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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1569111[View All]

TRUK & PULLR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
505 posts and 140 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


driving between lanes and vehicles on a fuckin freeway seems like a p big safety issue to me but whatever
t. never been to florida or south carolina


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wew go bewm


>those guys just standing there near it
if you cant drive away from the situation youre supposed to abandon whatever the fuck you drove and run as far and as fast as possible when you see one of those truks on fire how stupid can you be


Maybe one day cali will sink into the ocean and all will be right with the world.


nah thats florida drivers any time they visit northern states in the winter for "snow tourism".
pretty much every car stuck in a ditch has florida plates


>that guy outside his truk right next to it
budys u like ur trukrs extra crispy or original recipe?


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tren in truk
also a fukd up car haulr tralr


>that pic with the locking pliers
man thats making me nervous just looking at it


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lmao bruh
like even if it is an emergency, a train stop should tell you, wait till you are 100% sure the coast is clear or you are about to create another emergency

fucking freight train just flipped that car like it was a paper mache


piggy's just lucky the whole car didnt totally disintegrate, cars are usually in more pieces than that afterward. assuming he lived, that flip was still p vicious and it smashed the driver side in vary bad


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was arrested once many years ago and reminded the cop that bypassing street lights via corner parking lots is illegal and he told me to shut up lel
pigs really dont give a fuck at all about the laws they are supposed to be enforcing, thats if they even know them at all


i'd probly tell you to shut up too tbh
nobody likes a snarky fag


as a rule of thumb they dont know them, thats a huge part of why they get so fuckin pissed off if you record them because they know if they just make something up and the vid gets shown to a judge they'll get shit on hard, meanwhile if you dont record htem then the judge will always take their word for whatever the fuck
k bootlicker


theyd ruin your life over less. gud to remind em of their privilege 1312


I will kill every jerkop here


They'll lock you up in prison for backtalking. Cops deserve the rope more than niggers.

Cop deserved it. Probably still didn't learn his lesson and blames the train.


>be in compromising position
>under the thumb of someone who loves to abuse their power
brilliant, young einsteins

anyway, cops and niggers are made for eachother
>niggers never stfu, back down, or into cause and effect
>cops LUV to instigate and escalate
they're perfect for eachother


>b fraid and never question the badge guys bcuz dey wil git you
k bootlicker. as long as you dont freak out like a chimp you can easily make most cops look like fucking retards if theyre doing something obviously wrong and believe it or not they do have to worry about looking like fucking retards because if they make the chief/commissioner/whatever look bad then their careers are going to be made a living hell. always record your interactions with them, all they can do is bluster about it if youre not actually doing anything wrong


lmfao dude you literally akshaullied the guy about some minor traffic infraction shit, that neither he, his boss, or really 99% of anyone gives a shit about
you're sounding gayer than he is RN tbqphwyrnf


>just lik let them do what they want
k bootlicker, just because you have their shoe polish all over your tongue it isn't going to make them stop fucking your ass either


>Just get a bigger ticket for backtalking
>Just get arrested because the pig is having a bad day and you gave him sass
It's not about bootlicking it's about picking and choosing your battles, teen.


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backtalk isnt a charge, bootlicker, and recording the pig keeps him from slapping made up shit on you. i swear the taste of shoes must be like cocaine, i'm glad i never licked any


Because a cop has never smacked the phone outta someone's hand, deleted it, made up charges, and then deleted the bodycam footage. You act like it's not a common occurrence.


are you the s/k/itzo from the other thread? tbh I cant tell whos real anymore


never happened to me, bootlicker. i have zero 0 no dollars or time wasted on bullshit charges and i live in an area full of faggot cops that try shit. you know who they only ever get money out of? retard chimp niggers and bootlickers
call me whatever boogeyman you want dipshit im not playing that retarded game


How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?


are you black by any chance?
because that only happens to niggers


i hate pigs prolly more than anyone here and even i know to stfu around cops. if youre doing the whole sovereign citizen thang of invoking the articles of confederation and trying to record them, this angers the piggo, and theyre gonna oink tf outta you on principal

its yes sir no sir plead the fuckin 5th sir. then they throw you in holding until they realize they cant charge you with anything. and then you get free
simple as


oh yea also vary important:
remember theyll sometimes put undercovers in holding so stfu when youre in holding even more so than around the pigs. esp if you actually did anything illegal


counterpoint: i want to see moar vids of that stuff


well i guess we'll just have tk agree to disagree about how good boots actually taste then, im not gonna stop giving the badge wearing cunts shit every time they flagrantly disregard shit they try to give everyone else tickets for


>implying you even have interactions with them


you shouldnt talk to cops
theyre big old meanie heads with donut breath and beer guts
theyre the kid that got bullied in high school but 20yrs later and with a gun
its just lik GTA you just gotta not be near them otherwise you could lose all your weapons and money and stuff


>Fierce defenders of diversity and freedom, verdan vocally opposed all forms of oppression, especially those rooted in discrimination against appearance, gender, or race.


>u dont even
lel whatever helps take your mind off the taste of shoe polish


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who amongst you would stand between a fearless spartman and cops getting harassed?


oh ye u him I can tell from that aggro af condescending post style. u gon save da white race by shit posting about how wrong everyone on a backwater image board is?


i wanna breed her


this bitch probably has deer ticks climbing all the way up to her cooter


That's a man budy.


>trying to do the webring dramanigger shit
lel nice attempt at redirecting, cuc/k/


no its not…


>just noticed how much this derailed tge thread
literally just record them they wont do shit you fags act like this is some kinda miraculous ridiculous feat when its not. the number of pigs that are willing to shit up their careers by assaulting you on camera is timy unless you're in some shithole like LA where they're just actual gang members


yah srsly dont touch those wretched cursed animals


It’s more likely than you think.


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this thread lasted a year and three days
truk & pullr.

& pullr.

TRUK & PULLR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>just slowly crossing a high speed road
man come on gun that shit and gtfo of the way


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he ded

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