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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1616536[View All]

#previous threads

current status:
>day 188
>An Israeli airstrike in Gaza kills 3 sons and 4 grandchildren of Hamas’ top leader
>Famine already in north Gaza, says US
>Israel bombs Gaza camp, raids West Bank towns
>62% of homes in Gaza destroyed
501 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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OK, who was shitposting in real life?


shit i think i know ome of those guys


He’s got a Canadian accent and eludes to bring in Poland….


This is the hero's welcome they deserve in every country, but especially the European ones.


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hooties won i guess







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tl;dr- Yemeni Houthis have been so proactive in bombing Israeli shipping vessels that Eliat Port has lost 90% of its traffic over the last 8 months and had to fire basically all of their staff. The CEO went to the Israeli government to ask for assistance, but the Israelis don't want to admit that the Houthi rebels have affected their trade so they are playing dumb and kvetching about the CEO asking for mercy.


>jews run out of money


i see the hooties have been soing thangs but wher the blowfish at?


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damn, dotz got a HOG


this is what every milcel deserves


they are in pooland
check the signs
tf knows why A FUCKING LEAF is there pretending to give a fuck


blowing fish, obviously


canada is only gay because of usgay


weve been over this
canada isnt even real


canada is gay because they didnt tell the british to fuck off and die
also because they allow quebec to exist


>because they allow quebec to exist
actually possibly the only legitimate power move canada has ever pulled


they all hate it so much and cant do fuckall about it
p funny too cuz its one of the only parts of that cunt that even had actual industry. they totally wouldve been fine, but leafs were lik "uhhmmm sweaty, what about muh queen??"


why's heem confused? does dotz not know?


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Double standards? In my UK goverment?


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‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
>In early June, Al Jazeera aired a series of disturbing videos revealing what it described as “summary executions”: Israeli soldiers shooting dead several Palestinians walking near the coastal road in the Gaza Strip, on three separate occasions. In each case, the Palestinians appeared unarmed and did not pose any imminent threat to the soldiers.
>Such footage is rare, due to the severe constraints faced by journalists in the besieged enclave and the constant danger to their lives. But these executions, which did not appear to have any security rationale, are consistent with the testimonies of six Israeli soldiers who spoke to +972 Magazine and Local Call following their release from active duty in Gaza in recent months. >Corroborating the testimonies of Palestinian eyewitnesses and doctors throughout the war, the soldiers described being authorized to open fire on Palestinians virtually at will, including civilians.
>The six sources — all except one of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity — recounted how Israeli soldiers routinely executed Palestinian civilians simply because they entered an area that the military defined as a “no-go zone.” The testimonies paint a picture of a landscape littered with civilian corpses, which are left to rot or be eaten by stray animals; the army only hides them from view ahead of the arrival of international aid convoys, so that “images of people in advanced stages of decay don’t come out.” Two of the soldiers also testified to a systematic policy of setting Palestinian homes on fire after occupying them.
>Several sources described how the ability to shoot without restrictions gave soldiers a way to blow off steam or relieve the dullness of their daily routine. “People want to experience the event [fully],” S., a reservist who served in northern Gaza, recalled. “I personally fired a few bullets for no reason, into the sea or at the sidewalk or an abandoned building. They report it as ‘normal fire,’ which is a codename for ‘I’m bored, so I shoot.'”
>Since the 1980s, the Israeli military has refused to disclose its open-fire regulations, despite various petitions to the High Court of Justice. According to political sociologist Yagil Levy, since the Second Intifada, “the army has not given soldiers written rules of engagement,” leaving much open to the interpretation of soldiers in the field and their commanders. As well as contributing to the killing of over 38,000 Palestinians, sources testified that these lax directives were also partly responsible for the high number of soldiers killed by friendly fire in recent months.
>“There was total freedom of action,” said B., another soldier who served in the regular forces in Gaza for months, including in his battalion’s command center. “If there is [even] a feeling of threat, there is no need to explain — you just shoot.” When soldiers see someone approaching, “it is permissible to shoot at their center of mass [their body], not into the air,” B. continued. “It’s permissible to shoot everyone, a young girl, an old woman.”
>B. went on to describe an incident in November when soldiers killed several civilians during the evacuation of a school close to the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City, which had served as a shelter for displaced Palestinians. The army ordered the evacuees to exit to the left, toward the sea, rather than to the right, where the soldiers were stationed. When a gunfight erupted inside the school, those who veered the wrong way in the ensuing chaos were immediately fired at.
>“There was intelligence that Hamas wanted to create panic,” B. said. “A battle started inside; people ran away. Some fled left toward the sea, [but] some ran to the right, including children. Everyone who went to the right was killed — 15 to 20 people. There was a pile of bodies.”
‘>People shot as they pleased, with all their might’
>B. said that it was difficult to distinguish civilians from combatants in Gaza, claiming that members of Hamas often “walk around without their weapons.” But as a result, “every man between the ages of 16 and 50 is suspected of being a terrorist.”
>“It is forbidden to walk around, and everyone who is outside is suspicious,” B. continued. “If we see someone in a window looking at us, he is a suspect. You shoot. The [army’s] perception is that any contact [with the population] endangers the forces, and a situation must be created in which it is forbidden to approach [the soldiers] under any circumstances. [The Palestinians] learned that when we enter, they run away.”
>Even in seemingly unpopulated or abandoned areas of Gaza, soldiers engaged in extensive shooting in a procedure known as “demonstrating presence.” S. testified that his fellow soldiers would “shoot a lot, even for no reason — anyone who wants to shoot, no matter what the reason, shoots.” In some cases, he noted, this was “intended to … remove people [from their hiding places] or to demonstrate presence.”
>M., another reservist who served in the Gaza Strip, explained that such orders would come directly from the commanders of the company or battalion in the field. “When there are no [other] IDF forces [in the area] … the shooting is very unrestricted, like crazy. And not just small arms: machine guns, tanks, and mortars.”
Even in the absence of orders from above, M. testified that soldiers in the field regularly take the law into their own hands. “Regular soldiers, junior officers, battalion commanders — the junior ranks who want to shoot, they get permission.”
>S. remembered hearing over the radio about a soldier stationed in a protective compound who shot a Palestinian family walking around nearby. “At first, they say ‘four people.’ It turns into two children plus two adults, and by the end it’s a man, a woman, and two children. You can assemble the picture yourself.”
>Only one of the soldiers interviewed for this investigation was willing to be identified by name: Yuval Green, a 26-year-old reservist from Jerusalem who served in the 55th Paratroopers Brigade in November and December last year (Green recently signed a letter by 41 reservists declaring their refusal to continue serving in Gaza, following the army’s invasion of Rafah). “There were no restrictions on ammunition,” Green told +972 and Local Call. “People were shooting just to relieve the boredom.”
And much much more in the article


Why does the entire world hate me and persecute me? Clearly I’m the victim here!


>There were no restrictions on ammunition
lel thanks again burgoyim no need for us to fear running out of ammo


anti-poop pedophile bump


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>1st vid
Yids got an iron curtain too?


the absolute fucking nads to run under a tank and do that shit then run off


still on top the warkino scene since 8k beheaderoo vids


I like how they're always in fucking sandals in war zones. I know boots be expensive and bulky, but watching guys run around with AKs/RPGs in sandals will never not be fun.


it makes me wonder why kikes dont seem to use gyrocams since the ayyrabs dgaf at all about running up to their vehicles. it wouldnt totally eliminate the attacks but itd prolly help mitigate a lot of them. also even if the armor isnt penetrated those explosions are absolutely RATTLING the canned rats inside, makes me wonder if their troops are gonna see a massive spike in self-btfos after this like with burgerbots over the past couple decades. tbi really fucks up your life


by the time they see them coming it's prolly too late to open the top hatch and blast em

adidas should sponsor hummus


they wear adidas a lot too. or they used to, it's p funny to see some guy fully geared up in body armor and beat to shit sneakers


Can’t find the pic it reminds me of the photo someone took of Al queda in yellow rebox


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damn glad to see this guy still going


i don't need to watch the whole thing
if the question is
>did jews lie
the answer is always yes


cool someone reports on that now




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>houthis drone tel aviv
>heebs blowed up fuel depot in yemen
>yemen threatens saudis if they intercept strikes
>iran jawing


the yids could end this all overnight if theyd just release the blowfish


lel jr high we had to do spusic class project on a band
budy chose hootie, hit play, threw pantyhose over his face, lip synced entirety of only wanna be with you
couldnt see shit through the chinky eyes but owned it, still makes me laff


im pretty sure they only do that in gay bars when they visit san fransisco


Thangs is HEATIN UP


this thread


is officially



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