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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1651560[View All]

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duddddder gonna drink a whole bottle of makers mark and crash a car into milton just watch


yea its gonna flip over prolly immediately
worse, hes got the ropes way too tight for what he thinks hes trying to do. hes gonna flip and be trapped in between the dock and the cabin. that is if he doesnt just get knocked out and drown immediately. hes acting lik hes just gonna be able to adjust the ropes on the fly while out in 160mph winds and getting tossed around by the surge. no m8
best case scenario hes shit at tying knots and it comes loose and he just gets thrown somewhere onshore

dudes dead


if the hurricane kills him he wins


hes almost certainly dead if he stays in that boat tho. lik 0% chance. boats ten times the size of that w a full crew can capsize ez in storms lik this
hed prolly be better off just standing outside and holding onto a piece of wood or a surfboard or somethin


noreasters suck tho
if youre lucky it dumps lik 6ft of wet slushy ass heavy snow on you and you gotta dig everything out
if youre unlucky its freezing rain and it rips all the trees and powerlines down cuz of the ice


shoulda worded that better, i've seen noreasters before but i've never seen lightning in a snowstorm that shit sounds cool af
yah i know i just hate that "arresting you for your own gud" type bullshit. hope he makes it either way people like that always go on the best rants


yeah, its called "thundersnow" and its pretty rare. usually happens along the great lakes during early winter blizzards due to lake effect amplifying it. weather channel guys usually cream all over themselves when it happens, so there's probably plenty of videos on yidtube.

even worse if you live in an area that also gets lake effect snow since the noreaster boosts the output of lake effect snow on top of whatever the noreaster dumps. seen a few years where under a few feet of snow was 6+ inches of ice. school was out for more than a week in a lot of areas because school bus drivers refused to drive on ice.


HAARP working overtime


i've been in some sandstorms with sum good lightning
i think anything with multiple things that can kill you gives really gud dystopic sorta end of world vibes
hard to explain


iktf, kinda liberating. plus big boomy shits always cool


it's like you're sitting on god's palm and he's showing you all the shit he could tear you apart with like in that one chinky monkr demigod folktale


>weather channel guys usually cream all over themselves when it happens
jim cantore started that, dude loves it


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if duddr gets blown away my decree still stands


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will it work against da serge?


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it's just gonna hold all the rain in, pumps aren't gonna get it out fast enough and will prolly just flood and die anyways
or they're gonna run out of power if they're connected to the grid when the power lines get btfo'd
or they're powered by gas generators (most likely), which are either outside in the storm and will get blown away/flooded and die or the retards actually have them in their house in which case they'll suffocate and die from diesel fumes
about what i expect from a buncha gatorfuckers


why are so many hurricanes targeting duddddder?


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deeps tate targeting him with haarp to bring down freeze peach
too many people criticizing mutthomes' BEAUTIFUL and ATTRACTIVE wife BRITTNEY who is BEAUTIFUL


Against a standard surge yeah. Against 15 foot surge? lolno


Those barriers actually work really good it's how Texans survive shitty storms. just not for once-in-a-century storms like this one comin.


just looked up a couple videos of thundersnow. shits cool as hell it even sounds different than regular thunderstorms and seeing the lightning reflect off the snow would be awesome irl


isnt the hurricane ded already neway


it's a category 3 now apparently but thats still plenty big enough to fuck a lot of shit up


135mph winds at landfall
still over 100 now


oh man i got a whole story about those things but i dont wanna blog. long story short is the natl guard are fucking retards and forgot to seal up one side before filling it. and i got to call cuomo a fucking faggot irl and presumably thats when he went and got handsy with that lady, ultimately resulting in him getting shitcanned

either way, they generally work better than sandbags as theyre far heavier, and singular, so they cant get tossed around as easy. but if the surge goes over it they got a new pool. itll just stay there and break all their pumps


yea its neat
thats the spirit of manitou algonquin version of odin rising up to punish us wh*toids for stealing his lands
too bad for him tho cuz i got a fireplace and live indoors


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allahu akbar! death to the trop. i hope they have to tear that thing down


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good on him


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holy shit good job florida man


oh so he did cut the ropes
i thought he was saying he was gonna try to stay tied up to the dock


oh noooooooooooooooo what about the rays games coming up!?


is boatman ok?



may i still have some?


so who won da owl?


i knew this fucker would pull through lmao


da joos


@dudder, how was it spoopr?




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Bros, I don't think the goverment is there to help us.


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>Working with FEMA
These wiggers learned nothing after Katrina and at this point they deserve what they get, you NEVER work with FEMA. Find a church group if you actually want to help people since they're the only ones who can sue glowniggers and win in court.


national guard and FEMA are nothing but retards what did he expect?


i kinda think they are being forced to do it


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ya femas confiscating shit. that C17 they loaded up for kommielas photo op never got delivered so they gotta be useful red taping
also demoncraps started a rumor about femur being hunted by miga and ofc wine aunts got panty bunched so now the keystones are muddling shit up too




p gud derica moments captured all ogre


gimme my fucking BREADSTICKS


no i am duddicus
t. doesn't know where dudder is


oh sorry i kinda forgot this site existed


im heartbroken 💔 😥 😔 😟 🙁 ☹️ 💔

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