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its a birthday kinda day
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pls no delet duddder
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File: 1724350786880.mp4 (22.71 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 2_5350830463931929898.mp4)

i met a guy in this band yesterday
>views 186
im cool and underground now 😎


>im cool and underground now
youre just doin your part

its the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night. all the weirdo bands making genuinely new sounding shit, but are too weird to exist, and so implode before actually getting to finish what it is they started


File: 1724683956219.mp4 (4.11 MB, 384x288, 4:3, THEBIRDSARECUMMINGTHEBIRDS….mp4)



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any metalheads here??
i lik dis


File: 1724688787784.mp4 (3.1 MB, 480x360, 4:3, the hygrades - day dreamer.mp4)

thought i lost this one


File: 1724689461780.mp4 (5.09 MB, 480x360, 4:3, lethargy - humor me.mp4)

theres at least one
that guy liks mastodon a lot
more of a lethargy guy meself cuz its more untamed

just post whatever m8
whole point of these threads is to post shit ppl havent listened to before


File: 1724794289857.mp4 (3.53 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Magic Sam - 21 Days In Jai….mp4)


File: 1724802893277.mp3 (13.02 MB, 08 Welcome Back.mp3)

u like metal budy?


never got why these guys didnt blow up tbh
prolly one of the best drummers of the whole "indie" era imo
plays the strangest beats that somehow still make you wanna dance

i hope he at least still gets some royalties for the momo record he was on. jeremiah was the OG obv, but this guys drumming is a huge reason why good news was such a hit. as far as im concerned at least


File: 1724962665867.mp4 (10.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, helio sequence - lately.mp4)

idk why it didnt post


i been rockin bimbocore music and it kinda slaps
i would not be caught dead listening to it irl, i aint some kinda faggot, i just like really over the top pop music, its a guilty pleasure


post a song budy


i found this shit in some ironic meme on esoteric right wing racist twitter

it goes hard as fuck


lel didnt know bimbocore exists but ur right this slaps
marblel statues and anime go way too gud together


wew this is p gud
t. mastodon spro


File: 1725196214060.mp4 (5.04 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Big Star - September Gurls.mp4)


Youtube is now recommending me all these bubbly pop songs and im really vibin it.

This artist in particular seems to make kind of 80's style pop music and its fantastic.

tbh though, i bet himmler would be rockin' this on the german coast during the summer, sorry libtards but pop music is soooooo fashcoded.


nothing speshul but dig it for work b/g or rainy day although this style may as well be a.i. generated

fun song
they just came up in a cityfunk playlist, didnt skip cuz of this, and it was a troon vid :(




File: 1725296242187-0.png (4.92 KB, 376x128, 47:16, ClipboardImage.png)

ok wtf


pretty sure the gays love this chick
youtube showed me fan vids for her and it was a bunch of gay dudes, that i didnt need anything more than the thumbnail to know they were flamin' hot cheetos gay

any female vocalist/pop star with any amount of kitsch and gays will flock to it


File: 1725312192166-0.jpg (78.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cover.jpg)

File: 1725312192166-1.mp3 (9.81 MB, CHAOS ON PARADE.mp3)

File: 1725312192166-2.mp3 (7.1 MB, BOSS ON ACID.mp3)

File: 1725312192166-3.mp3 (9.31 MB, BOSS GETS ANGRY.mp3)

File: 1725312192166-4.mp3 (10.42 MB, BOSS ON PARADE (Aural Vamp….mp3)

yu lik atism musec budys?

modern gay breakcore is lost on me but this is a gud album
fun and not too busy, some songs sound like they came out of a thunderdome 2 disc set


im also a big time didostan


tism can b of fun. 'minds me of


sigma mode ?


bring me my bride


stop embedding budys


File: 1725640983745.mp4 (7.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nu linkin park singer.mp4)

ruh roh


File: 1725641827051.mp4 (7.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CR singing.mp4)

they should've picked this guy


did a better job than i thought for longer than idve expected. sounds incredibly painful. prolly talks lik a 65yo lunch lady backstage


File: 1725642505088.mp4 (5.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, TOOL - undertow.mp4)

what are tickets for linkin park nowadays? 60 or somethin?
must be a gud gig what w zoomers goin hard af for gay consoomer-grade nu-metal from 2 decades ago

just listen to tool if ur gonna be that much of a dork lik at least theyre gud idgi


hitting that at all is p impressive but just let it go, embarrassing for everyone


80 min in sauna, 221 starting in cali. not sure how much of that is scalping
cant tell if zooms got irony yimmed or its a 90s and 00s were last cool era thing


yea thats a lot

>90s and 00s were last cool era thing

its def that
its always the mainstream shit from 2 or so decades ago that wasnt even technically cool then, just heavily marketed is suddenly sooo cool omgg ,then itll be cringe later and theyll be embarrassed to talk about it and have to cut their hair. not even a zoomer thang, its just in general. every gen does it ime


linkin park at their absolute best was fucking embarrassing tbph
that shit suuuuuuccked
and hell nah if tickets are min 80 a head youll be seeing linkin park concerts for the next 40yrs bro thats crazy money per gig no one walks away from that until no ones left to pay


File: 1725649512468.mp4 (12.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, duffel in paris.mp4)

pretty song tbh


Fugazi recorded many of their concerts, there are currently about 800 of them. There is a website where you can choose something for yourself - https://dischord.com/fugazi_live_series
Someone named Travis Just chose a very special task in this way - having listened to all 1500 hours of the archive, he singled out notable non-musical places - guitar feedback between songs, random sounds, announcements to the audience, various lines past the microphone, shouts from the audience, sounds of the police covering the gig, etc. And, together with a team of people, he staged a modern OPERA based on this material. Moreover, all the sounds of the instruments are transcribed into a score and performed live by notes by a group on stage with a conductor. Modern theater is a thing especially for an amateur, and I am more impressed by the idea itself, but this is, of course, very strange shit, I respect it for the very fact of its existence.
The task is absolutely monumental and painstakingly insane, I learned about it from a very methodical source - a podcast, where the host decided to analyze each Fugazi track in alphabetical order with various guests, this is about 200 episodes in alphabetical order, the guests are various people: from just friends of the host to sound engineers who worked with the band on the recording. Half of the band ended up arriving for the final episode, but we still have to get there, now I'm on the letter :D.


File: 1725966603627-0.mp4 (17.69 MB, 320x240, 4:3, glueman.mp4)

File: 1725966603627-1.mp4 (13.14 MB, 540x360, 3:2, bad mouth.mp4)

fugazis rad tbh
i get why everyone h8s ian, cuz hes kinda out of it by this point. lik, it aint the 80s HC scene that he has to protect ppl from anymore. most shows just arent that dangerous now. now heem mostly just no-fun-allowed.
dont rly matter in the end cuz mfer plays some of the meanest rhythm guitar ive ever heard. also guys one of the best frontmen in rocknroll literally ever, dude is a modern shaman. then they got that rhythm section w brenden and joe. holy FUCK. genuinely one of the best live bands to ever happen
i digress. 5 bucks a show 10 a tape still just werks™ and still gets ppl to shows en masse to this day. those fuckers did gud werk, and at their own expense, and every band afterwards that wasnt a literal industry plant owes them nearly everything. and thats hardly an exaggeration

the opera sounds lik fucking autism tbh, but far be it for me to stop some autist tryna art
id rather just watch live fugazi, personally
PROTIP: ffwd to the end of basically any set to see glueman


File: 1725996615178-0.mp4 (11.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gbv - if we wait.mp4)

File: 1725996615178-1.png (510.62 KB, 610x364, 305:182, gbv bob no no.png)

so i guess the singer for GBV threw a no-no in college?
thats fucking crazy


File: 1726005383370-0.mp4 (9.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dam Dariram Full Version -….mp4)

File: 1726005383370-1.mp4 (13.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, B-Cap - send me an angel (….mp4)

File: 1726005383370-2.mp4 (22.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dune - Million miles from ….mp4)

also eurodance


File: 1726307582845.webm (15.13 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Abaddon's Bolero.webm)

which one budy? there are 15 different bands named incubus listed in dicksogs


File: 1726321173412.mp4 (9.06 MB, 960x540, 16:9, janes addiction.mp4)

lel perry went after navarro


damn they must rly rly fucking hate each other to let it get lik that on stage. was he drunk af or something?

lel and at the end you can tell bass guy is so fucking pissed
heem just prolly lost his job, even tho he didnt do shit


mayb perry'll take another sabbatical and put out weird techno album again


i just searched and all the clips ive seen of this recent tour are of him fucking up and singing over the guitar solos, or not hitting notes
sounds lik a classic case of singer getting too drunk and fucking blowing it. all too common, sadly

idgaf about JA too much tbh, but you hate to see that shit. all the other guys seem to be on top of it and ready to give their fans a decent show. just takes one bad apple tho


ill never get that shit man. being in front of that many ppl is already so much of a rush. if anything its afterwards where you need the heavy downers so you can finally wind down and maybe sleep later

and its just lik common decency imo. just keep your bad habits off stage ffs. a sets not that long, shouldnt be that hard.


File: 1726363637795.jpg (15.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cover.jpg)

>like 'popular' cuz muh 90s
>see this
<CRISPR baby of the worst filler songs of j.e.w. and modest mouse


File: 1726388637423.mp4 (11.89 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Snow And Lights.mp4)

i like eits the recent stuff is kinda meh tho


File: 1726684711413.mp4 (5.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Blur - Repetition.mp4)

>/sp/usic thread still has the birfday css for some reason
based duddcodr


File: 1726701151406.mp4 (8.67 MB, 400x300, 4:3, The Smurfs Lost Episode ♫.mp4)

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