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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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i can't believe i never noticed this… CR is weird!


this is devestating for CR's campaign! he has no response to this political kryptonite!!
every day i feel the swell of grassroot support for harris, and i for the first time i truly believe change is coming
i'm excited to have an intelligent, diligent, and respectable adult as president again!
not to mention the first BLACK WOMAN!!!


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aw snail naw, CR is gonna get back at you by making it LAW AND ORDER that harris can be prez even tho she aint a natural citizen.


quranically accurate


>i'm excited to have an intelligent, diligent, and respectable adult as president again
are we talking about cameltoe
>not to mention the first BLACK WOMAN!!!


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just saw this Harris commercial of CR doing his morning routine. He looked disgusting - ears flopped down- in his shiny new coat. Very very disrespectful.


dangerously chinky


She's as black obongo is black or jewish.


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>she ain’t black
Majik cat disagrees


File: 1722430107534.jpg (326.12 KB, 880x580, 44:29, Obama-yarmulke.jpg)

cept he's both


she's a transnigger you racist

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