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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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>be firefight
can you imagine a more pathetic existence?


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dont go making jokes about 9/11
i walked through blood and bone and the streets of manhattan looking for my brother


imagine being a passenger on one of the flights not even getting a bag of peanuts and one of them little liquor bottles before plowing straight into a fucking building


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nevar 4getti


no rude kthx


oh wow did you find him


someone should fly an rc plane full of explosives into that monument


do you think the monument would collapse into itself with no opposition whatsoever from its lower section?


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did yu miss this brother?


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>can you imagine a more pathetic existence?
just one
>be volunteer firefight
>don't die
>gubmint refuses to cover lung damage for 20 year because not on payroll
>finally concedes because it looks bad and most of you dead now anyways but insists it's your fault for helping


that's gay and stupid and demand a source


them nanotermites do a real number on the respiratory system


i dont think youre allowed to drop napalm on ppl anymore tbh


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you can only drop it on gooks
cooks them up real good


only one way to find out :^)


finna use that subtober 11th coupon at subway we eatin them footlongs for 9.11


aint dey posta be fie dols?


not in 90 years
subway kikes charge over 15 dollars a footlong now
death to all jews


File: 1724810747818.jpeg (68.03 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Subtember 11th.jpeg)

never gonna forget that deal




anti Apple propaganda must be extinguished


then jared diddled some kids
subway eat fresh


>we shoot the sick the young the lame
>we do our best to kill and maim
because the kills all count the same


almost 9/11b owl
cant wait


i am fully erect


idc who did it at this point, that's still 3000 ppl ded just cuz muh koran/muh torah said it was ok
just turn the middle east into molten glass and 90% of the world's problems go away


hey 3 million people or 3000 people, either way it was still a terrible tragedy


More like 90% of the worlds problems come from it amirite?


I read that wrong. >>1646781

t. went to public school


i read it correctly
t. self-taught retard


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911 was caused by the 2000 world series. osama was really pissed that yankees jeter their way to the world seriesb owl


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nah, thats ww2


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how has no one posted this yet


>price goes up
>fewer people eating trash sandwiches
can't even find the problem


sauna got btfo by desert people twice in 2001
never forget


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vary old yim


>Africa is an unincorporated community in Ohio Township, Spencer County, in the U.S. state of Indiana


this is like a ben garrison comic, but real


did the jews do it yet?


lel yah thats not the half of it. you ever been to an unincorporated township? some of em are kinda wild
thats where the arch-tweakers centuries old meth-wizards sometimes live, you gotta be careful not to approach them or theyll blast you to bits.
sometimes its just some random town in the boonies with a pop of 45. everyones cousins. no electricity


I’m starting to see a pattern here….


time capsule video
really good


so… basically redneck amish then?


.>we all joke about 9/11, but tbh seeing any of the recordings still fills me with genuine dread


it just makes me want to go bomb some kikes and sand niggers tbh


all crisis actors


it was a world changing event.
one that ushered in one of the gayest eras ever, but still. watching history unfold leaves an impression


>what are the odds of two separate planes….
hearing the dudes voice trail off as the gears were workin in his head


the day israel finally destroyed the concept of america


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"tomorrow, im doing 9/11" - joe biden

bro thinks he mossad now…



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