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 No.1989[Last 50 Posts]

for pics and description


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>pics 1 and 2
Setting an "x" cut. In this case the X is being used as a boundary point. who ever built the new side walk pulled the old marker out
>pic 3
A total station set up. I put the control point number at the base in orange paint. orange is observed pink is property
>pic 4
Looking through the barrel of the total station. You can see the prism on the right side, that's what the laser locks on to.
>pic 5
The back sight setup, gun total station off in the distance.


cool stuff. my dad was a land surveyor before i was born and ive always liked talking to him about it. he has the same leica tripod in the garage, just much older, and a lot of other 80s and 90s equipment


please stop abusing that drill and buy an angle grinder those bearings are made for axial loads not radial ones if you don't stop i'll be forced to call the authorities


Nice! Do you have and pics of old equipment?
Call the authorities, I don't give a FUCK.


Old pics from me surveying. Will transfer some of the pics itt later.


too bad that auroch didn't gore you…
might have saved some drill bearings.


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Leica is OK, Trimble is far superior imo. Easier user interface, and the DC has way more functions and options than Leica DC's.
>first two pics
Rattle snake den under the prickly pears


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cool pics


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thx budy
>pic 1
Trimble r8 base setup. Ran opus on site today. The company I work for doesn't usually use base setups even though they are way more efficient than vrs
>pic 2
Three wire level


gud pics spudy
got any babes pics?


a lead acid battery?
in this day and age?


how much do you get paid to do this and how hard is it to get into?


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Ye, most companies have marine lead acid batteries, because they charge the base all day.
>how much do you get paid
$46k per year now, I'll be getting a raise at the end of my 60 day probation back to what I was making at the other company I worked for to $50k. That's entrance level pay scale, which I'm sure varies state to state most party chiefs make $62k - $73k per year. that doesn't include 401k, or benefits health, vision, dental, short/long term, etc You can also obtain an rpls registered professional land surveyor or an fpls federal professional land surveyor loicense, then you start making bux. I imagine the pay scale is different by region, North/South or union/nonunion, all that shit.
>how hard is it to get into
Same as anything I'd imagine, it helps to know someone. Rally depends on how much building is being done in yer area budy. Put it like this, I have no hs degree ged and 2 year tech school aviation maintenence, mostly construction back ground, I've done all kinds of stuff tho, hospitality, music gigs, security, etc and had no prior knowledge of how to survey. I grasped it faster than anyone at my old company had seen anyone grasp it, these guys were 20+ year career surveyors. as in very rairly had a job other than surveying So I rose up the ranks pretty quick. If you're not an idiot you could be running a crew in 5 years, depending. I was running crews after 8 months.
Old, abandon farm equipment in a tree line next to a field I came across the other day.


youre getting paid a little less than me but i rally want to go do more outdoors stuff instead of standing at a bench welding shit all day. though yah like you said region does play a part, i make like ~$52k/year right now without counting overtime and im just barely middle class where i live but i can go one state over and live like a fuckin king at the same salary but i dont wanna move
>it helps to know someone
what if idk any surveyors? guess i could ask my brother he does siding work on new construction so hes gotta have some contacts
>Rally depends on how much building is being done in yer area budy
thankfully there has been nonstop building in my area (or close enough at least) for like 2 decades and it doesnt seem to show any signs of stopping even with this shit ass economy. one town out here i lived in for awhile went from a mostly forested place people just passed through to get to the city to big ass suburb/shopping district and theyre still making condos and expanding neighborhoods
>all that other shit
i dont typically have a hard time grasping most things especially math because i enjoy it so im not worried too much about that. what does having a crew entail tho? do you have to micromanage some fuckers or do you just delegate some shit and they run off to do what they do? i'd gladly attempt to lead a team but if i gotta breathe down someones neck i'll wind up starting a fight through sheer autism because like any sperg im obsessed with my standards


>what if idk any surveyors
Walking into the office with a resume in hand is a big thing. They are still mostly old school, meet irl, hand shake kinda people. Ask to talk to the field coordinator.
>non stop building
That's good, try not to get stuck on a construction crew, unless you want to be on new build sites all fucking day listening to bullshit foreman trying to weasle more work out of you. I like topographical surveys because you're inna woods all day. Lots of cool stuff out there.
>what does having a crew entail tho? do you have to micromanage some fuckers or do you just delegate some shit and they run off to do what they do?
You're responsible for what the crew does if you're a party chief. i.e. you tell your iman instrument operator to do xyz task and he fucks up its your fault. In theory you'll be with the crew all day, so they will be following your lead. In a perfect world your iman and rodman will have an idea of what to do, so you won't have to follow them around all day. Some companies only have 2 man crews, some 3 depends on the instruments and equipment they have


>Walking into the office with a resume in hand is a big thing. They are still mostly old school, meet irl, hand shake kinda people. Ask to talk to the field coordinator.
looked around and the closest surveyor office is like an hour away fug. i'll keep this in mind tho ive never been turned down for a job after being interviewed by people like that
>try not to get stuck on a construction crew, unless you want to be on new build sites all fucking day listening to bullshit foreman trying to weasle more work out of you
i dont mind that so much because im not afraid to tell someone to eat shit (politely ofc) when i think theyre trying to steal my time
>I like topographical surveys because you're inna woods all day. Lots of cool stuff out there
this is what i rally wanna do idc if i had to take a slight pay cut at first
>2 or 3 man crews
i can manage that its when i gotta keep track of like 8+ bozos that problems arise. is there always a crew or are there topographical surveyors that work alone? im guessing thered be safety reasons for having at least 2 people in that situation


> is there always a crew or are there topographical surveyors that work alone? im guessing thered be safety reasons for having at least 2 people in that situation
If you're doing topos, there should be at least 2 people. Yes it's for safety reasons. The terrain can be treacherous, cliffs, bluffs, thick woods and of course wild life. Idk what region you live in, where I am there are bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, wild boar, rattle snakes, some gators several types of venomous sneks tbh. So imagine where dudder lives, there's fucking panthers, bears, pythons, alligators, all manner of bullshit. In the northwest, grizzlies, etc. I mean even deer or elk can fugg you up p gud if they wanted. Some places are OK with you carrying a piece protecting yourself beyond a machete. All in all an encounter with wild life usually ends well for everyone. As for the rest of whT you said, sounds like you're the guy for the job. If you find yourself around a construction site not full of mexicans ask someone. Usually some body can point you towards the surveyors, or can tell you the company name at least. Good luck bud.


>not full of mexicans
is this where the worker exploitation happens or…?


It's where everything happens


im slightly too far north for gators but yah we got all that other shit too i was thinking about shit like rattlesnake bites when i mentioned safety. im a little ways away from mountains but theres still plenty of hidden ravines and shit everywhere in the woods
>not full of mexicans
a needle in a haystack situation here unfortunately but like i said my bro might know someone even if he uses spics himself
its certainly where out of square framing and poorly slapped together roofing happens


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Get a pair of these guards for snek. Don't skimp out, get a good pair. They are well worth the money, plus have the added benefit of keeping brush, chiggers, and hitch hiker burrs off your lower legs. Only draw back I've encountered is, they get your legs p fuggin sweaty because they can get real hot in the summer.


idgaf about sweat no more welding in a 100+ degree shop has made me immune to physical discomforts but not the incredible monotonous boredom
god i want to leave this FUCKING JOB i shoulda gotten into tig welding when i had the chance that shit is way less gay than what im doing now. pays more too but now im done with all welding fuck it im talking to my brother asap to see if he knows any surveyors looking for help
i think i'll get a set of those just for weed h'wackin my lawn those little cunts get me even if I'm wearing jeans


just come to the west coast and work with me at the shipyard
we dont pay our welders great but theres a lot of variety- and we train our welders in house
we've got some pretty talented guys. 20 pass fillet weld sorta stuff that come out looking great
does get pretty dirty tho. also all the burned marine paint has got to be cancer inducing, i reckon


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>west coast
Stopped reading there.
<pic related


lolno dude they pay welders fuckin phenomenally on my coast so even if i wanted to stick with this shit id just move a couple hours towards the ocean.
though like i said i dont wanna move, i got my current house right before interest rates skyrocketed and im not planning on buying/renting another one when my mortgage is like a quarter of the average rent price right now. im like the only one i know thats still able to save money without having to slash a whole bunch of luxuries because of this
plus i do NOT typically get along with people from the west coast, maybe youre cool idk but holy fuck so many west coast people ive encountered had a smug faggot aura about them that made me grit my teeth like nothing else


>smug faggot aura
ya i agree.
we'd probly get along fine. everyone here has a pretty similiar sense of humor
i worked with a fresh out of school guy from Bend, Oregon and i wanted to strangle that faggot because he just exuded smug elitist overconfidence
then he got cucked by his gf after she started fucking like 5 other guys at her startup that were carbon copies of him and he quit lel


>convincing you to move to the west coast the post
theres enough fags over there for you to get your rocks off with already. dont try to swindle people into moving there to participate in your faggotry you double nigger


well im sure theres people id get along with in sweden too but im not about to ignore the fact its full of faggots and niggers
>got cucked by multiple other smug bitchbois
lel indeed hopefully that was a rough enough wake up call that it humbled him a bit and hes less of a faggot now sometimes those types do learn


tell me what to do again and i'll rape you bitch
>hopefully that was a rough enough wake up call that it humbled him a bit
doubt it tbh


>I'll rape you
Proof you're an aids ridden turbo faggot from the west coast. When will the big one come and sink you faggots into the ocean?


your body, MY choice.


well then itll just keep happening until he wises up
idk what happens to people like that that prevents them from learning from experience. like >we're all more or less brainwashed in the same way from kindergarten all the way to graduation (college or high school) in this country so its not like they undergo some unique form of mental abuse in school. must be higher concentrations of something in the air/water in certain areas that produces that sort of behavior like frogs turning gay type shit


Unironically, gen A and Z are completely mindbroken
very few of them will be breaking the conditioning. Like bezmenov said, there's a fundamental difference on how they see reality


theyre gonna hit the drugs really hard. america is spiritually dead even in (especially in) small communities, kids are bored and theres nothing bigger to latch on to. meth/fent are real cheap nowadays and keeps getting cheaper. govt doesnt to anything to fix the problem just hands junkies welfare and opens up a couple methadone clinics. in a way im glad i dont have kids cuz shit is fucked and keeps getting worse.


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This is something you might find yourself doing if you do construction. It's called __monitoring__. Basically you check a bunch of mag nails you've set to make sure their elevation and horizontal distances are with in tolerances they shouldn't move more that a few thousandths, our tolerance is a total of two hundreths, if the points deviate too far it means the ground is sinking and the hole will cave in. You check manholes and water valves too. Anything that's a permanent fixture surrounding the site.


can i check female holes tho


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Found pic related on the side of the highway today, it buzzed and made some other noises when i pressed the power button. Im guessing it needs to be charged, the sim card is in it too :D :D :D Just an example of the many things one might find surveying. the last time I found electronics it was an Apple Air book or w/e that faggy apple shit is. homedude gave me 100 bux for returning it to him


so are you walking in circles dragging that stuff around with you or do you have multiple stations set up at the beginning of the day and just walk between them checking the numbers?
more like homodude i hope you rubbed your greasy workballs on it


File: 1694724032560.mp4 (64.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20230914_144533.mp4)

I was checkin yer moms hole at lunch.
>vid related
For this project we have two set ups, so we only need to set the gun and back sight up twice for the whole site. Basically, yes, I am walking circles with the prism and data collector, because that's how my party chief does things. inefficiently imo tbh when I'm running a crew, etc, I don't pass anything. I don't like to walk more then I have to, thats not how you time management. that's how you walk around all fucking day for no goddamn reason when it's murder hot sweating your ass off instead of knocking some stuff out, taking a long break, repeat


explain >>2117 spigga mom's hole to the class like im dudder


>the hole im in is vast
>just like >>2117 moms hole
>which im about to get all up in with an eggplant after lunch


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Some crystals and a lizard I found before lunch.


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Establishing right of way for the interstate so they can build a gas pipeline.
>pic 1
row monument and marker
>pics 2,3,4 and 5
Painted gas line markers 4 is in a creek bed


dream fuckn job spro


is austin as much of a fag shithole as everyone says it is


Yes and no. It's certainly not weird anymore. Everything these ironic mustache having faggots came here to see and experience has either long since died, or has been systematically eradicated by those same nigger faggots who wanted to experience it in the first place. Then they fag the place up with the same shitty politics and niggardry despite being crackers that caused them to flee what ever shit hole they left from to begin with. They've made the cost of rent so fucking high I can't realistically afford a house, and I make 50k/year base hourly. not including ot there hasn't been a swim-able amount of water in the green belt in almost 3 years. I mean who would have thought? The city is built on a fucking aquifer, and when I concrete foundation the whole place up for trustafarians so they can spend daddy's money on over priced housing 1400/month is the lowest you can find for a 650 sq ft apt here in a sketched out neighborhood full of bums, junkies, and wanna be ghetto mother fuckers the rain which is minimal at best has no where to go ex eot into the storm drains, rather than refill the aquifer. Now that double nigger musk wants to put his stupid fucking magnet train or what-ever-the-fuck it is underground. Hummm let's see, bore into a limestone stone aquifer under a city which is known for flash floods when it rains, ? Profit, what could possibly go wrong amirite? I guess I'm not really making it look all that good huh? There's still some really good people here, though few far and in-between. og austinites the only austinites who like what this city has turned into were too retarded,or rich to give a fuck to begin with, so naturally they can't be bothered now, except when someone calls them on their unwarranted self importance. which does not happen __nearly__ as much as it needs to I've only lived here for 10 years inb4 cali and the city is unrecognizable to me sometimes. There are a very few original venues left, that still host local musicians. However any bird brain with a guitar and an over priced apartment on riverside who's lived here for 1 year thinks they are a fucking local the joke when I moved here was: "10 years, 1 of which was spent in prison and these fucks think they are a texan!" I'll just stop there for now.

Tl;dr austin is an over priced hellhole with a parking lot of a freeway which causes aneurysm inducing traffic across the city because they never learned how to infrastructure until it was too late. There are still some cool things, you really have to want to find them though.


why did you go to prison


I didn't, I could have typed that better.
It was a joke among austinites up until about 2017 that, "anyone who's done a year in the pen and lived in Texas for 10 years thinks they are one of us now".
Currently and vapid cunt, or soy-brained faggot who lives here for a year and has been to 6th street and broken spoke thinks they are "such an austinite, like its so totally cool here" even though they fail to grasp they are the ones ruining everything they wanted to be a part of here.


File: 1707325109853.mp4 (79.72 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20240207_090228.mp4)

I recently started working again, I'd been laid off.
>vid related
Using the scanner. It works like a total station, except it shoots hunnids of 1000's of points to locate what ever you're shooting, creating a 3d rendering.


File: 1707325227324.mp4 (65.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20240207_090602.mp4)

This vid is what I located from previous vid >>2216 as viewed on the data collector.


File: 1709227500371-0.jpg (6.54 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, 20240229_104238.jpg)

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In a creek today. Found some fossils, and a few imprints.
>pics related


youre supposed to get your frens together and beat people like that up until they shut up or leave


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I wish it was still old austin :P
In other news:
>setting mobile mapping targets
This I'm really not sure of the majik behind.
<my understanding
>car has fancy scanner
>scans the road ways, easement, etc
>based off our control 3d maps the whole thing
>mfw I surveyed myself out of a job in 5 years


always wondered what those looked like
some yahoo tried having me run some numbers to 1/16th of an inch off one
you still got work in budy?


Ye I'm still working. I got in with a new company as a crew party chief. Pretty nice, take home truck and 55k/year roughly im hourly though so that fluctuates.


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Out of town working inna desert. These pics don't do it much justice, irl is way better. Hoping to find one of those mountain goat skulls tho, we are checking secondary control points to ensure reliability for an up coming highway project. When I find a rattle snake, I'll try to get a good photo of it in the strike pose


fuckn lol'd @ side view mirror warning
nice pics budy


Goddamnit I'm losing my touch…might as well post n00dz and dox now >:(((((
I'll post some turtles I helped cross the highway as soon as I get back to civilization.


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Two turtles I helped across the road last week and some longhorns


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Another couple of turtles I helped across the road. Small one is a box turtle.


>turtle helper
gud man you will go to heaven


cool ass job budy


File: 1720534326053.jpeg (1.84 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1197.jpeg)

Setting mobile lidar targets on the side of the highway this week. Mexico is 2 miles down the road and I left my passport at home >:(((


File: 1720711599301.jpeg (3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1218.jpeg)

Double niggers painted the targets in the fucking road
Can’t upload vids I’ll have to reformat them on the comp when I get home


>mobile lidar
wut surveying budy?
do you have to just dodge traffic when they paint in the middle or do you get a stop sign leaner?


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Surveying about a 15 mile stretch of highway that’s getting extra lanes. We are in between the boarder and a check point. The highway is getting extra lanes added I believe.
>dodge traffic
Yeah basically playing frogger for 3 minute intervals. Each target has a mag nail at the apex of the chevron that needs 4 3 minute location epochs. tbh you can reduce that to 2 30 second shots and average but our tech is stuck in the past. Pretty amazing we got him to let us set up a base station we should have floggers, crash trucks, etc I guess the client was too cheep to pay for them. We have some signs, vests, and the lights on the truck wew such safe amirite? the simple is these Mexican trukrs dgaf for the most part and drive like savages. Wouldn’t be that big a deal if the guy who put the targets down wasn’t a fucking retard and put them further off the shoulder like he’s ’posed to do and not in the lane.
Lotsa hipitty hoppers out there. Found a monument from 1936 too
>pics related


how out of the way is that monument? i love it when im walking in random spots where no one else usually goes and i come across shit like that


>how out of the way is the monument
Honestly it’s about 15 feet or so off the edge of pavement in the row I’ll see if I can get a better pic I’m back on this god forsaken road again this week we have a 6 mile level loop to run >:((((((
>random spots
What kind of monuments have you found? I haven’t come across too many out of the way like that, it sounds pretty cool


i'm in VA so it's mostly civil war and revolutionary war plaques. they'll be hidden off the sides of random backroads that no one except a handful of local residents will use so they'll frequently be hidden by vines and other growth because no one maintains those. they're all over the state, but from what i've seen they're more concentrated towards the eastern half. idk as much about the civil war as i should i guess there were a shitton of battles here


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>pic related
That’s pretty badass, do you ever think to clean them up, or would niggers and woketards come destroy them? Tbh I’m surprised no one had really fucked with these, although survey markers are a lil diffo


if theres shit blocking the plaques that i can clear with my hands i will otherwise no
>or would niggers and woketards come destroy them?
one thing i noticed is woketards and niggers only violated monuments within specific cities and didnt touch shit outside of them. theres a park straight up called "stonewall jackson shrine" (its where he died i think) that has a big ass sign advertising it on the interstate and there's also stratford hall (robert e lee's birthplace) out in the countryside and neither one of those were touched afaik, so all the smaller parks are probably completely unknown to the faggots.
its almost like the niggers only fucked shit up where they could loot and didn't actually care about anything the woketards were crying about


none of the roadside monuments are ever bothered btw i went on a tangent about parks like a schizo


>its almost like the niggers only fucked shit up where they could loot and didn't actually care about anything the woketards were crying about
Hummmmmm……by job I think you’re on to something


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Found a geodetic monument in the town square of a small town off the highway we are setting right of way monuments on. Got a badass deal on a used belt sander too! $135


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>pics related
The ROW monuments we are staking out and setting. Currently walking to the town square again. I’m liking the scenery, maybe post pix if I win. There’s a painting thing I’m going to check out at a vintage store across from the main square.


ya once you get in the sticks in VA they really don't give a fuck
was driving up around richmond and there was a hugeass dixie flag hanging from a tree on some guy's property right by the highway, wonder how many seething lefties that created


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>pic one
Finished row mon punch hole is where coordinates 0.0 out at technically 0.007 S and 0.018 W
>other pix
Stuff from my walk about. Working an angle at the shake shop. Will update this coming week


i think i know the house you're talking about they're not even that far outside of richmond. it's the one you can see from 295 right? i wonder how much that flag cost because it's gotta be at least 30 feet long


whats in the jar?


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this was over a year ago and i haven't been up there since. it was either between richmond and williamsburg or heading west once you went around richmond. if you spend enough time on google maps or watch one of those road trip youtubers where it's just dashcam footage you could probably find it


Local honey I got for 20 bux.


so yeah it was probably the house i'm thinking of right off the interstate. i haven't been out that way in awhile either i hope that shit's still flying fuck the northern out of state cocksuckers and fuck niggers
actual fresh honey straight from the hive? hell yeah that's the only kind you should ever bother with


> actual fresh honey straight from the hive?
It tastes flowery and very sweet. I bought 2 small jars, and 2 jars with honey comb in them for some friends. An update, the girl at the shake shop I’ve been talking to and I should be going out this coming week. I’m not holding my breath, still in a town of 2300 people what else is there to do. Oh yeah bought a 5.7 at the gun store on the town square for 900 bux brand new w/ 3 mags and the case post pix of everything soon.


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Here’s my Five-seveN, and some site sketches. Didn’t do bad with the girls in town, not as well as I wanted to though. I like this place quite a bit, I’m trying to convince my friend to open a bar here. The thing is, you can’t have a bar with in one mile of a church. Apparently they don’t care about the school zones, but the partitioners….


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One more sketch and notes about the monuments and tolerances.


gud notes. not even joking idk what it is but it satisfies my autism when i see organized notes and sketches
the 5.7 looks neat, but what's so special about that round and why is every gun that uses it so fuckin expensive? $900 isn't a bad price for something that shoots 5.7 ime, the handful i've seen at gun stores in my state were all like $1100+


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how long do you they make you take drafting for? rock solid
gz on the f&n too. hows it shoot compared to 9mm?
better penetration, can punch IIIA in a handfun


vary interesting, the price tag doesn't seem so bad now


theyre sick, babby riflels
was going to buy one until i found out they make these. p close & already had 10mm


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Went to the county history museum before I left today, didn’t have much time but here’s some interesting photos. Would make a day trip back. AMA the history museum


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sick drip
whats this conch lookin thang? if u blow it does it flip the magnetic poles?


i've been wanting a 10mm for awhile too but i only ever see glocks chambered for it and i don't like glocks. don't really wanna order anything online because i like to hold a gun before i buy it, but i may have to for a 10mm. however there's a couple shops i know of that have 5.7 pistols that i can go and fingerfuck before i buy
yeah what's with the conch shell?
it summons the four horsemen to come pick you up to go get some drinks at the beach


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ye best thing to come out of glocks is p80s imo. their long slide 10mm looks fucking retarded too
if u order online, fwiw i went 1911 for the yims and its the most comfy fun i own. pearce rubber grip & whatever plates. 10mm out of full steel body is a snack


what manufacturer did you go with? i looked up 10mm 1911s and the price range is from like $500 on the lower end to almost $2k on the higher end. i'm probably not getting some RIA piece of shit (i have one of their revolvers and it sucks bad, the sights aren't aligned properly at all), but i don't wanna sink too much more than $1k into a pistol either


springfield, paid 1k. about 1000 rounds through it w/zero issues
looks lik they stopped making the underrail model in 10mm which is dumb

no rail ronins are $917 msrp https://www.springfield-armory.com/1911-series-handguns/1911-ronin-handguns/1911-ronin-10mm-handgun/


are they still backstabbing traitors that shill for gun laws? i stopped fucking with them years ago because of that


full turn around to my knowledge
right after that bs when Dicks stopped carrying semi auto, Springfield told em to jam it up their ass. gud enough for my mcbucks on a 1911


It’s for summoning the four horsemen to pick you up for drinks at the beach and flipping the magnetic poles announcing the start of meetings.


i guess i'll look through their shit again but tbh i don't put much faith in words from a company that's retarded enough to try and fuck over gun owners just so they can maybe run some competition out of town. they'd have to get the NFA repealed to make up for that shit.
i do like the look of that ronin tho, think i'll treat myself to that for my birthday this year


badass way to start meetings. gotta get one for zoom meetings and letting the woman know i'm starting to poop
thats the correct approach. i cant keep up with all the dickheads that need boycotting tbh and almost impossible to find gud quality under 2k
hope she treats you well, those civil defense rounds are worth scoping if youre gonna city or nightstand it. 2300+ fps fast af boy


>notice hi-point sells a 10mm ghetto blaster
>am now torn between saving up for the nice looking ronin or purchasing the ugly hi-point now for the novelty of having a hi-point
only reason i never got a hi-point was because i already have multiple 9mm and fuddy fahvs. maybe i'll just get both


anyone here ever handled anything made by "italian firearms group"? this caught my eye while i was narrowing down my choices for a 10mm:



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nope. hear the higher end ones are gud and i've never held a badly ergo'd wopfun. the diff between poly and steel frame in a cm is def worth upgrading for imo. the natural reset after bark is divinity itself
dig the looks on that 2nd one a lot
t px4 respecter


yeh i really like the second one too, and it holds more per magazine than the ronin would. really considering it now, but >polymer is still making me hesitant. i would like a nice sturdy steel frame too
decisions decisions


ive run a G40 and its not deal breaking. but if you do eventually go steel you wont wanna go back
mag cap is a big point tho. what about some of those other IFGs?
i lik cz looks and may get one now. from what i'm reading so far may need a trigger job, apparently p sloppy but thats ez


oh i've got a couple steel framed handguns and they're mostly a fuckin dream to shoot
>other ifgs
i like the looks of them but i'm trying to keep it below $1k for now
i've got a cz75 and i love it, though the slide is narrow and that takes some getting used to if you've got meaty fingers. wdym by it needs a trigger job?


oh also i don't like glocks i really fuckin hate how they feel in my hands so that's why i haven't gone for one. idk why they're so uncomfortable for me to hold it's not like they're that different from other guns


either new spring or assembly. not sure who makes what for em
again just repeating shit i read no personal exp: reset is a lot, spongy wall, and their DA is long. i'm picky af about triggers tho and may not be bad irl
not glock fan either, grip angle makes the sight pic on my natural presentation off. always feel like i'm pointing way off target


oh ok. maybe i just got lucky but i've had zero issues with mine. i'm also not super picky either, as long as it isn't ridiculously light or revolver trigger heavy then i can deal with it. still think it's worth it though it's easily the most comfy gun to shoot that i own


oh i say oh too much


was peepin into dem ifg's budy


fuck it i'm gonna order that compact ifg, if i like 10mm i'll get a 10mm hi point too


of hapy laber day surveybro


thx budy smoked ribs and brisket what about yous guise? hope yall had a good one


>went to go buy the compact
>out of stock
guess i'll just get a hi point then lel. had my eye on one of those mossberg shockwaves at the store i was gonna have it shipped to so may as well grab that too since hi points are only like $200 after all the fees and shit


got muh hi point 10mm nuclear artillery
fuckin thing is heavy as shit for a handgun, but as a result the recoil is way easy to manage. i only put 50 rounds through it today, a couple didn't cycle properly and i thought it was the gun at first but i looked more closely at the rounds themselves and a couple looked like they had little dents in them near the primer. i did get the cheapest ammo at the store though so i'm not surprised somenof them are faulty. they were tearing some decent chunks out of the stumps i was shooting at though, definitely hits way harder than 9mm that's for damn sure
no regrets for this purchase but i'm still mildly upset i took to long to get that ifg compact

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