[ h / librejp / sp / v ] [ ukko ]

/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1725076018065-0.png (161.36 KB, 914x855, 914:855, 1.png)

File: 1725076018065-1.png (119.1 KB, 914x563, 914:563, 2.png)


So. I couldn't find any webmaster contact. And I also didn't know that this site had a clearnet URL until doing a websearch. But the entire functionality of posting from the onion link is broken because ONE dumbass got banned.


fuck off pedofaggot
I will personally hunt you and your entire family down and filet you before eating your flesh cooked at 425 degrees until golden brown


>whoops I accidentally the onions
try cooking with garlic faggot
>durr i no no about clear net
>yet here I am
literally fuck yourself and die

t. sages in top bread


tell your friends to stop posting spam from the onion address and maybe it wont get banned


>one dumbass
more like a non stop never ending stream of illegal content and spam


back to whence you came.


man fuck off




File: 1725117847125.jpg (1.17 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, Apocalypse.jpg)

shitty bait thread
roll time


Least retarded it's pretty ded spammer


>2 of the 3 vehicles are unreliable piles of shit, 3rd is a diesel which as a fuel would get scarce pretty quick
whoever made this doesn't know a damn thing about automobiles


you weren't tipped off it was made by a moron at >clips?


nah i saw the vehicles first since im not a fag


you are a cunt tho

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