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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1723230947745-0.jpg (49.45 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, cia.jpg)

File: 1723230947745-1.mp4 (1.31 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, PLANE CRASH IN BRAZIL _BRE….mp4)




File: 1723231500835.jpg (89.85 KB, 470x706, 235:353, Bane_TDKR3_webp_92.jpg)

dudder, install the tegaki app on /sp/ or i'll keep crashing planes WITH NO SURVIVORS


Have we started the fire?


File: 1723232253677.mp4 (8.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Masketta Man - The Fire Ri….mp4)

do you feel in charge?


Looks like the pilot realized he was nosediving and tried to pull up, but he had no thrust so that just caused the plane to fall outta the sky. Question is, why was it nosediving like that in the first place? Need a longer video to analyze it.


File: 1723234397082.mp4 (3.29 MB, 364x640, 91:160, fbV1fHqY-p-IEH_4.mp4)



File: 1723234515777.jpg (102.02 KB, 1200x637, 1200:637, GUjmFXMWEAEmdNL.jpg)

this will soon be normal in america
thank you for flying DEI airlines


NO SURVIVORS confirmed. 62 ded


looks like it was dealing with a shitload of turbulence the whole route. airframe failure maybe?


maybe he flew directly into a really strong crosswind?


Wouldn't turbulence see fluctuations in altitude instead of in speed? From my understanding you correct for turbulence by dipping the plane rather than by dipping the thrust.

Could be, but >>1641592 is making me start to suspect a shitty pilot who was trying to normalize altitude by adjusting thrust instead of maintaining thrust by adjusting altitude.


ah right, was looking at the wrong graph


airlines gonna be hiring tyrone, shaniqua, and h1b pajeets to fly into a building oops


File: 1723248246297.mp4 (1.75 MB, 922x720, 461:360, NagarJuna cement.mp4)

then we will reinforce all of our buildings with


gets me every time lol


The short cut of the guy looking back always gets me, why was it even necessary lol.


File: 1723737325470.jpg (109.69 KB, 922x720, 461:360, sirs.jpg)

wad yu say sars?


they are already hiring a ton of trannies and furries so how is that worse?

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