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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1642025[View All]


lol shut up autist - GHOSTist

>President Trump released a statement tonight on Truth Social saying his campaign website was hacked by the Iranian government.

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>hmgh huh humghhg hghmm heththg hgh mghhhgh
why the fuck did they bother letting him make all those noises then pretend she was translating for him
wtf is this


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big mike looking big as fuck as usual


sheem otting lots of Twix Shoks, extra thikkkk


nigger in his damn pjs smh


should i just tell scammers to meet me on spee would that be funny or big gay


it's just how it is, people will either become stronger and more resistant to the head games or they'll wind up broken brained and alone and surrounded by cats or whatever the fuck to cope with their insanity


yo wtf is going on with >"""her""" chest? even old withered trannies don't typically have titty regions that fucked up


wasn't he going to fight jake paul or wtver??


You’re thinking of Mike Tyson, not Mike Obeezy


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whats the difference


one is famous for boxing other dudes in a ring and the other is famous for boxing dudes' rings iykwim


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what excitement is the dnc offering tonight


there's multiple nights of this shit?


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oh no. thankfully none of them would dare stab their gunless cops to death for trying to arrest them or something
anglos you have the biggest pussy cops in the western world pls take full advantage of it


goes through thursday budy


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>it's always darkest before the don
what did they mean by this


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>jew traitor speaking
look at that schnoz lmao


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second jewntleman talkin


>jew traitor


one's famous for fisting dudes, the other is famous for getting fisted


look >>1643872 already beat you to the joke. you have to seppuku now, sorry i dont make the rules


this guy >>1644003 is right
get ur weeb sword/dulled piece of metal off the wall


That’s bill oriellys clone show some respect


that's exactly what those death threats are all about they want the targeted population to fight back
first the police schedules the arrest right before a shift change to get more overtime, they're hoping that they'll be attacked and face resistance from the public because that means vacation time for 'psychological reasons' and big payouts if they get so much as scratched or bruised

a soft pathetic excuse of a man who complies and goes along with them quickly pleading guilty to anything they want with little to no public concern over it results in them extracting much less money from the process which is the only thing they and their unions care about


>jist randomly checking jewtube for dnc videos to look at the comments
>all of it is low energy shilling and blatant bots
man this shit's boring not even her shills are entertaining i wish they'd have just stuck with bidup


oic so they should all meekly surrender then that'll show em.
or they could go full ira because overwhelming violence is and always will be the real solution to fucked up totalitarian regimes


they should use their white brains to hire specialists to inspect the current incentive structure and use it to their advantage depriving the police and courts of as much income as possible by knowing what they're doing, why they're doing it and eventually make oppressing that specific group one of the least desirable aspects of their job

they already meekly surrendered decades ago they might as well be smart about it


that only works if your government isn't outright hostile to your existence and doesn't want to actively replace you. i know viowence is scawy but it's absolutely necessary sometimes, you don't just let browns walk into your home to rape and murder your children and then go try and pull some benefits scheme afterward, you fucking kill and drive out the threat to your children


>you fucking kill and drive out the threat to your children
the biggest threat to children is the government. no niggers or spics can do half of what the government has already done and will continue to do.


ok go rent a ryder truk if ur this upset about it retadr


sumbudy playing plague inc again
also its mpox now not monkeypox you bigots
>On 14 August 2024, the World Health Organization declared the epidemic a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).
here we go again
vear ze mask


So basically be a nigger is what you’re saying?


nah, it only affects faggots so its basically no worse than aids


if by that you mean stealing from the government, sure


what if I pump a gril inna booty?


anal is disgusting and not as fun as you think it is


Sometimes a bitch needs to know her place. Also you didn’t answer the question.


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then you'll just get some other std like chlamydia, HIV, syphillis, or another infection
t. dr piccollo ph.d


pasta traumatic stress disorder


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>you fucking game-end and drive out the threat to your younglin's
dudder i dont know how to edit this any more to pass error unless it from big werd


just add more spaces and linebreaks
or refresh the page


You have to put it in rugby
>style at bottom of page
>click rugby
Now you’re able to post with out error!


maek the new thread (₍' ₃'₎ )


oh a two-for-one special


Hoholniggers continuing to clap Russia. Vatniggers still seething.

don't wanna


Oh right and Russia isn't giving up on Pokrovsk so Ukraine is sweating heavy. Basically >>1642700


God damn, I know secret service is useless but they literally put him in the cuck cage.


dc i'm not watching this soy facing retard's videos regardless of what flavor slav cock you or he likes


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>I so don't care that I have to tell you how much I don't care every single time
ok autist

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