer thru zoomer marriages are dependent on the heccin sexarino, and not on the actual vows


File: 1722997452391.png (78.48 KB, 238x242, 119:121, ClipboardImage.png)

seen lotta effete younger men when i was city folk, full on nuts in purse
turbolib bitch neighbor used to alternate between word policing me and pulling down her entire shorts to show bug bites on her ass in front of her husb


what registries do you get fed into when you register to vote? jury duty i know
looking for tinfoil aka correct answer


>Yesterday he's talking about binning knoifes
>"Guys we can't be killing pdf files"
Nigel is such a fucking snake


wdym by registries? like glownigger type shit? afaik it just puts you on public record as a registered voter under [x] party. dunno what else there would be to do with such limited info, they get more data about you from the average dmv visit


Pretty much all of them tied to selective service and tied to whatever party you register under. You will get spam mail, spam calls, and they know who you voted for.
t. Little sister stole/filled out my ballot I threw in the trash in 2016 and I've never stopped getting Hillary donation spam/Democrat spam calls ever since despite being registered independent


isn't selective service automatic for all males once they turn 18?


also you should spit in your sisters drinks for that the spam alone justifies it


Nah, not really. It's mandatory but it's not automatic. Depending on state you can't get a driver's loicense without it and you can't vote nation-wide without it, but it's not automatic. The fines/laws around it are never enforced either.


File: 1722999081246.png (20.91 KB, 865x966, 865:966, IMG_3623.png)

When the saxon began to Cope - by MF

It was always part of their blood, It came along with a rope. With long cuckenings to make good, When the saxon began to cope.

They were not easily moved, they would watch footy and mope. Till every child should be killed, ere the saxon began to cope.

Their voices were estrogenic and high pitched. They were unable to elope. Their "people" were getting lynched, when the saxon began to cope.

It was not preached to the crowd. Everything was going downslope. They were cucked and proud, when the saxon began to cope.

It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Blacks fuck your daughters, while you stay home and masturbate. Historians will analyze with great detail and scope, after their extinction, when the saxon began to cope.


Axios is apparently laying off 50% of its staff shortly after Google got found liable for monopoly actions. Axios is primarily promoted through Google.


PROTIP: register lolberg. i registered lolberg cuz i figured theyd send me the least spam/begging. it worked. theyll send me lik one letter once every two or three erections, or whenever theres an actual lolberg candidate so almost never


>t. spain
hey i mean i actually quite lik spain tbh. gr8 sk8ing, nice weather, decent whorbs, cheap af compared to western yurop at least.
but uhhhhh wat? spaniards literally got raped into a new race by muslims lik 1000yrs ago. wheres this presumed high ground coming from?


i registered recucklican because i wasn't paying attention and just said whatever and i get basically no spam either. democrats have to spam the shit out of their constituents otherwise almost none of them would bother leaving the couch to go vote


not sure but your name, dob, and address pretty much becomes public knowledge if they know any of the two, that's usually how kiwiniggers dox people. haven't registered in lik 3 years cuz there's no point anyways so nobody can find me that way.


barcelona is a surprisingly nice city despite looking like a fuckin favela in large parts of it
safer than most burger cities too. it was kinda strange being there i was paranoid and waiting for nigger thugs to be around every corner because some of it really looks that bad but nah everyone was generally polite if not outright friendly. even the homeless weren't total cocksuckers


no i aint talkin shit on spain. i lik it a lot tbh. prolly helps they were too broke gib out gibs, so it actually still feels lik western yurop. unlike the entire rest of the EU at this point.

i just meant in context of the pic/post it doesnt make sense. spains history is littered with civil wars and incidents of getting btfo and taken over by whatever retard was most powerful at the time


dont have to register with a party where im from


p sure you can register indie anywhere
you just dont get to vote in primaries
who cares


i can vote in all primaries and do.
why shouldnt i have a say in who is on both sides of the shekel


then i guess its state to state. makes sense, not in any democratic way obv, but in the sense that its state primaries, so its governed by state laws
i know indies cant vote in em in NY. unsurprising, considering the place.


oh no i gotcha i was just reminiscing about barcelona because of your post


spains sick man if errything goes well imma be there a LOT
i love how they have architecture thats twice as old as my country and they let you skate it cuz "muh art". absolutely based priorities.

i gotta get my spanish up to snuff tho. outside barcelona you rly kinda need it. i can only read it raly slow, but when they start spitting it at me all fast i literally cant even.
whats some shitty tv shows or movies i can watch with continental spanish?
i guess mexican/sudaca shit would help some too


knew i was forgetting an obvious one thx
there a non malicious reason that stuff's made public record? seems on the nose


File: 1723049979057.jpg (29.54 KB, 474x266, 237:133, dora.jpg)

nice gl budy
eat at them shitty gualbertos joints. lotta them 24/7 places are def trafficking ops, theyre always down to bullshit with gringos
when i was decent at spanglish could get by with porteguese and shit too, lotta cross over


File: 1723050222037.mp4 (1.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vOihMm7ZOck8aN-P.mp4)


prolly so old boomers that can't computer can see if they're allowed to vote for their favorite medicare candidate


File: 1723051021967.jpg (41.04 KB, 920x584, 115:73, bb sabotage.jpg)

>bumper car down to the city office at 12 mph to remember how they vote
can see it tbh, still feels lik a damn set up


File: 1723051589453.mp4 (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ban social media.mp4)

multiple teens jailed now
\o/ to bongers, crowns barkin mad innit


File: 1723052351268.jpeg (132.08 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, pantera vulgar display of….jpeg)

give the bongs your energy


File: 1723054746018.mp4 (1.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trump blink1488.mp4)

i cant believe when adin ross handed trump the aux, he had blink 1488 playing

truly /ourguy/


File: 1723055885184.jpg (123.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 10_yrs_in_the_rot.jpg)

ya they're goin to need it


File: 1723056661550.mp4 (1.5 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, vance plen.mp4)

>vance walked over to cummalots plen on tarmac
>“wanted to go say hello and ask her why does she refuse to answer questions”
>"also to check out my future plane"


cant help you there bud i was in spain with a couple of spic frens of mine tho and they got by just fine so if you know spic spanish then that's probably gud enough. i sorta drunkenly stumbled my way through interactions but i also didn't do a lot of stuff that absolutely required conversational spanish either
>i love how they have architecture thats twice as old as my country and they let you skate it cuz "muh art". absolutely based priorities
yeah there was very little of that modern art crap like dildo buildings and retarded amorphous statues, at least compared to the amount of that stupid shit you see all over burgerstan. i also wanna check out more of the countryside if i ever get a chance to go again. actually yurup in general has some awesome landscapes


i wish i could give them some guns. the irish could probably cover that if shit actually gets spicy tho


File: 1723062065937.png (143.76 KB, 1960x692, 490:173, ClipboardImage.png)

euro guv tried poking some old cinders there


>yeah there was very little of that modern art crap like dildo buildings and retarded amorphous statues
yea thats more in the rest of yurop. esp the places that got flattened in WWII

tho you shouldnt knock that stuff too much, cuz if theres one thing that shit is ACTUALLY gud for, its skating. and yet thats the crap theyll always call the cops on you for.
lik wdym that strange shape symbolizes genocide? no. it symbolizes a fucking halfpipe, now fuck off and lemme sk8 pig


File: 1723066790317.mp4 (3.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, finke.mp4)

>commit murder to have those genetics
youre not gonna believe this shit


these stupid motherfuckers really want to wake all ypipo up right before they had victory p mich in the bag huh?
never sk8d so i wouldn't know but yah fags get really uppity about their blobs


>stop molesting and killing our kids
>u racist


Tampon GHOST is going BUCK WILD!


File: 1723068540114.png (1.81 MB, 850x1241, 50:73, The-battle-of-the-Kursk-Sa….png)

ukrainian wehrmacht invading russia. they are moving towards kursk and have already captured 11 settlements and around 80 square miles of russian territory. they don't seem to face much resistance as russia didn't expect this at all


File: 1723068645209.jpg (27.24 KB, 640x838, 320:419, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHAHAH….jpg)

is this a happening? i know they're going to get pushed out by tomorrow but still lul




>in the Kursk region attack, which Russia said was carried out by some 300 Ukrainian troops, 11 tanks and over 20 armored vehicles
says alot about russian troop quality


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Zsisters its over…
poccnr has fallen


>fighting and grinding away at a losing war
>suddenly punch deep into enemy territory
>your allies can't/won't send aid to this area
>you are now in a position to be surrounded since there is enemy controlled territory everywhere around you
battle of the bulge vibes. it'll be interesting to see what comes of this


me playing eu4. lose the war but have a small cavalary army take provinces while avoiding the enemy big stacks


prob going for the power plant, burger daddy says it didnt know lel
right as ruskies said fuk yu lets proxy and sending iran nothing bombs too


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>look we're big boys now so come fight our battle
>gimme attention
-hohol parliment fag
not buying usa didnt know, not great either way


there's zero chance burgers weren't aware, but considering the retard gagglefuck that is our government rn i doubt there's any noteworthy help on the way. the ones in charge currently probably aren't entirely sure if they can adequately steal this next election so making any big decisions is undesirable, now is the perfect time for other cunts to do whatever tf they want and watch amerigay play catch up later


only one way to settle it
gotta put on the pantsu yourself and show him how its done


fucking ballsy
im surprised their intel didnt show the holhols rolling up to their front door w 20 tanks

i guess ruskies troops must be p depleted too by now


yeah, either u.s. wanted it or couldnt stop it
launder billions, destroy yuro energy, free anti nablow training to roosks, further fuck up >our currency and relationships and faggot hohols punch themselves in the balls while biderps eepy OR usgay has lost they damn marbles

putlers been p clear this is goin on usgays tab, maybe ayatollah will get off his carpet and do the thing


thats raly crazy tho
even if they lose all the ground tomorrow, thats still a lotta egg on putlers face. gotta imagine the actual ruskie peasantry must be starting to tire of this bullshit war, and stuff lik this is certainly no gud for morale


russia uses diplomacy to influence ukrainian attacks within its borders
in other words, throughout the invasion russia has held off on significant bombing of eastern ukraine and kiev for use as bargaining
basically whenever ukies misbehave and strike in russia it opens those areas up for targets
so expect some heavy bombing of bases, power, and other infrastructure etc behind the frontlines


im registered big L as well and ive never gotten anything


>>you are now in a position to be surrounded since there is enemy controlled territory everywhere around you
sure, its all russian territory, but you gotta imagine most of their shit is out on the front lines rn. thats prolly why they were able to take it so easily. no one even there to stop em


theres not any targets of significance within striking distance
hence why russia has no troops there, and why ukies aren't seriously targetting it
its a PR stunt, same as the previous 'russian freedom fighters' attacks etc


>its a PR stunt
well it worked
ruskies look retarded rn. the cunt theyre trying to occupy invaded them


with 300 troops?
seizing bumfuck villages in an indefensible position?
who's impressed?


it makes their borders look soft, it's not as much about "impressing" people as it is about pointing out any weaknesses to the rest of the world. yes that kind of shit matters, especially when you're directly beside a lot of potential enemies. it's easy to forget this if you're american since there's no genuine threat to your borders outside of paco jumping the fence. even with the gayified american military there's fuck all the spic or leaf militaries can do to the usa, meanwhile russias got a bunch of other countries around it that, while not outright hostile, aren't exactly friendly either. that whole ussr thing left a p bad vary long lasting taste in their mouths, and china has only ever been friendly out of convenience


its p incompetent to let your enemy just walk behind you into your country unopposed. esp when youve been on the offense for lik 2yrs. it looks completely retarded on every level

gotta be bad for morale too. if i was getting shot at everyday as a job, id be furious to hear that my cunts intelligence was so asleep at the wheel as to "miss" 20 tanks trying to flank me


man i wanted to do an oblivion playthrough
but installing mods for oblivion looks like a complete cluster fuck

like at most i would always go for a vannila+ type mod like one that changes the shitty scaling systems, makes the magic better and maybe a few texture mods but its looks like oblivion modding is a nightmare


if u find a package lmk, d/l'd that this weekend and hit the same wall and gave up
cant be fucked to scroll nexus let alone boot test after every one


>let alone boot test after every one

that is the worst part
like when i go to play FNV, it takes probably two-three sessions of just installing mods but at least the mods for fnv are pretty stable

but everthing im reading about oblivion says the mods are known to cause crashes


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this morning forgot i left bleach in toilet, took a fuckyuge beer pee and mustard gassed myself
no coon or kot casualties reported


got recc'd this one but havent tried it yet


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no cuz we've been told all along that filthy hohols can't do shit to the all powerful vatniks. then they roll up and take a shit on one of your border towns and make russia look like lolcows. even when they get btfo it's yet another reminder that russia is not as invincible as they think. they're just better equipped for attrition than ukrops and nato are.


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oops wrong one


niggas that rp online are some of the most unhinged people in the world


have you been living under a rock?
this has happened multiple times, where ukraine has done small cross border raids
its a nothingburger. they share a border and large parts of it are just backwater bumfuck nothing that neither side really cares about


i'm glad this dude lived into his 80s


don't forget the multiple drone attacks into russian territory they've launched either. it's almost like there's retaliation in war or some shit.
so sick of faggots with no actual stake in the battle picking a side and saying dumb faggot shit every time typical war shit happens. wake me up when russian soldiers are beheading zelensky, or if some suicide bomber manages to reach out and touch putin, otherwise if your butthole clenches every time you see a headline claiming "[x] btfo'd the [y]" then you might be a fucking retard



nothing is happening


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~55 miles in from the border into a historically significant city in lik 2 days almost unopposed during an "invasion"
hohos are closer to a power plant for 19 russian regions than the border
this spigga was even patient with you >>1641184 pms boy


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ukraine be like pic related


them boeing astrotards are still stuck i guess


hohols have invaded the slavs a couple of times, but this one did a lot of damage, specially in the pr section.
Now its the slavs turn on how they will react and how much resources the hohols used to do this pr stunt nowhing full well it can be used on other fronts.


sometiems i wish >>>/int*/ was still around. it was fun having enemies


imagine being stuck orbiting a flat disc



ok which one of you got caught trying to do a jihadaroo at taylor swift concert?


if ur still living that close to the frontline no matter what side ur on then u kinda deserve to have a shell come through your window and blow up your couch
guess slavs are just used to it at this point, good 80+ years of constant war and civil unrest prolly numbs you to most shit


Isn't this the second time something like that has happened? considering her fanbase it prolly wont be the last tbh


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it was MEH


you know everyone that's still there on either side of the border is poor as fuck and can't afford to move elsewhere right?


everyone everywhere in russia and ukraine is poor
that didn't stop all the smart ones from getting the fuck out the moment it started


this one was more legit
almost had a real good one if it werent busted up by some damn meddling jerkops


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Its up to 7 million now ?
I mean its crazy 8 millions lives were lost that day and these people just fail to comprehend the magnitude of the suffering and murder of 9 millions people.

They sit there and act like the 10 million lives lost butchered by hate. I mean can you believe it 11 millions died in those camps, 12 million s souls just snuffs out and now you dont even want us to have a homeland ???


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they have to be aware of the joke at this point


idk but all the replies are holocaust jokes and that is so based

thank god im not a bongoloid where i would be arrested for making a joke


What the fuck is wrong with his face? To much inbreeding?


what % nigger are you? the brain at the very least is 100% ape


they advanced lets be real, they drove along the highway 50 miles through uncontested territory before getting smacked by local aviation and deployed ruski national guard. they've lost irreplaceable armor, vehicles, and men so they could score media points to use towards more gibs
seriously what was the plan? no air superiority, no supply lines. enter russia then what? Die?
>it makes their border look soft
their border IS soft. but defending arbitrary line in dirt is retarded do i really even need to explain this
>we've been told all along that filthy hohols can't do shit to the all powerful vatniks
its true, they CANT do shit. the potential aid this might drum on the PR side of things won't even be near enough to replace the amount of infrastructure that is going to get bombed into oblivion. its beyond retarded


don't worry >we have fifth column /k/ faggots who sit around jacking off to MSM war headlines all day and acting a fool now


not to dredge up an old topic but its honestly fuckin bullshit that some (most?) states restrict you to one partys primaries. lik why dont you get a say in the other party? wat if they win the genral? ur just stuck with youre thumb up yer ass with no say whatsoever. esp if its not a swing state, if you register as the party that will never win that state then you raly have no fkn say at all. yes im imblying that voting matters. that must be assumed, dunnit? otherwise why even fuckin talk about it other than talkin ab overthrone it


didnt the russians say this would justify the use of nuclear artillery in jewkraine?


Russians have historically given up ground to launch a punitive strike. Not even the first time in this war they've let the Ukrainians push in. I suspect this was intentional and allowed for PR reasons. That or they really are that incompetent, or some combination of both.


the way you talk about wanting this dude’s body is starting to sound really gay


you gotta rapr him


i'm not gonna repeat myself faggot


you sound like an obese piece of shit tbh


just get the inventory mod that makes the inventory not suck. then get "28 days and a bit later" or whatever it was called
best fucking oblivion mod
old but gold


heem just humblebragging bout how heemd look better in a skirt


here comes the fag talk now, shows how much cocklust you projecting fags actually have. chug estrogen, run for congress


>some (most?) states restrict you to one partys primaries
im p sure its most
as to why? you know how theres a buncha states that are just always blue, or always red? thats prolly a lot easier to do without any outside variables


>got smacked by hohols on his own territory
>has a meltdown to prove how not angry he is


like what >>1641293 says there's really no point in voting unless ur in a swing state like florida where it slides left/right every other year, and even then lefties are just gonna rig it again and you'd be making your address available online for no reason so what's the point anyways


On the contrary some areas might always vote one party or the other, but most people never show up for the primary/caucus so the primary/caucus is where you're really deciding the candidate to represent you. There's pros and cons to both "party affiliation only" voting and open primaries. I'm personally a fan of "by affiliation only" because it's very easy to poison the well. Most of the extremists in congress were elected by about 2000-5000 votes in a primary erectionb owl in districts with you know 700,000+ people living in them.


the ape post was me and had nothing to do with defending russia or ukraine, you retarded ape cuc/k/old


lol shut up autist


but wat about primaries for local elections lik mayor and shit? or even non-pres fed erections lik house and senate? state house and senate? unrelated but nebraska doesnt have a senate or house its all just one body, or unicameral


tiny local elections maybe, but they can't really do much that has an effect on your daily life
if you really want to vote you can go ahead and register, nobody's stopping you budy
just saying i personally think it's a waste of time. maybe a hundred years ago but def not today


>wtf you're supposed to fall for it when i try to force you to take sides in an argument about a war that has nothing to do with you
lel cuc/k/ logic at its finest


local elections have way more effect on your life than the national ones tho, it's one of the last areas where votes actually matter


stop supporting cancer


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>do pr stunt or try to stop the slavs from advancing


yo fag who was gonna play oblivion
tbh, you dont even rly need that many mods to have decent time
you just need access to the spell maker and this uesp page


remember, armor is fucking gay and you shouldnt wear it. just enchant clothes so you can have 100% spell effectiveness


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dems been hip to that for decade plus
neocoons are trying it on that cousin fucker omar


if ur gonna tmwtd, at least post the goods lik >>1641380 i've got 5 black step children to breast feed
thanks budy. havent played since it came out so idk wut ur talking about yet but 10-4


explain this to me like im duddddder driving a 1992 chrysler lebaron into a tree


cops see it? dui
no cop? afternoon with dent pullr

wut happen if car drives self and no one's around to hear crash


it crashes and sits there like a retard


just like the vidya games. only stuff that's in your view is rendered


what i meant was, does the registering to a single party bar you from voting in the other partys primaries for smaller elections, or is it only pres one that you cant vote in both sides' primaries?


me neither, retard.
anyway, you can apologize when nothing ever happens in 2 weeks time.


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they're really leaning into that 'weird' angle
seeing a presidential candidate press statement in the form of a snarky reddit post is extremely discombobulating


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gen z prez and a space bag


lel idk how you can still miss the point, but that dress is starting to look gud on you bb


>people yelling weird are the biggest weirdos
>people yelling racist are the biggest racists
>people against gays have the biggest closet
>people defending children are the biggest pedos
there are dozens more examples
what is this phenomenon called?


armors just shit and sucks in oblivion imo. it starts off being basically useless, giving lik 2pts of defense, then it takes ages to lvl up the skills, and you gotta repair it all the time, and then it doesnt even rly do that much once you DO lvl it up. the more/heavier armor you wear, the less effective your spells are too. oh and it weighs a ton and slows you way tf down.

i usually just make a cheap shield spell and hotkey it. if your WIL is high enough it becomes basically free cuz it regens so fast.
or you could do lik bound armor all bound gear is weightless. you can rly notice it with bound weapons. theyre so much faster than daedric, but w same stats and just wear a chestpiece or whatever then summon the rest and be a battlemage. thats p fun too

or if you rly hate magic then unironically try stealth archer. its so much better in oblivion than any of the other games, cuz they made archery actually fun. plus the thieves guild quest is prolly the GOAT of all time


nigger every post i've made about it is that nothing is gonna come of it. do you really lose track of conversations this easily? lay off of whatever cocks you're sucking the cum is rotting your brain.


"i know you are but what am i?"


do you guys wanna start using the /v/ here again? it was a nice bort before whatever spamming faggot wiped the catalog last time. i know only like 3 of >us bothered with it but still


why are they using the default blog template, are they really that lazy?


whtver, kremlin shill


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It begins!


>kremilin shill
>when i made a post talking about how and why this was a retarded fuck up on russia's behalf
you are actually unironically retarded and it's a shame you found this place. hopefully whoever directed you here gets ass cancer.



do as i say, not as i do



nah it's more of a "no u"


dont argue with the /k/ lurker he can't tell people


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lel wtf


File: 1723179531403.mp4 (10.31 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, xvKkxZcLvTgtr_zN.mp4)

>kamala cat ladies discover what detroit niggers are



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>pickup point has no planning or logistics for directing people
>busses are mixed in with UPS air trailers


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>6k people


>all these boogiemen that came out of nowhere
just shut your whore mouth.
a shitposter's a shitposter, but you keep playing who's who w/ worthless posts as if you werent adding more garbage to the pile


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error postan shoop shoop bedoobedoo


yeah whatever fag go get more conversations muddled and confused in your broken schizo brain



If he can get it working, Midas Magic is so fucking fun on Oblivion, just wish they locked the content behind the Mage Tower instead of in the open where anyone can access it.


I always liked 100% chameleon armor so I could be a shitty sneak and still do all the Dark Brotherhood quests unhindered. Good times.


yeee ill start postan when i play games but usually its weebshit


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spartman ssstwitter.com exists if you don't know how to pull video directly


I wish they would but ain't no way they'd let real niggas near those AWFLs.


he's just being an autist at this point, ignore him


yt-dlp exists and works fine too


this is why you are supposed to spank your monkey


not like anyone's gonna give you any serious shit for that tho


how about you shut the fuck up projecting retard? i'm not the one losing track of easily followed conversations like two posts in and then crying kremlin about it
you won't tho, tourists never actually try to blend in they barge in and shit then cry when rightfully mocked and then throw months long hissy fits about it instead of going back to the shitholes they came from


im done replying to this tard his obsession with me has shat up enough threads, livin rent free in ur hed will do that to u
anyways whats da update? bongs still settin shit on fire?


blivion thread >>>/v/7509
pick some of the spaghetti out of gourmet tism


good that's all anyone ever wanted you to do webring nigger


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generally projection. high emotions behind it is primarily cognitive dissonance
forget dab study but the more opposite the claim is from the truth, more likely peeps w/out strong foundations most erryone now are to end up habeebing it if spoken confidently and often enough. espec en masse
also: hard af to totally shut off pattern rec & social acceptance parts of the brain, so a perverted version of mimicry subconsciously occurs to alleviate the obvious issues there. mostly(imo) as a protective measure. nurture side of the argument as to alchys having alchy kids despite the kid knowing intimately how bad it is. need for empathy with offender.

gaze into the abyss and all'at, cult 101, very brat


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ofc she backs out of faux one
better not be just one dab8 tho i wanna see madame president slay cheeto benito


if she could slay a convo like she slays a cock she'd probably agree to all three but she scared


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dont blame her
obongo & pillosi nixed bidurp with lik 2 weeks of headlines after covering for him for years, fumblel'd dup shooteroo, then threw her the keys to the flaming shitheap
ol' f&f holder set her up with a pedo vp that may have to step down too
whole new level of getting fucked for her


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kursk nook power plant offline after attack on substation that supplied its power
russia told international atomic energy fags its temp ded, and missile fragments were found in the nuke plant proper

allegedly russian troops surrendered but both sides lie out they ass. sus sourcing on the movement map but 3 prong pincer would be wild if tru


siege of moscow when?


chernobyl II electric nukealoo when?


never just like the siege of kiev. idk how there's even enough able bodied ukrainians and functional equipment left to do this kind of shit, but i guess they saved up enough strength to do this shit to try and take some pressure off of the front lines.
is russia even making a real effort to push them back though? i know they've lost a fuckload of troops too


Starting to think it's a false flag. Or rather it's like that greentext of the hippies trying to rip up the nuclear facility and the military letting them get all the way to the entrance before cracking skulls so the military could sue the shit outta them later.


>to try and take some pressure off of the front lines
The slavs will just send other troops to that new front.


which takes time attention and resources away from other areas, and i doubt the russians like the idea of ukrainians marauding around back home very much. even if it's only a couple hundred soldiers they can fuck up a lot of shit if you don't stamp them out quick like
>the slavs
they're all slavs. you are talking about the russians right?


so do hohols have a master plan for this offensive or are they just going bull-in-a-china-shop mode and breaking everything they see


> idk how there's even enough able bodied ukrainians and functional equipment left to do this kind of shit
the troop and equipment numbers are all made up bullshit, from both sides. any exact numbers are just made up bullshit from armchair generals on reddit who've played too many war sim games and government propaganda which is equally made up. the only ones who actually know are the russian and ukrainian governments, and for strategic reasons neither are telling the truth about what is really going on over there.


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good question
but who needs a plan when you can slapfight with million dollar misslels


probably doing it to make up for other fronts that are allegedly having problems. they want the russkie military to panic and regroup.


>Implying even they might know
sure they got a number in some book somewhere but of that number half the equipment is probably sold off on the black market on both sides lol


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>be retarded
>suddenly drop out bc retarded
>give millions in weapons
hilarious tbh


File: 1723246536943.jpeg (23.23 KB, 288x499, 288:499, WHY.jpeg)

fucking why
are they so retarded that they don't see this is putler's startegy to bleed gayto and usgay dry of all their wepons
fuck i hate this senile old fuck


less readily available for pissrael so personally idc tbh. would be nice if foreign AIDS stopped entirely tho


exposing tech and counter measures and free anti gayblow training too
idk man impossible to tell where retard ends and subversion begins anymore
sounds Q tier but gub is filled with foreign spies. joey, harris, walz, are heavily CCP tied. walz's marriage date is intentionally the anniversary of tiananmen btw


>Stinger missiles
The micro-processor for stinger systems went obsolete last year because the facility closed down. Lockheeb is working on a replacement system.
Already a for-export-only system and Germoney is demanding Lockheeb expand their PULS system in Europe instead
America has never had good artillery
Being phased out and replaced by CCMS-H
Production is expanding and the Predator is becoming a replacement weapon for Javelins anyways
Easily replaced
>small arms munitions
US government is the only one who stockpiles this shit harder than preppers
>Everything else
Basically just throwing money at CNC machinists
it's just America clearing out their stockpiles of old shit, minus the Javelins which are seeing a massive uptick in sales to African countries because of their success in Jewkraine


never thought of it like that, now i truly see


ya cuz every usgay soldier always has the latest and isnt stuck with goodwill


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its just the military-industrial complex doing its job as it always has been. we send our old obsolete shit to be used overseas as an excuse to make room for the latest and greatest shit.
when we can't do that we just start a war ourselves.


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wtf happened towards end of july anyway?
been out of work for a couple weeks and shits starting to bleed together


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2020 demos
knew dup only lost ground with yt men, but jesus christ
whitepill me immediately


ok, votes dont matter and the country is gonna collapse or at the very leats become increasingly irrelevant over the next decade and theres fuck all anyone can do to stop it but the silver lining of being norther brazil is that the laws will be basically unenforceable due to lack of adequate policing and you can basically do whatever you please as long as you dont just go around murdering people but even then it will depend on where you are


also the 2020 election was the most blatantly rigged shit imaginable, polls mean nothing (2016 should've proven that to you), and the mask is fully off so there is no point in letting this shit rule your mind, free yourself of the fagocracy curse and do as you please


whitepill: democracy was always a mistake and now you're realizing it.


thx budy. had that exact convo about law this week and 5got


yes i do
i never stopped using it but theres onl so much you can post on your own without conversation yunno




>blatant ignore
she could have just made a jab like
<lets see if donald can get through 1 first
or some shittalking but she sucks ass at politics


use nitter.poast.org/[twatterhandle]
one click d/l and no account needed for all content budy


whats this about her veep being a pederast?
i mean the guy looks sketch but i haven't heard anything bout that


they only have like 5km of geolocated footage into russia, kursk is still far as fuck away
they might have started bombarding it with missiles tho. fucking retarded, if true. the 'western community' will stick its head in the sand, ofc.


theres been some spreadsheet leaks of ukie tracked casualties for that covered a couple months and its about as bad as you'd think


american industry is fucking dead
defense companies are a shell of themselves since the coldwar ended, for obvious reasons
it would take decades to manufacture all the shit >we have given away— assuming they can even make a functional replacement every new navy design of the past 20 years comes to mind


iran/israel hot war concerns, basically
yunno, because kikes can openly fucking assassinate anyone anywhere without any international repercussions


what are these even saying?


2020 had some obvious funny businesses that has obliterated any faith in 'democracy', assuming democracy is even a desireable system to begin with


see >>1640823 and error post


and that's a good thing but the MIC are stupid greedy kikes and think they can just money-print themselves into a new boom boom toy so let them eat cake brah


basically psyop gravy hittin hard af
in order: silence is violence, ignore stepping over hobos and stabbings murica=big evil, men/women are the ick and hat them at any cost


Orange man speech in Montana something tells me he's gonna get shot tonight
else they won't shoot him again until after the September debate


gud digits for shoter


what i thought nitter instances stopped working entirely
in order:
the votes of newly registered voters who did not vote in 2016
the votes of urban voters (not surprising at all tbh urban areas in general haven't gone red in decades with only a handful of exceptions)
the votes of single/unmarried voters
doesn't he have a shitload of volunteer and private security now? it'd be p dumb to trust ss anymore and properly vetted private security is better anyway


they represent 2020 voting trends


File: 1723256589544.jpeg (15.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, snickers facts.jpeg)

>something tells me he's gonna get shot tonight


cant remember specifics but graf found way around it
for a fag who uses custom gril avis he does good work

sliders on 2020 owl lik a 2% gain in white vote mogs 14% of spic vote but dups campaign is TBI rove


>Not live an hour after it should go live

eh private security can be just as compromised unless you're using blackrock or some other paramilitary service but i didn't think they allow them in burgerland

nah it's just my schizo feels but my schizofeels have a 70% accuracy rate which is more than a coin toss


everything can be compromised but it gives you a far better chance than going with nothing or something you know is compromised like the ss.


is dup going to spend his next 4 years as president in a prison cell or is all the convictions another nothingburger


i'm p sure he's been straight up let off the hook for most of it


He's got civil court shit but he's been let off all the criminal stuff. There's one case that could result in prison time but they ain't pushing prison time


Bolice are looking for woman named Billary Clint'wanius connected with an Iranian spy ring. Alias 'Big Saxy'


Ofcourse. They made a whole lotta hullabaloo over nothing then.


to be fair they tried to use lawfare but then SCOTUS made them suck his scrotus that's why they tried to cordless holepunch him in the first place


File: 1723287205486.jpg (394.77 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Bears and guns.jpg)

Alright, you need to stop you big baby kuma. This is three threads you've autistically shat up because of an old /kohi/ grudge being an incessant and narcissistic webring whiner. Both your friends and your "enemies" don't give a shit about your multi-imageboard grudge because your grudge about wanting that guy dead is autistic and retarded. You're so obsessed that you drove away board discussion being angry over a nothingburger about a guy who doesn't give a shit about you.

You have friends, including the guy you have an autistic grudge against. If you just shut the fuck up and enjoyed your time with them instead of being a misanthropic piece of shit you would realize that. Stop while you are ahead and go back to your anime stream and IRC server. You are obvious and all you are doing is creating problems where there are none. I'm not even mad just annoyed because you can't just enjoy a good thing and make fun of someone without relying on your "newtype" proclamations that just shit the place up. Just go back to having fun and settle down now, alright? You will be far happier than you are whining and creating unnecessary drama against a third party that wouldn't respect your Smug-related dramaniggery in the first place.
tl;dr- lol shut up autist


>trying to stir shit up again over a post from days ago
i guess you were lying when you saidbyou would stop responding, cuc/k/. didn't read btw


like ffs shit had calmed down and i guess you just couldn't let it go huh?


lol shut up autists


File: 1723292109083.png (11.27 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

no my bipolar disorder demands that i periodically return and cause drama when things aren't as shitty as i want them to be. also i lik anime like all deranged shitstirrers


File: 1723300809977.jpg (12.99 KB, 474x315, 158:105, susie wojak.jpg)

Susan Wojak, inventor of the wojak and fucker upper in chief of jootube ded
"Live by the cancer, die by the cancer"


File: 1723304158957.png (854.43 KB, 1000x890, 100:89, 9d6158e5e866f72da668f68019….png)

a lot of my fav channels were either banned or lost interest in posting because of this kike.
whorbs ruin everything


File: 1723304386131.mp4 (3.71 MB, 640x670, 64:67, RIP BOZO.mp4)

>cunt responsible for banning everything
>turning the site into the "unalive" nightmare doublespeak shit hole that it is today
>dead like a dumb bitch




File: 1723305497107.mp4 (224 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Minecrab.mp4)

don't discard my post fucker


File: 1723308811898.jpg (123.89 KB, 494x618, 247:309, anigay.jpg)

lel its always anigay
dont do anigay kids


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File: 1723311724894-1.mp4 (1.65 MB, 868x482, 434:241, belarus droned.mp4)

lookin lik the proxy war camo mask is coming off and nablow put both hands on the wheel. likely just starting
-frog and pollak soldiers seen with ukes
-used italian weaponry to strike inside russia
-reportedly advancing into oblast
-poking the border few other places
-holhols droned belarus

less than a month after ratfuck midget zelenskqueer invited putler to the peace talks to end it. yet another minsk headfake or puppetmasters took the controller and headset


lel i know what threads you've been browsing;^)


File: 1723312800214.gif (3.98 MB, 360x360, 1:1, ab9be47fd9efd7be9bdb6494e1….gif)

nothing hapens


the frogs and polacks mite be mercs, there's been several norweigian mercs killed in ukraine so far and don't firget the reddit brigades were a thing
>italian weaponry
lel tf do they even have that ukraine hasn't been given by everyone else? spaghetti cannons?
>poking the borders in other places
if true it sounds like memelensky or one of his military leaders did something smart and slipped a bunch of troops behind russian lines to force russia to respond and ease pressure on the front. wonder if they'll actually take full advantage of this or fuck it up and squander it all like every other counterattack they've tried so far
that's concerning. idk, donyou really think gay toe and the usa would risk a worod war rn? this is probably the weakest and least popular any of their regimes have been since ww2, multiple cunts are at genuine risk of having insurgencies start popping up on their own territory without pissing everyone off with drafts


smh u read all that from pottery inscriptions, spoopr?


>im not even mad
>proceeds to type a well thought out WALL OF TEXT
lol u sily tbh fam bam


gud point on mercs. macaroni wanted troops officially but idk if that went anywhere
spaghettinigs raly not happy about the war rn & some clause about not using em inside russia i think
ya border prodding is smert, seems lik they are using it well so far

belarus and rest, ya fuckin iunno. i've got asspull schiz theory but hopefully its just to get more bargaining chips. does seem a bit much tho
espec after nordstream, chuckin u.s. booms deep into russia, maidan, nato base expansion, etc. lik chill tf out a scooch


tbh i'm more willing to bet ukraine just let the success of this attack go to their heads and decided to start poking belarus on their own it's not like it would be anywhere near the first time they've done some shit without giving nato or the usa some kinda heads up. if >we're thinking glowniggers here ukraine isn't a nato cunt so glowniggers provoking belarus into double penetrating ukraine rn isn't a good idea because they don't have that "don't fuck w/our frens" excuse that nato cunts have so there wouldn't be a solidly united response and yuros might really start questioning if it's all worth it or not. well more than they already have been


File: 1723316111484.png (294.95 KB, 314x500, 157:250, ClipboardImage.png)

My name is Maximus GHOSTicus DeMarcus, commander of the Buck Herds of the North , General of the Cuck Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE President, Joseph R*tard Biden. Father to a transitioned son, husband to a well pleasured wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or in Minecraft.


that'd track, ukes been a mouthy drunk gf for awhile
rooshya's invited but hasnt committed to the second peace summit in november fwiw


it'd be p funny if putler was waiting to see if dup gets picked and then just immediately ends the war the day after the election without even bothering with going to the summit


nah he'd do what the iranians did during the hostage crisis and wait until the moment he was inaugurated so that way bidup gets none of the credit


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File: 1723320050088-2.mp4 (199.73 KB, 320x320, 1:1, disloyal.mp4)

zognald has declared TMD on joe blogan


lmao his loyalty autism is one of the things i raly hate about him
the whole "either u r with me or you ar RADICAL LEFT SCUM and TERRORIST and ANTISEMITE" is rly fukn annoying


File: 1723322777401.mp4 (3.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, shex liesh coverupsh.mp4)

a pillow in every hand


translation: i want my medicare


thank you for your shervice tough ghuy


lel his jew cocksucking is the only reason i hate him, he's second only to dup himself in that regard


That's the most sober I've ever seen Lukashenka. Either shit is srs bsns to get a hot head like him to go in calmly or someone's got a rope around his nuts.


tbh Joe has been pissing off people right and left going on nonstop about DMT his podcast has been getting stunted in the rankings too


jokes on him she's gonna add 40 million illegals to the medicare pot and crash it with no survivors

>I wanna see a woman president!
yeah and I wanna see right wing deathsquad boots on heads and the day of the pillow, but sacrificing the republic for pipe dreams ain't worth it buddy


>imma vet listen to meh
as a former zogbot i can tell you with full confidence that the vast majority of soldiers wouldn't have passed voter tests back when those were a thing. i have no idea how veteran worship is still a thing, it's mostly the dregs of society that enlist, with most of the rest just doing it for the college gibs. the turbo patriots are surprisingly few in number too and most of them fall into the fucking stupid category


why do some people get into psychedelics and then think the whole world wants to listen to their rambling?


>i have no idea how veteran worship is still a thing
It's all social conditioning. "Keep the traditions that make people useful idiots/wage slaves, get rid of the traditions that make them independent thinkers and entrepreneurial." Veterans are "celebrated" for the same reason corporations encourage abortions but discourage maternity leave.

That being said voluntarily going off to defend the country is something honorable in a homogeneous society that doesn't engage in punitive expeditions regardless of the social status of those veterans. America has a long history of poor niggers and rich millionaires both eating McDicks for lunch. Culture just hasn't caught up to reality because of three generations brainwashed by television waves. The older generations are cut roses and don't understand that their petals die while they've been separated from their roots. The younger generations are trying to graft themselves to other plants because they recognize the roots have rotted without the flower to gather sunlight.


make the thread

sept 18th sentencing
judge's daughter worked for kamblowa & schiffty. not recusing is sussy


>Trump's plane was sabotaged on its way to Montana rally, but sabotaged poorly so they diverted safely
>Alabama to hold back 2,000 third graders for being illiterate
>Pundits angry that MyPillow guy continues to fund MAGA
>British OnlyFans model Rain Monroe, 21, gets TRUMP tattooed on her forehead
>Harris promises to do interviews… By the end of August
>North Dakota state senator pleads guilty to sex trafficking little boys
>ActBlue getting sued by Texas for money laundering through senior citizens
>Pennsylvania police revealed to have warned SS about the roof the Tuesday before the event
>Majority of Americans now think Euthanasia should be legalized, stock trading among legislature should be banned, and America should not intervene in Israel
>Trump claims Harris has agreed to three debates
>Homeowners being mass-dropped from insurance after insurance companies incorporate AI drones to force compliance
>Taylor Swift concerts canceled in Austria


>>Homeowners being mass-dropped from insurance after insurance companies incorporate AI drones to force compliance
compliance with what?


nvm i looked it up, insurance kikes are using aerial surveillance to look at roofs and other shit to provide excuses to end your coverage
fuck em i don't even need insurance where i'm at. i'd drive without insurance if i could too, been driving for almost 20 years at this point and not a single wreck outside of hitting a deer which they refused to fuckin pay for anyway. it's just kikes all the way down with insurance, total fuckin scam


imo he wants to prove something to someone, and really he just needs to search with in to rid himself of that ego and arrogance that allows him to ramble endlessly about how cool psychedelic drugs are. I mean yes you’ve got that right, mind altering chemicals are amazing, however it takes a strong mind to not wind up being an egofag over doing dmt a few times I’ve done it hundreds of times tbh ohhh lookit me gibs me cool cred :D lolno that’s not how it’s supposed to work. You take w/e it is and have a really interesting, possibly majikal experience with your friends or a loved one and think about things differently and apply it to your daily life all the while seeing walls, trees, grass, the sky, how they are supposed to be seen. That’s just my opinion, I may be right or wrong. The answer lies in the canyon at sundown

t. psychedelic pro


idk how he gets such an ego after doing them i always feel the opposite afterwards, as in not preachy at all. i'm also not particularly full of myself to begin with either i guess it's just his personality type, you can't really do much to change that past a certain age

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