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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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i lost my list of ded chans to check when im bored and no one has posted on spee in 2 minutes


check the webring


go to crystal.cafe for womyn
or trashchan.xyz for small hobby boards



webring is a gay boring hellhole full of stuffy weeaboo retards that hate each other



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>half that list is ded


>wtf i thought that was reopened
>freddit breddit is involved
>it currently redirects to leftypol
someone needs to introduce that little faggot to a flight of stairs how is he still alive his bone disease should've killed him years ago


all u need


I thought the cripple is too busy raping his dog while wearing his fursuit.


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that was what was asked for was it not?


this guy used to keep this updated with every chan in existence but he stopped a couple years ago


it's funny because cripplekike physically can't rape anything


why did that little genetic dud become such a faggit ?


fbi injected him with concentrated soy as punishment for creating 8chan


he was raped by jewsh and the fat pig farmer


he was always like that, he puts on a pretty face for whatever group he's parasiting off of at the moment and then turns into a little cunt when he suddenly decides he doesn't like them anymore. tho post-2016 8gaggers in particular deserved it i guess


76chan/speee > 8chan
still going 10 years strong :^)


almost 10 years since the legend of wade davis started in the 2014 mlb playoffs with the 5 in that thread


do you think jewsh ever changed dudwheels diapers ?


>post 2016 8gaggers
p sure you mean FREDDITORS tbh fam


yes, he has. he talks about it when jewsh got butthurt in their IRC slapfights
>03:48:35 ~copypaste since you've given up and aren't staff please part here.
>03:48:53 %n-tech lol, why do you do this
>03:49:04 %n-tech [express hopelessness because nobody cares]
>03:49:16 %n-tech [reaffirm hopelessness] [say that you're going to pay someone else] [get mad at me]
>03:49:20 %n-tech you're destructive as fuck
>03:49:29 %n-tech you constantly prune useful people around you in bizarre fits
>03:49:39 %n-tech and seriously, if you're going to be all holier than thou
>03:49:44 %n-tech I fucking carried you like an infant
>03:49:48 %n-tech you asked me to empty your piss jars
>03:49:55 %n-tech if you're going to pull this fucking shit on me
>03:49:58 %n-tech you are the worst kind of person
>03:50:08 ~copypaste do you want to stay in here? is that why you're so mad right now?
>03:50:24 %n-tech I want you to stop being a bizarre sociopathic hobgoblin that treats people like tools
>03:50:48 %n-tech like oh boy i have the joshhammer the czakswrench and the lynxdrill
>03:50:51 %n-tech what am i going to fix this problem with
>03:50:56 %n-tech i just have so much money and so many options
>03:50:59 %n-tech well the joshhammer sure is heavy
>03:51:01 %n-tech better get rid of him


<jany jewsh wasnt content to just sweep it up on the internet
<he literally had to sweep it up irl
<he swept up the shit and the piss, the literal peepee poooo



he's still doing this


lmoa holy shit


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Also over 10 years since the uprising.


What a time to be alive.


holy lel, so this is the destroyer of the og indy sp?


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>he doesnt know


jewsh went out of his way to make sure /sp/ was more broken than any other bort in November 2015
He should still be murdered for the principle of it.

Polish 8ch was cool right after


>He should still be murdered for the principle of it.
should be for infinity next and the ip leak that resulted let alone breaking /sp/


and he only did that because he sperged out and melted down because he was getting bullied by mean posts on /v/ and had a temper tantrum and took it out on >us

in the end jewsh still gets what he deserves, got brutally embarrassed by sam "got away with it" hyde after he tried to out sam as a sex abuser and instead got flirted with by an insane bpd irish slag who discredited everything and made josh look like a giant fag


i thought the tranny finally killed heem and hees freeze peach site


i heard he lost the lolsuit but idk anything beyond that
i don't care about foxdickfarms that much to read about their autistic crusade


i think the site is back up
but they will eventually piss the wrong tranny off and get it taken down again


>Channel Eight Poland
wtf did they mean by this





sports channel is eyeing us up


that actually bummed me out a little bit


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ale fajne bober
kurwa pizdet


>no /inth/
what happened to all the classy places ;_;


and here i was thinking beavers were a north american animal

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