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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1640093[View All]


We have eternity, GHOST
You may have eternity. I have only now
But this is eternity

This thread dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighers of Afghanistan
512 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


cant remember specifics but graf found way around it
for a fag who uses custom gril avis he does good work

sliders on 2020 owl lik a 2% gain in white vote mogs 14% of spic vote but dups campaign is TBI rove


>Not live an hour after it should go live

eh private security can be just as compromised unless you're using blackrock or some other paramilitary service but i didn't think they allow them in burgerland

nah it's just my schizo feels but my schizofeels have a 70% accuracy rate which is more than a coin toss


everything can be compromised but it gives you a far better chance than going with nothing or something you know is compromised like the ss.


is dup going to spend his next 4 years as president in a prison cell or is all the convictions another nothingburger


i'm p sure he's been straight up let off the hook for most of it


He's got civil court shit but he's been let off all the criminal stuff. There's one case that could result in prison time but they ain't pushing prison time


Bolice are looking for woman named Billary Clint'wanius connected with an Iranian spy ring. Alias 'Big Saxy'


Ofcourse. They made a whole lotta hullabaloo over nothing then.


to be fair they tried to use lawfare but then SCOTUS made them suck his scrotus that's why they tried to cordless holepunch him in the first place


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Alright, you need to stop you big baby kuma. This is three threads you've autistically shat up because of an old /kohi/ grudge being an incessant and narcissistic webring whiner. Both your friends and your "enemies" don't give a shit about your multi-imageboard grudge because your grudge about wanting that guy dead is autistic and retarded. You're so obsessed that you drove away board discussion being angry over a nothingburger about a guy who doesn't give a shit about you.

You have friends, including the guy you have an autistic grudge against. If you just shut the fuck up and enjoyed your time with them instead of being a misanthropic piece of shit you would realize that. Stop while you are ahead and go back to your anime stream and IRC server. You are obvious and all you are doing is creating problems where there are none. I'm not even mad just annoyed because you can't just enjoy a good thing and make fun of someone without relying on your "newtype" proclamations that just shit the place up. Just go back to having fun and settle down now, alright? You will be far happier than you are whining and creating unnecessary drama against a third party that wouldn't respect your Smug-related dramaniggery in the first place.
tl;dr- lol shut up autist


>trying to stir shit up again over a post from days ago
i guess you were lying when you saidbyou would stop responding, cuc/k/. didn't read btw


like ffs shit had calmed down and i guess you just couldn't let it go huh?


lol shut up autists


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no my bipolar disorder demands that i periodically return and cause drama when things aren't as shitty as i want them to be. also i lik anime like all deranged shitstirrers


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Susan Wojak, inventor of the wojak and fucker upper in chief of jootube ded
"Live by the cancer, die by the cancer"


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a lot of my fav channels were either banned or lost interest in posting because of this kike.
whorbs ruin everything


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>cunt responsible for banning everything
>turning the site into the "unalive" nightmare doublespeak shit hole that it is today
>dead like a dumb bitch




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don't discard my post fucker


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lel its always anigay
dont do anigay kids


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lookin lik the proxy war camo mask is coming off and nablow put both hands on the wheel. likely just starting
-frog and pollak soldiers seen with ukes
-used italian weaponry to strike inside russia
-reportedly advancing into oblast
-poking the border few other places
-holhols droned belarus

less than a month after ratfuck midget zelenskqueer invited putler to the peace talks to end it. yet another minsk headfake or puppetmasters took the controller and headset


lel i know what threads you've been browsing;^)


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nothing hapens


the frogs and polacks mite be mercs, there's been several norweigian mercs killed in ukraine so far and don't firget the reddit brigades were a thing
>italian weaponry
lel tf do they even have that ukraine hasn't been given by everyone else? spaghetti cannons?
>poking the borders in other places
if true it sounds like memelensky or one of his military leaders did something smart and slipped a bunch of troops behind russian lines to force russia to respond and ease pressure on the front. wonder if they'll actually take full advantage of this or fuck it up and squander it all like every other counterattack they've tried so far
that's concerning. idk, donyou really think gay toe and the usa would risk a worod war rn? this is probably the weakest and least popular any of their regimes have been since ww2, multiple cunts are at genuine risk of having insurgencies start popping up on their own territory without pissing everyone off with drafts


smh u read all that from pottery inscriptions, spoopr?


>im not even mad
>proceeds to type a well thought out WALL OF TEXT
lol u sily tbh fam bam


gud point on mercs. macaroni wanted troops officially but idk if that went anywhere
spaghettinigs raly not happy about the war rn & some clause about not using em inside russia i think
ya border prodding is smert, seems lik they are using it well so far

belarus and rest, ya fuckin iunno. i've got asspull schiz theory but hopefully its just to get more bargaining chips. does seem a bit much tho
espec after nordstream, chuckin u.s. booms deep into russia, maidan, nato base expansion, etc. lik chill tf out a scooch


tbh i'm more willing to bet ukraine just let the success of this attack go to their heads and decided to start poking belarus on their own it's not like it would be anywhere near the first time they've done some shit without giving nato or the usa some kinda heads up. if >we're thinking glowniggers here ukraine isn't a nato cunt so glowniggers provoking belarus into double penetrating ukraine rn isn't a good idea because they don't have that "don't fuck w/our frens" excuse that nato cunts have so there wouldn't be a solidly united response and yuros might really start questioning if it's all worth it or not. well more than they already have been


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My name is Maximus GHOSTicus DeMarcus, commander of the Buck Herds of the North , General of the Cuck Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE President, Joseph R*tard Biden. Father to a transitioned son, husband to a well pleasured wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or in Minecraft.


that'd track, ukes been a mouthy drunk gf for awhile
rooshya's invited but hasnt committed to the second peace summit in november fwiw


it'd be p funny if putler was waiting to see if dup gets picked and then just immediately ends the war the day after the election without even bothering with going to the summit


nah he'd do what the iranians did during the hostage crisis and wait until the moment he was inaugurated so that way bidup gets none of the credit


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zognald has declared TMD on joe blogan


lmao his loyalty autism is one of the things i raly hate about him
the whole "either u r with me or you ar RADICAL LEFT SCUM and TERRORIST and ANTISEMITE" is rly fukn annoying


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a pillow in every hand


translation: i want my medicare


thank you for your shervice tough ghuy


lel his jew cocksucking is the only reason i hate him, he's second only to dup himself in that regard


That's the most sober I've ever seen Lukashenka. Either shit is srs bsns to get a hot head like him to go in calmly or someone's got a rope around his nuts.


tbh Joe has been pissing off people right and left going on nonstop about DMT his podcast has been getting stunted in the rankings too


jokes on him she's gonna add 40 million illegals to the medicare pot and crash it with no survivors

>I wanna see a woman president!
yeah and I wanna see right wing deathsquad boots on heads and the day of the pillow, but sacrificing the republic for pipe dreams ain't worth it buddy


>imma vet listen to meh
as a former zogbot i can tell you with full confidence that the vast majority of soldiers wouldn't have passed voter tests back when those were a thing. i have no idea how veteran worship is still a thing, it's mostly the dregs of society that enlist, with most of the rest just doing it for the college gibs. the turbo patriots are surprisingly few in number too and most of them fall into the fucking stupid category


why do some people get into psychedelics and then think the whole world wants to listen to their rambling?


>i have no idea how veteran worship is still a thing
It's all social conditioning. "Keep the traditions that make people useful idiots/wage slaves, get rid of the traditions that make them independent thinkers and entrepreneurial." Veterans are "celebrated" for the same reason corporations encourage abortions but discourage maternity leave.

That being said voluntarily going off to defend the country is something honorable in a homogeneous society that doesn't engage in punitive expeditions regardless of the social status of those veterans. America has a long history of poor niggers and rich millionaires both eating McDicks for lunch. Culture just hasn't caught up to reality because of three generations brainwashed by television waves. The older generations are cut roses and don't understand that their petals die while they've been separated from their roots. The younger generations are trying to graft themselves to other plants because they recognize the roots have rotted without the flower to gather sunlight.


make the thread

sept 18th sentencing
judge's daughter worked for kamblowa & schiffty. not recusing is sussy


>Trump's plane was sabotaged on its way to Montana rally, but sabotaged poorly so they diverted safely
>Alabama to hold back 2,000 third graders for being illiterate
>Pundits angry that MyPillow guy continues to fund MAGA
>British OnlyFans model Rain Monroe, 21, gets TRUMP tattooed on her forehead
>Harris promises to do interviews… By the end of August
>North Dakota state senator pleads guilty to sex trafficking little boys
>ActBlue getting sued by Texas for money laundering through senior citizens
>Pennsylvania police revealed to have warned SS about the roof the Tuesday before the event
>Majority of Americans now think Euthanasia should be legalized, stock trading among legislature should be banned, and America should not intervene in Israel
>Trump claims Harris has agreed to three debates
>Homeowners being mass-dropped from insurance after insurance companies incorporate AI drones to force compliance
>Taylor Swift concerts canceled in Austria


>>Homeowners being mass-dropped from insurance after insurance companies incorporate AI drones to force compliance
compliance with what?


nvm i looked it up, insurance kikes are using aerial surveillance to look at roofs and other shit to provide excuses to end your coverage
fuck em i don't even need insurance where i'm at. i'd drive without insurance if i could too, been driving for almost 20 years at this point and not a single wreck outside of hitting a deer which they refused to fuckin pay for anyway. it's just kikes all the way down with insurance, total fuckin scam


imo he wants to prove something to someone, and really he just needs to search with in to rid himself of that ego and arrogance that allows him to ramble endlessly about how cool psychedelic drugs are. I mean yes you’ve got that right, mind altering chemicals are amazing, however it takes a strong mind to not wind up being an egofag over doing dmt a few times I’ve done it hundreds of times tbh ohhh lookit me gibs me cool cred :D lolno that’s not how it’s supposed to work. You take w/e it is and have a really interesting, possibly majikal experience with your friends or a loved one and think about things differently and apply it to your daily life all the while seeing walls, trees, grass, the sky, how they are supposed to be seen. That’s just my opinion, I may be right or wrong. The answer lies in the canyon at sundown

t. psychedelic pro


idk how he gets such an ego after doing them i always feel the opposite afterwards, as in not preachy at all. i'm also not particularly full of myself to begin with either i guess it's just his personality type, you can't really do much to change that past a certain age

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