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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1724642079765.jpg (93.96 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 640px-Grosser_Panda.JPG)


i hate criket


File: 1724643188405.jpg (552.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, crik monkr ongry.jpg)

i hat nsel ber


watch your fuckin mouth hombre


criket is for smelly monkrs
watch ppong instead


a fuk u chinky


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i hat chinky beer


pandas are some of the stupidest animals alive


wtf nooo…
umm ackhtually /sp/anda budys aka chinky beers are one of the many endangered /sp/ecies of the saint plad's /sp/animal sanctuary
this /sp/itter in particular, a fine exemplar of incestuous bond between /sp/andas and monkr budys, so exquisite, so unique, a wonder of nature!


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no budy you don't get it
pandas are actually fucking retarded, one of if not THE stupidest animal on the planet
they'll just straight up walk off cliffs and fall out of trees and not understand what happened
if the bugmen didn't hunt them all down they'd just drive themselves to extinction anyways


pandas were never going extinct
they were just EVOLVING
humans are fucked once these fuckers learn fine motor skills
imagine an enraged /sp/orangupanda charging at you on its hind legs w some sort of crude spear. the epitome of terror


>one of if not THE stupidest animal on the planet
thats a bit too much imo
you got actual brainless animals lik jellyfish and all kindsa weird goopy critters that are infinitely dumber

pandas problem is that they lack any real instinctual will or ability to survive in an environment with any sort of threat. theyre big enough that they didnt have to worry about anything eating them, and they dont hunt since they only eat leaves and shit, so they just never got any smarter or learned to adapt. then the chinese discovered that panda scrotums cured cancer or made your dick thicker or whatever and nearly wiped em out. now theyre a protected species which means theyre even more mollycoddled.
theyre just fucked no matter what
rip pandas


what a daring synthesis


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i hate criket
ppong is best


woah is this real?


see, i knew they werent stupid
what kind of idiot plays ping pong?


stupid fucking pandas don't even have the net set up right
told you they were retards


its the advanced bulletball style of ping pong
you wouldn't understand it


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i rike kriket


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File: 1725284609367-1.webm (3.86 MB, 828x458, 414:229, ind2.webm)

i am frum india


gud job budy next tiem toch bob an pusay to mak bhabhi hapy ;)


>immediately starts laughing after he leaves



Attention whores, eh?


why did grenn hoodie man say "im wearing womens clothing"

what the fuck ?


that forest whittaker fella wasnt v smert but he won award from nixon so whatta i kno


CCP camps in Xinjiang are simply a dry run for the extermination of the indian menace. China is a homogeneous race of superior genetical abilities while the indian man is a depraved animal void of ambition.


lmao was that a joke?


lel u got ur shit kicked in during the border slapflights
cry more xi


I hate crikeet


fuckin nigrs bro
inda2 looked like he was gonna end up rapr her


Yes he would have if she didnt scream like a bitch and draw attention over.

t. professional rapist

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