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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1619486[View All]


i am above da law - DA of GHOSTssouri
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pretty weird just having her body there like that


i feel bad for them but this picture is incredibly funny


steal it for sportschan


hope they put a rebbit ayy funko in the casket


That's some damn fine cement.


Buddhist traditions. In Shinto they'd cover it up for the 77 days or mourning but in Japanese Buddhism they don't think the soul has left the body for 100 days or some shit so the dog is still alive, just sleeping.


jet fuel can't melt NagarJuna Cement


sir that is a raccoon


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leftist thangs i thought was kinda ok


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dead coon storage


they pay less than the average citizen for small bullets, thats pretty insane.


thought that pinko tom tomorrow had finally jumped for a sec


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4th pic looked lik h dubs tbh


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them setting up another pearl nine elebun harbor or is murikwa that weak?
legit cant tell anymore


Both. they're dumb enough to hope a statistical anomaly does the hard work for them so they don't have to plan another false flag.


oh ya, blogpost
some mid tier navy brass queef was on da amtrak. i know bc he wore the hat and would not shut up about it
anyway boomer queef was trying to redpill some feminist whorb about wahmen bein in the kitchen. kept citing this study about bitches bein happier following men (based) then would go off on a diatribe about his church using a.i. date matching and how he got setup with a 23 year old despite him bein 60 then fake laugh about how he was such a gud guy for not hitting it
the shiny zogemon were beyond retarded when i was in but it was foundationally alarming to see what it is now first hand and how even the "trad" ones think


smart. sun tzu needs to make a sequel already, lazy nip


boomers here shit like this and they cream in their pants thinking about defending america patrioticaly and our super sexy constitution defender soldiers being under attack


So the tl;dr of today's coverage 25 minutes in is that it was church members ratting him out because of child neglect and he was acting like an ass.


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*laughs in jimmy saville* pedos can do whatever they want in britbongistan


He sent dick pics to an undercover cop posing as a teen boy. The guy is nasty, but he's got pedophilia charges on his record for life (already 70) so I'd say the judge is right in saying the damage to his reputation is sufficient in this one instance.


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>shiny zogemon


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this is a known feel


youre right he wont be getting any more work
but fuck exceptions. guy just gets to retire? fuck that


gotta laugh how theyre acting lik enemy intelligence existing and doin intel is some new thang
hell even """allied""" intelligence does that
mossad and cia are always playing footsie w each other


no, it's not sufficient, pedocel. if there are no consequences for trying the fags will never stop trying. dude should see the inside of a prison to send a message that this isn't ok. also this the-shame-is-enough-punishment-because-he-is-famous statement is total bullshit and probably one of the reasons why the elite think they're above the law


joose really do get away with anything


>dude should see the inside of a prison to send a message
lik this isnt just some shit you pick up in your 60s/70s. hes been doing this shit for decades, and cuz hes an esteemed conductor, hes gotten away with it. i DOUBT this was the first time someone tried to report him, but brit elites are all in on it too, so he walks


wouldnt even be sure he doesnt get work any more tbh. old fuck is prob banking on it being legal before the stem cells run out
dude should be out of pop for bein stupid enough to think anyone wants to see his nasty spotted bird


maek the new bread


is that richard hammond


the classical world is viciously hierarchical and extremely competitive. and he was a p well known conductor.
theyre not gonna wanna put someone like him on their program because of the trouble it would cause, and lots of other ppl are gonna be gunning for his spot
nah hes prolly out for gud
the problem is he just gets to fucking retire now. bet he wont retire his deviancy tho.

its lik that other guy said, its savile all over again
tons of ppl knew and tried to call him out on it. they blacklisted them, and jimmy kept his job and career for decades till he died.
as bad as the US has it in regards to weird chomos embedded in govt and media, brits have it a loooooot worse. this guy getting """"""publicly humiliated"""""" is actually more than youd expect from them


nah its johnny
its why he was blacklisted from most british media for yrs


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>big burly gymbro dudebrah who could probably crush whoever the limpdicked fags behind the camera are
>feigning fear anyways cuz jew
lmao fuckn pathetic
>starts freaking out the moment he sees the camera
double lmao
like ya it'll get people's attention or not cuz most people hate israel now and know the whole "jew strike you cry pain" shtik, good opsec kikes vary smart but heem don't even look jewish


I get the impression this isn't the first time this guy has reacted this way and the camera was just a "look, see this yid was lying last time" kinda deal.


i was just skating this in skate 3
fun spot, way better in-game. cant believe no one at EA noticed or made them take it out


honestly the people who protest for palestine are so fucking cringe they actively make me root for the zionists but on the condition that they take the protestors to palestine and then do the genocideorino to them as well

just hearing their voice i can seem them, the BKLYN hipster with multicolored hair, clothes bought with dads credit card and a college degree in "intersectionality", yuck


member when i said enemy of my enemy can get you in some weird spots?
dumb game. dont play it


i know
its also probably a desired effect from zionists at some level to rally up the horse cock baby fucker ancom crowd to make their opposition look as goofy as possible


>its also probably a desired effect from zionists
it 100% is
those dudes own media corporations
if they wanted to just black it out, they would. they dont because its useful


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>A violent pro-Hamas demonstration involving hundreds of people outside the Israeli embassy in Mexico City, overnight. The aggressors tried to break through fences, threw grenades of various kinds and Molotov cocktails, and attempted to set the embassy on fire.
la raza sisters rise up


Are the beaners waking up?


The world is so clown that they seem normal compared to the shit the yids have been doing around these parts.


Why are Brazilians so fucking retarded ?
Literal subhuman tier people.

I advocate for the total nuclear obliteration of Brazilian and the pogroming of any ex-patriot huemonkeys.


>jury instructions for one of the trump lawfare cases
>if they happened they'd be misdeameanors, UNLESS they were committed to cover up another crime
>no, he doesn't need to be convicted of that crime to up these other ones to felonies
>no, the jury doesn't even need to agree what crime that was, only that A crime (a buffet list of crimes has been offered) was being covered up
they really werent kidding about the JEWdicial system, huh?
at least >we get to see the curtain be fully pulled back and the mask fall all the way to the floor


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They're violating so many federal laws and judicial rules right now in that trial that I can't tell if SCOTUS is giving Merchan enough rope to hang himself and his daughter while waiting for the conviction, or if they're secretly in on it. The crime itself is well past the statute of limitations and the federal DoJ refused to prosecute it as a felony, so New York is literally making shit up as they go and are too stupid to realize that they've de facto made it illegal to do business in NYC since if you pay a lawyer to handle shit for you (as all businesses do), then you are on the hook if that attorney decides to do shit behind your back and you pay your bills like a responsible business owner.

Look no further than the Trump shenanigans to understand why due process exists in first world countries, fucking monkey. The majority of case law (especially when it comes to legal rights) is decided by cases around people who have no business getting out of jail time because of technicalities. Personally he should get prison time for being a homosexual and disrupting public morals, but unfortunately we don't prosecute degenerates for that any more. If we follow the actual case, if they were to hold the faggot conductor to that standard then the same standard could be applied to saying nigger online.


scotus is fucking faggots and wont do shit.

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