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its a tampa kinda day
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Denver Broncos (3-3) vs. New Orleans Saints (2-4)
>7:15 PM CT
<DEN -2.5 TOTAL 41.5


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fat horse


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cr when that gay shit


*starts burning his toes*


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which team is more carbon neutral?


new scorigami idea: both lose


whoa holy fuck jombois needs to know about this


that doesn't seem vary Christian…


do you think jon bois would undo his interracial coupling for a scorigami?


I bet he would for a 6-1 scorigami


was watchin at a bowling alley and i think an aints got btfo on the field what that about?


the aints are using a third string off-brad sideshow bob mutthomos genetic dud nigger faggot for quarterback


jomboy vs jonbois in an interracial match

who wins?


are the boncos a real team now?


the aints are special olympics tier right now


File: 1729262737986.mp4 (4.32 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, aints lookin gud.mp4)

huh? this is elite tankbowl


lel member when the lolphins were dabbin on them last season
some things don't change


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uh oh


>Hair Color: BLK
are those officers blind? his hair is a dark hazelnut brown or maybe honey pecan mist


honestly, i think jay cutler showed up to game wasted
>gun poessesion as well

was jay cutler a black qb ?


they checked his ass hairs to determine the real color since his face pubes and hair are dyed


don't matter, the white ones are wiggers

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