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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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bees r gay wasps btfo all


Almost time for the 10 year /sp/ birthday celebration

dudddddr get the bee .css ready


>10 years
i wonder if this is enough to get a google thingy


wasps are the niggers of the flying insect world
everyone knows this


>eats harmful insects that fuck up ur garden
>also pollinate
>honey is gay so they don't make it
go put on your rainbow dildo bee suit and preach about bees at the pride oarade bumblebitch


ummm actually according to the ADL only bees pollinate


da googl thangy???



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Never Forget.


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fugg u


fuck wasps and wasp defenders
had to deal with those fuckers shitting out hives in my backyard and front door and trying to find any opportunity to sneak into my house


>not giving them a room in your house
>not collecting their honey
i feel sorry for you, anon.


They aren't bad in natural environs but the fuckers have adapted a little too well to living around humans, yeah.

>Wasp honey
I've heard meat bee honey tastes like shit and wasps eat a similar diet high in meat, so that sounds nasty. Also like a fast way to get salmonella.


You know what else eats harmful insects that fuck up your garden? Spiders/Ladybugs. Nomadic wasps are fine but fuck hive wasps.


remind me of the exact day again


post a selfie to prove ur a realest duddderman




error posting


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what is this….thing


reminder every day untill dudder


duddrchan do no forget


as a 10th anniversary present dddudder will delete sportschan and crash the server


dont do it dudder


pls change "its a tampa kinda day" to "its a birthday kinda day" on spee birthday, kthx mwah


/sp/ was made on dudchan 9/17 in all time zones to mountain time and 9/18 in all time zones after that


i want to yankees and chill with that moon tain
she probably FUCKS like a beast


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lookin gud, bzzdotz!


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Dear Uncle Duddddder,
Hello, how are you?
Pleas, if you are free, would you come over to my house and get rid of a gay nigga who tried to kiss me?
I havn't been able to sleep and it is makeing me sad. I can not pay you much money but I will give you my allowence
Thank you
Peter Quincy, age 19


every day remembering for duddmen 🙏


@dudder, hope ur doin great 👍


%@dudder, daily reminder


go away


get 👉 them 🌈 bees 🐝 ready 👏 dudddder 😎



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