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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1723254619165.png (1.13 MB, 840x630, 4:3, IMG_1555.png)


Rare photo of NIN circa 1939


i had a history teacher in high school that showed us the black and white version of that pic and she told us it was real but then i watched the movie like a year later and saw the scene that this came from. it was then and there that i began to realize that teachers are fucking liars and retards


What did you expect from normalfags? They just listen and believe their whole lives.


trent reznor must be a vampire not even dicaprio's aging that well


which one trentz0r?


File: 1723296433673.jpg (1.2 MB, 1936x2592, 121:162, (((Homework))).jpg)

no sweetie teachers are always right


hol' up i get the obligatory holohoax questions but the claim about the usa losing the most people is blatantly retarded like no historical records whatsoever make that presumption. i think the only cunts that lost less people were britain and france. when did that become part of the doctrine? when i was in school we were straight up told germany and the ussr lost the most people


gud to see some of the kids are bucking the narrative tho assuming that quiz is even real


my guess is that the kid came home and showed it to his dad who said "lul i got this"


I guess it was in the new push for Russia bad, USA good, agenda.


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hey moe, whydey gotta gun?
*falls to his side and spins in a circle*


a take home quiz? isn't that just homework?


File: 1723305070367.png (946.14 KB, 768x771, 256:257, tfw u take ALL the drugs f….png)

trents more of the hyper nerdy computer programmer type of industrial nerd
as opposed to the dionysian drug-taking type of industrial nerd a la picrel


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most schools i've been to the student wouldn't have gotten it back

immediate expulsion with authorities notified


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Dang ol’ European schools amirite?


some american schools will go so far as call children's services and have kids taken from their parents


there's also plenty that dgaf and wouldn't even report clear signs of actual abuse tho. dunno if chomo protective services can actually take a kid away for saying that the hoax ain't real anyway. yet.

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