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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1634925[View All]


I see with eyes of a hunter, no one can escape, I'm a GHOST of a gunman, for DUP it is too late -GHOSTer Vogt

finally something almost happened, that's the closest you're gonna get
518 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>last time i put up that chart i didn't really get to look at it
>without that chart i wouldn't be here today
fucking lol




is dup still on



Have you considered you can hate niggers and also believe you should treat them equally under the law?
Equally under the law means you can shoot/imprison a nigger for nigging, fucking NEETSoc niggerfaggot.


Ye I ain't washin live tho'


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maybe biden allowed all the spics in so dup could have this chart made knowing it would save his life
you won't see a qtard admit that


cry more you libertarian faggot, Im sure Ron Paul is going to become president any day now you queer


i hat niggers bc i'm smarter than you, you dont know what is going on at all
just sheboon tantrums. very sad.


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error postan


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>silence of the lambs reference


in nippon sucking on nippon nipples


still wild that all this started bc obomber teased him


>niggers deserve the same rights we have
This shit right here is why kikes call you a goy and why I don’t feel bad about you low iq, broke l, white trash redneck faggots dying for israel. You are nigger cattle. You deserve everything bad that happens to you and your family in the coming years, you dysgenic loser.


gud for him. hes gotta pull insane cooch


lmao heem still here


someone wasn't talking about his fetish for a minute and he got ONGRY


hes already freakishly tall in amerigay imagine how ludicrous it must be to see him in one of the shortest nations on the planet
also what's with the tourist having a conniption over nothing chill the fuck out retard this isnt whatever perpetually butthurt hellhole you roamed in from no ones trying to upset you


Can’t wait till Zion Don starts WW3 and you faggots go and volunteer to die against Iran/Russia/China.

>Retard McFaggotson died a true amerimutt hero and he will be remembered by his wife for a grand total of 2 weeks before she finds another man.


You have the intelligence of an 8 y/o and probably lack the mental faculties to even consider how you would feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday.


If Zion Don starts WW3 I'll go kill Chinks for fun. Not like I have anything left to live for anyways.


just call me a nigger oh that’s right you can’t perform blasphemy against your G*ds.


i guess this faggot is going to stick around until the election


nigger I called you a niggerfaggot 10 posts ago stfu and see >>1636172


literal chimp brain can't keep up more than 2 posts


they’ll waste you instead and then your retarded parents will cry about it on TV and say “he was a gud boi he dindu nuffin, he just wanted to go to the other side of the planet and kill people in their own homes because he thought he was better than them even though he was a homosexual angloid faggot. I have the right to invade anyone’s country and then act like Im the victim when the local Taliban Chads blow me up into a million pieces.”

Learn some humility angloid, you’re not the master race. You never were, simple as.


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lmaoo. corey computer rally was prob a civnat cuck and his death is getting libshits fired and the largest opportunity for the right in decades
you're seething bc you dont get the dopamine you're used to from other ineffectual people

he's undeniably worth more than you, by an immeasurable amount. is that why you're angry lil dude?


You can't even read me calling you a niggerfaggot when claiming I won't call you a nigger, I ain't reading anything you have to say nigger


spee lives rent free in ur head lmao


>eight EV chargers for $9 billion
please tell me he's memeing


Don’t invade foreign countries and then cry like a little bitch when the locals BTFO you mutt faggots. Next time just get a job at walmart instead of being a pawn for the (((military industrial complex))), retards. Or better yet ignore my advice and sign up today so I can enjoy watching your death on livegore.


nah that's real bruv


Fuck off you wheelchair-bound sperge


make the today thread

t. made all of them thangs for lik two years now


green energy laundering is lucrative. more solindra or w/e obongo's scandal was


but its not even hockey season


>oh lawd
>im cummin


politics r gay


>Biden left feeling angry and betrayed by top Democratic leaders wavering on his campaign
lol fuck this guy


oh ya nvm im retarded thats where i must have watched it, 15 posts up from mine




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see i told you trump still mad at this kike


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i dont play politics shit
shit gigs, no weed, and its for le cause™ so no pay = no play

maybe id play for the lolbergs. they prolly at least have gud weed


he mustve beat him down at golf or somethin
i hear bibis got a mean drive


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Trump will stop illegal immigration, he will replace the white race in america legally!


thats transphobic as fuck


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lel literally seething


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