[ h / librejp / sp / v ] [ ukko ]

/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1720797839808-0.png (417.45 KB, 1140x855, 4:3, INVITE Tournament Soulcali….png)

File: 1720797839808-1.png (296.02 KB, 579x719, 579:719, 1704237542422-3.png)


/sp/ is in the tournament!
watch in around 40 minutes.


call me when you play a real game and not ring-out-the-duel


/sp/ wadina match coming up


File: 1720814596721.png (377.02 KB, 942x696, 157:116, 5e0b32d71f1ac9d4c8200f7ffd….png)

/sp/ Wadina won her match.


gooning to wadina rn


bad bitch wadina shoving those nerdy ass anigay grils in lockers and fucking their boyfriends


File: 1720826656378-0.png (1.13 MB, 677x9099, 677:9099, (((Mark))).png)

File: 1720826656378-1.png (10.89 KB, 524x261, 524:261, Asshole.png)

File: 1720826656378-2.png (2.83 MB, 1500x8000, 3:16, Gondola.png)

File: 1720826656378-3.png (1.43 MB, 1879x1752, 1879:1752, HBO.png)

File: 1720826656378-4.png (209.77 KB, 1689x649, 1689:649, Mark BTFO.png)

fuck off mark


Is that the one with the NTR shit? That got removed and then added in again?


File: 1720848377329-0.png (176 KB, 615x486, 205:162, mark posts soyjak again.png)

File: 1720848377329-1.webm (12.66 MB, 720x720, 1:1, al_mawt_li_israil.webm)

you forgot the best part


File: 1720854554764.png (296.02 KB, 579x719, 579:719, 1704237542422-3.png)

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